04:49 | 09/09/2024

According to Decision 5283/QD-BCA of 2024, what are details of new administrative procedures related to immigration management in Vietnam?

According to Decision 5283/QD-BCA of 2024, what are details of new administrative procedures related to immigration management in Vietnam?

According to Decision 5283/QD-BCA of 2024, what are details of new administrative procedures related to immigration management in Vietnam?

On July 18, 2024, the Minister of Public Security issued Decision 5283/QD-BCA to announce new and amended administrative procedures related to immigration management under the authority of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam.

Enclosed with Decision 5283/QD-BCA are 4 new administrative procedures and 9 amended and supplemented administrative procedures related immigration management under the authority of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam (including a specific list, content of each administrative procedure, and forms as dossier components for carrying out the administrative procedures).

Decision 5283/QD-BCA takes effect in Vietnam from August 9, 2024.

Official Decision 5283/QD-BCA of 2024 regarding new administrative procedures in the field of immigration management?

According to Decision 5283/QD-BCA of 2024, what are details of new administrative procedures related to immigration management in Vietnam? (Internet image)

What are procedures for confirming and providing information related to the immigration of Vietnamese citizens at the Central level?

According to Section 1 Part A of Decision 5283/QD-BCA, the procedures for confirming and providing information related to the immigration of Vietnamese citizens at the Central level are as follows:

- Implementation process:

Step 1: Prepare the dossier as prescribed by law.

Step 2: Submit the dossier

- Vietnamese citizens who request to provide or confirm their information in the National Database on Immigration can directly submit or send their request to one of the two working headquarters of the Department of Immigration Management - Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam:

+ 44-46 Tran Phu Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi City.

+ 333-335-337 Nguyen Trai Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

Or perform it electronically at the National Public Service Portal or the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam.

Persons who are incapacitated, those with cognitive and behavioral difficulties as per the Civil Code, and those under 14 years old must have their application filled and signed by their legal representative.

- Immigration management officers will receive and check the legality and content of the dossier:

+ If the dossier is complete and valid, a receipt for the result will be issued, or the system of the Public Service Portal will notify by SMS or email about the receipt of the dossier.

+ If the dossier is incomplete or invalid, the officer will provide guidance, or the system of the Public Service Portal will notify by SMS or email for the applicant to complete the dossier as required.

+ If the dossier does not meet the conditions, it will not be accepted, and a written response or notification on the Public Service Portal will be provided, stating the reasons.

- Dossier submission time: from Monday to Saturday morning every week (except for holidays and national holidays).

Step 3: Receive results

+ The requester can directly receive the written response at the Department of Immigration Management or through postal services or the Public Service Portal system.

+ Result reception time: from Monday to Friday every week (except for holidays and national holidays).

- Method of implementation:

+ Direct: submit the dossier directly at the headquarters of the Department of Immigration Management.

+ Online: submit the dossier online via the National Public Service Portal or the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam.

+ Postal service: send the dossier via public postal services to the Department of Immigration Management.

- Processing time: 5 working days from the date of receipt of the complete dossier as prescribed.

- Fees and charges: None.

- Requirements and conditions for carrying out the administrative procedure: Vietnamese citizens request to provide or confirm their information in the National Database on Immigration to ensure their legal rights and interests.

What are the components and quantity of dossier related to the immigration of Vietnamese citizens at the Central level?

According to Section 1 Part A of Decision 5283/QD-BCA, the components of the dossier related to the immigration of Vietnamese citizens at the Central level include:

(1) Dossier components

- The request form for confirmation and information provision form M03a issued with Decree 67/2024/ND-CP dated June 25, 2024, of the Government of Vietnam.

- In cases of incapacitated persons, those with cognitive and behavioral difficulties as per the Civil Code, and those under 14 years old, the legal representative must fill in and sign the request form and submit a copy of the document issued by a competent Vietnamese authority proving their legal representation; if a copy is not available, a photocopy must be attached, and the original presented for verification and comparison.

(2) Number of dossiers: 1 (one) set.


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