09:48 | 06/01/2023

What are the policies on scholarships and grants for equipment and school supplies of disabled people in Vietnam?

What are the policies on scholarships and grants for equipment and school supplies of disabled people in Vietnam?

What are the policies on scholarships and grants for equipment and school supplies of disabled people in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 7 of Joint Circular 42/2013/TTLT-BGDDT-BLDTBXH-BTC of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Policies on scholarships and grants for equipment and school supplies
1. Disabled people in poor households or near poor households who enter educational institutions shall gain scholarships equivalent to 80% of basis salary prescribed in regulations of the Government every month.
Disabled people benefiting from policies who are studying at higher education institutions or professional secondary schools shall be awarded scholarships for 10 months per year; disabled people benefiting from policies who are studying at preschool education institutions, secondary education institutions, continuing education centers, segregated schools, centers providing mainstream education shall be awarded scholarships for 9 months per year.
These policies shall not apply to disabled people eligible for policies prescribed in Decision No. 152/2007/QĐ-TTg dated September 14, 2007 of the Prime Minister.
2. Disabled people in poor households or near poor households who are studying at educational institutions and eligible for funding for school supplies or equipment shall be received VND 1,000,000/person/year.
Disabled people benefiting different policies on grants for school supplies or equipment shall only benefit the best grant.
3. Public educational institutions having students who are disabled people shall be granted funding for learning materials and school supplies for disabled people ensure that it is kept to the minimum.

Thus, the policy of scholarships and funding for learning materials and school supplies of people with disabilities is regulated as follows:

For scholarship policy:

- Disabled people in poor households or near poor households who enter educational institutions shall gain scholarships equivalent to 80% of basis salary.

- Disabled people benefiting from policies who are studying at higher education institutions or professional secondary schools shall be awarded scholarships for 10 months per year.

- Disabled people benefiting from policies who are studying at preschool education institutions, secondary education institutions, continuing education centers, segregated schools, centers providing mainstream education shall be awarded scholarships for 9 months per year.

For the policy of funding for learning materials and school supplies:

- Disabled people in poor households or near poor households who are studying at educational institutions and eligible for funding for school supplies or equipment shall be received VND 1,000,000/person/year.

Note: Disabled people benefiting different policies on grants for school supplies or equipment shall only benefit the best grant.

What are the policies on scholarships and grants for equipment and school supplies of disabled people in Vietnam?

What are the policies on scholarships and grants for equipment and school supplies of disabled people in Vietnam?

What are the procedures, dossiers and methods of payment of scholarships and grants for equipment and school supplies provided for disabled people?

Pursuant to Article 8 of Joint Circular 42/2013/TTLT-BGDDT-BLDTBXH-BTC of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Regarding disabled people studying at public educational institutions
a) Dossiers and procedures:
Within 30 working days from the start date of the school year, the headmaster of an educational institution shall inform disabled people studying at that educational institution (or their parents or guardians) of policies for disabled people and require them to submit a dossier, including:
- A certificate of disabilities issued by the competent agency as prescribed in regulations of law (notarized true copy);
- A certificate of poor household or near poor household issued by the People’s Committee of commune, ward or town (notarized true copy).
According to Clause 1 and Clause 2 Article 7 of this Joint Circular, the Headmaster of the public educational institution shall carry out inspection, collate and take responsibility for the accuracy of the dossier, synthesize, prepare list and budget estimates to report to its superior agency for consideration and approval, and then the superior agency shall request the financial authority to approve such funding.
b) Methods of payment
Funding for implementation of policies on scholarships and equipment and supplies grants provided for disabled people studying at public educational institutions shall be allocated by annual budget estimates. According to the approved budget estimates of education, the educational institution shall manage the funding, give scholarships and supportive budget for purchase of school supplies or equipment for disabled people as prescribed in Clause 1 and Clause 2 Article 7 of this Joint Circular;
The budget estimates for policies on scholarships and disabled equipment and supplies grants shall be allocated concurrently with the annual state budget estimates, in which the budget estimate allocated to public educational institutions for policies on scholarships and grants for equipment and supplies provided for disabled people studying at such public educational institutions must be clarified.
When allocating budget estimates to implement policies on scholarships and disabled equipment and supplies grants, the public educational institution shall send an application for payment of scholarships and disabled equipment and supplies grants (containing: full names of disabled people, amounts of scholarships, amounts of support for supplies and total funding enclosed with documents (copies) on confirmation of entities as prescribed in Point a Clause 1 of this Article).
c) Scholarships and disabled equipment and supplies grants shall be offered twice a year: the first time is in September, October or November; the second time is in March, April or May. It must ensure the learning progress of disabled people. If a disabled person has not benefited from policies as prescribed in regulations on schedule, he/she shall be back paid in the succeeding period.

Thus, the procedures, dossiers and methods of payment of scholarships and grants for equipment and school supplies provided for disabled people are implemented as prescribed above.

What are the cases of cutting of scholarships and grants for equipment and school supplies?

Pursuant to Article 9 of Joint Circular 42/2013/TTLT-BGDDT-BLDTBXH-BTC of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Cutting of scholarships and grants for equipment and school supplies
1. If a disabled person drops out or is dismissed from school shall be cut scholarships and disabled equipment and supplies grants from the date on which he/she drops out or is dismissed from school.
If a disabled person awards scholarships and disabled equipment and supplies grants before dropping out or being dismissed from school, he/she is required to make a refund of received amounts to the agency in charge from the date on which he/she drops out or is dismissed from school.
2. The public educational institution where the disabled person drops out or is dismissed from school must send notification to its superior agency; the non-public educational institution where the disabled person drops out or is dismissed from school must send notification to the Committee division of education and training, Committee division of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Services of Education and Training within 15 working days from the date on which the disabled person drops out or is dismissed from school to cut the scholarships and disabled equipment and supplies grants.

Thus, if a disabled person drops out or is dismissed from school shall be cut scholarships and disabled equipment and supplies grants from the date on which he/she drops out or is dismissed from school.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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