What are the regulations on salary increase for drivers of ambulances for hospitals in Vietnam? What are the obligations of drivers of ambulances for hospitals after entering into employment contracts?

What are the regulations on salary increase for drivers of ambulances for hospitals in Vietnam? T.B.A - Quy Nhon

What are the regimes and policies for drivers of ambulances for hospitals in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 4 of Decree 111/2022/ND-CP regulating contract implementation work.

Works for executing contracts
1. Administrative support positions in administrative bodies and PSPs that are under management and regulations of labor law, civil law and other relative laws include:
a) Drivers, security guards, except cases prescribed in clause 2 of this Article;
b) Receptionists, staffs; housekeepers; security vehicle patrol officers; maintenance and operations staffs of headquarters, equipment and machinery serving operations of agencies, organizations and units;
c) Other administrative support positions which are specified in the list of administrative support positions in administrative bodies and PSPs and are not identified as officials and public employees as prescribed by law.
2. Administrative support positions in administrative bodies that are under management and regulations similar to officials include:
a) Security guards at agencies and units: Central Office of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Office of the President, Office of the National Assembly, Office of the Government; Vaults or archives of money-equivalent prints of the State Bank of Vietnam, State Treasury, archives of tax prints, archives of customs prints;
b) Drivers of Ministers or positions and titles equivalent to Ministers or higher positions; drivers of cash transport vehicles of the State Bank of Vietnam and State Treasury;
c) Other administrative support positions at central crucial agencies and secret services according to decisions of heads of competent authorities.
3. Professional positions specified in the list of job titles of specialists and generalists in PSPs.

Thus, according to the above regulations, ambulance drivers for public hospitals (Point a, Clause 1, Article 4 of Decree 111/2022/ND-CP will apply the regimes and policies according to the provisions of labor law. civil law and other relevant legal provisions.

Salary increase for drivers of ambulances in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

What are the regulations on salary increase for drivers of ambulances in Vietnam?

Clause 2, Article 8 of Decree 111/2022/ND-CP stipulates the rights of employees as follows:

Standards, requirements, rights and obligations of parties of contracts for holding administrative support positions
2. Rights of employees
a) Employees holding administrative support positions prescribed in Clause 1 Article 4 of this Decree shall be entitled to salaries and other benefits as agreed upon in employment contracts. Salaries prescribed in employment contracts shall be applied in two forms: salary levels are applied according to salary agreements in conformity with labor law or salary levels are applied according to pay grades of officials and public employees within budgets of agencies, organizations and units. If pay grades officials and public employees are applied as prescribed in salary agreements, allowances (if any) in their salaries; salary increments and other benefits of officials and public employees shall also be applied;
b) In case of resignment of employees prescribed in Clause 2 Article 4 of this Decree who are not on payrolls of competent authorities and are entitled to the benefits prescribed in Section II Chapter II of the Law on Officials in 2008 and other laws on benefits and policies for officials, they shall not be entitled to the benefits prescribed in this Point and shall work under employment contracts as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 4 of this Decree if they still wish to hold administrative support positions. Recruitment, evaluation, planning, appointment and other contents related to official tasks shall comply with regulations of heads of managing authorities;
c) Employees holding positions prescribed in Clause 1 and Clause 2 Article 4 of this Decree shall be entitled to other rights as prescribed by labor law, except for other agreements.

Accordingly, employees holding administrative support positions prescribed in Clause 1 Article 4 of Decree 111/2022/ND-CP shall be entitled to salaries and other benefits as agreed upon in employment contracts.

Salaries prescribed in employment contracts shall be applied in two forms:

- salary levels are applied according to salary agreements in conformity with labor law

- or salary levels are applied according to pay grades of officials and public employees within budgets of agencies, organizations and units. If pay grades officials and public employees are applied as prescribed in salary agreements, allowances (if any) in their salaries; salary increments and other benefits of officials and public employees shall also be applied

Thus, whether or not a regular salary increase for ambulance drivers will depend on the arrangements agreed upon in the labor contract. In case of agreement to apply salaries according to the salary table of civil servants and public employees, the salary increase regime will be implemented as civil servants and public employees.

What are the obligations of drivers of ambulances for hospitals after entering into employment contracts in Vietnam?

Clause 3, Article 8 of Decree 111/2022/ND-CP stipulates the obligations of drivers of ambulances for hospitals after entering into employment contracts including:

- Perform tasks as agreed on in employment contracts and other tasks assigned by competent authorities;

- Comply with rules, regulations and charters of agencies, organizations and units;

- Abide by decisions of competent managing authorities.


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