Celebrating National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam (October 10) 2022: State Bank promotions for consumers to use digital banking services?

I heard that in order to celebrate the National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam, which was just issued on October 10, the Government proposed the bank to implement promotions for customers, specifically? Looking forward to help, thanks!

Activities chaired by the Ministry of Information and Communications to implement National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam (October 10)?

According to the Appendix issued with Decision 1092/QD-BTTTT in 2022 approving the implementation plan of the National Digital Transformation Day issued by the Minister of Information and Communications as follows:

- The Department of Informatics shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of International Cooperation in, drafting the Prime Minister's Message on the National Digital Transformation Day 2022, and submitting it to the Minister for consideration and approval for submission to the Prime Minister before the date of National Digital Transformation. September 15, 2022.

- The Department of Informatization is in charge of composing and announcing the National Digital Transformation Day 2022 identity, including images, sounds, graphics, short films and other related original propaganda materials, completed before August 30, 2022; coordinate with the Department of Press, Department of Broadcasting and Electronic Information, Department of External Information, Department of Grassroots Information in guiding the implementation of information and propaganda work.

- The Department of Informatization shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of International Cooperation, the Information and Communication Publishing House, the Vietnam Informatics Association, and related associations and associations, to edit and publish the book The Chronicle of Transformation. Vietnam Digital, a documentary on Vietnam's Digital Transformation Chronicle, reviewing development history from 1945 to the present, completed before September 15, 2022.

- The Department of Informatics shall preside over and coordinate with relevant professional associations and associations to organize events to respond to the National Digital Transformation Day (including the Award Ceremony of the Vietnam Digital Transformation Solution Contest, the Meeting with generations of Vietnamese information technology, ...) on October 10, 2022.

- The Postal Department will assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with e-commerce platforms Seashell and Postmart to launch an initiative to promote online shopping at two major e-commerce platforms during the period from October 1 to 10, 2022. or for the whole of October 2022; send to the Department of Computerization detailed information on preferential policies, discounts, and incentives for people to use digital products and services in the fields they are in charge of before September 15, 2022 for synthesis, publicly posted on the National Digital Transformation Program Portal.

- The Department of Information Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and promote associations, professional associations, and information technology industry enterprises to organize response activities during the period from October 1 to October 10, 2022, including: response activities under this Plan and other creative response activities implemented by information technology industry enterprises; send to the Department of Computerization detailed information on preferential policies, discounts, and incentives for people to use digital products and services in the fields they are in charge of before September 15, 2022 for synthesis, Publicly posting on the web portal of the National Digital Transformation Program.

- The Department of International Cooperation shall assume the prime responsibility for, advise and propose the policy of disseminating the Message of the Prime Minister on the occasion of National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam through bilateral and multilateral cooperation channels. September 2022.

- The Department of Telecommunications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and promote telecommunications service providers, to organize response activities during the period from October 1 to 10, 2022, including response activities under this Plan and other creative response activities actively implemented by telecommunications service providers; send to the Department of Computerization detailed information on preferential policies, discounts, and incentives for people to use digital products and services deployed by businesses in the fields they are in charge of before September 15. 2022 to summarize and publicly post on the web portal of the National Digital Transformation Program.

- The Department of Publication, Printing and Distribution assumes the prime responsibility for, and directs, agencies, organizations, publishers, associations, professional associations and enterprises operating in the field of book publishing, printing and distribution. Launching and introducing publications on digital transformation, digital government development, digital economy and digital society, promoting the use of e-books, digital books, reading applications during October 1 October 2022 or all of October 2022; send to the Department of Computerization detailed information on preferential policies, discounts, and incentives for people to use digital products and services in the fields they are in charge of before September 15, 2022 for synthesis, Publicly posting on the web portal of the National Digital Transformation Program.

- The Department of Information Security shall assume the prime responsibility for, and direct associations, professional associations, and cyberinformation security enterprises to deploy the campaign to clean up malicious code in cyberspace from October 1-10, 2022. or for the whole of October 2022; direct network information security enterprises to organize response activities from October 1-10, 2022, including response activities under this Plan and other creative response activities. actively deployed by enterprises; send to the Department of Computerization detailed information on preferential policies, discounts, and incentives for people to use digital products and services in the field they are in charge of before September 15, 2022 for synthesis, Publicly post on the web portal about the Program

Celebrating National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam (October 10) 2022: State Bank promotions for consumers to use digital banking services?

Celebrating National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam (October 10) 2022: State Bank promotions for consumers to use digital banking services? (Image from the internet)

Activities implemented by press sites National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam (October 10)?

According to the Appendix issued with Decision 1092/QD-BTTTT in 2022 as follows:

- The National Center for Electronic Authentication shall assume the prime responsibility for, and promote organizations providing digital signature certification services, with policies to promote customers to register for digital signature certification services during the period from October 1st. October 2022 or all of October 2022; organize response activities from October 1-10, 2022, including response activities under this Plan and other creative response activities actively deployed by enterprises; send to the Department of Computerization detailed information on preferential policies, discounts, and incentives for people to use digital products and services in the fields they are in charge of before September 15, 2022 for synthesis, Publicly posting on the web portal of the National Digital Transformation Program.

- Information Center presides over, works with related units, proposes to build a digital transformation special page/category on the Ministry's electronic portal on the occasion of the National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam to propagate to readers. At home and abroad, activities to respond to the National Digital Transformation Day will be completed before September 15, 2022.

- VietNamNet electronic newspaper presides over organizing at least one community activity initiative in line with the spirit of National Digital Transformation Day 2022 during the period from October 1 to 10, 2022.

- VietNamNet electronic newspaper, Information and Communication Magazine and press units, continuously publish and update news on activities to respond to the National Digital Transformation Day of ministries, branches and localities ; proactively propagate and disseminate the Prime Minister's Message on the occasion of the National Digital Transformation Day.

- Vietnam Post Corporation, VTC Multimedia Corporation proactively, pioneered and actively organized activities to respond to the National Digital Transformation Day from October 1-10/ 2022, including response activities under this Plan and other creative response activities actively implemented by enterprises; send to the Department of Computerization detailed information on preferential policies, discounts, and incentives for people to use digital products and services in the fields they are in charge of before September 15, 2022 for synthesis, Publicly posting on the web portal of the National Digital Transformation Program. Vietnam Post Corporation has a plan to spread the message, celebrate the National Digital Transformation Day on the Corporation's means of transport (banners, slogans, ...), have promotional programs for customers to use products and services during the period from October 1 to 10, 2022 or the whole of October 2022.

- The Academy of Post and Telecommunications Technology presides over organizing at least one community activity initiative in line with the spirit of National Digital Transformation Day 2022 during the period from October 1 to 10, 2022.

- The Department of Planning and Finance advises and proposes to the Ministry's leaders a plan to allocate funds for activities to implement the National Digital Transformation Day led by the Ministry of Information and Communications to ensure practicality and effectiveness. results, according to regulations.

- Agencies and units under the Ministry shall proactively base themselves on this Plan to deploy other activities and events to respond to the National Digital Transformation Day from October 1-10, 2022 or in the month of May. 10/2022.

Activities suggested by ministries and sectors to take charge of implementing National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam (October 10)?

According to the Appendix issued with Decision 1092/QD-BTTTT in 2022 as follows:

- The Ministry of Information and Communications proposes the ministries and branches in charge of the priority areas for digital transformation in the Prime Minister's Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 to preside over launching initiatives. Digital transformation brings immediate and long-term practical benefits to people in the period from October 1-10, 2022 or the whole of October 2022.

The Ministry of Information and Communications proposes a number of reference initiatives as follows:

(a) Future Digital Leadership Initiative

- Lead agency: Ministry of Education and Training.

- Main activities: Organizing initiatives to encourage students to learn and master digital technology to serve industries and fields.

(b) Initiative to promote online shopping through e-commerce platforms

- Lead agency: Ministry of Industry and Trade.

- Main activities: Organizing initiatives to promote online shopping at major e-commerce platforms; For example, there is a policy of additional 10% off on the total bill for customers when shopping online, giving gifts to the 1st, 10th, 101st, 1010th online shopping customer...

(c) Initiative to promote the use of digital banking services

- Lead agency: State Bank.

- Activities: Organizing promotional initiatives, encouraging consumers to use digital banking products and services; for example, giving discount codes of VND 10,000, VND 100,000, VND 101,000, VND 1,000,000, VND 1,010,000 when customers make payment by scanning VNPAY-QR code on digital banking application; Accumulate 10 points, 100 points, 101 loyalty points when having payment transactions on banking applications

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