07:44 | 23/07/2024

Cases Required to Capitalize According to Decree 30/2020/ND-CP? How to Capitalize Geographic Names in Administrative Documents?

Could you please tell me in which cases the law prescribes the use of capitalization in administrative documents? Thank you!

Cases of Capitalization Due to Sentence Construction in Administrative Documents?

According to Section I Annex II issued with Decree 30/2020/ND-CP on clerical work as follows:

Capitalize the first letter of the first syllable of a complete sentence: After a period (.); after a question mark (?); after an exclamation mark (!) and when starting a new paragraph.

Cases of Capitalization of Proper Nouns Referring to Names in Administrative Documents?

According to Section II Annex II issued with Decree 30/2020/ND-CP on clerical work as follows:


1. Vietnamese Names

a) Common names: Capitalize the first letter of all the syllables of the proper noun referring to the name. For example: Nguyen Ai Quoc, Tran Phu,...

b) Titles or names of historical characters: Capitalize the first letter of all the syllables. For example: King Hung, Lady Trieu, Saint Giong, Uncle Ho, President Ho,...

2. Foreign Names Transliterated into Vietnamese

a) For those transliterated into Sino-Vietnamese: Follow the rules for Vietnamese names. For example: Kim Il-sung, Mao Zedong, Genghis Khan,...

b) For those not transliterated into Sino-Vietnamese (direct transliteration close to the original pronunciation): Capitalize the first letter of the first syllable in each part. For example: Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Friedrich Engels,...

Cases of capitalization in administrative documents are implemented according to the provisions of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP?

Mandatory capitalization cases according to Decree 30/2020/ND-CP? How to capitalize geographical names in administrative documents? (Image from the internet)

Cases of Capitalization of Geographical Names in Administrative Documents?

According to Section III Annex II issued with Decree 30/2020/ND-CP on clerical work as follows:


1. Vietnamese Geographical Names

a) Administrative unit names composed of a common noun (province, centrally-governed city; district, district-level town, provincially-governed city, city within a centrally-governed city; commune, ward, commune-level town) with the proper name of that administrative unit: Capitalize the first letter of the syllables forming the proper name without hyphens. For example: Thai Nguyen City, Nam Dinh Province,...

b) In cases where the administrative unit name is composed of a common noun combined with a number, person's name, or historical event: Capitalize the entire common noun indicating that administrative unit. For example: District 1, Dien Bien Phu Ward,...

c) Special capitalization cases: Hanoi Capital, Ho Chi Minh City.

d) Geographical names composed of a common noun indicating terrain (river, mountain, lake, sea, estuary, dock, bridge, cove, creek, inlet,...) with a single-syllable noun forming the proper name of that geographical location: Capitalize all the letters forming the geographical name. For example: Cua Lo, Vung Tau, Lach Truong, Vam Co, Cau Giay,...

In cases where the common noun indicating terrain is adjacent to the proper noun: Do not capitalize the common noun but only the proper noun. For example: Cua Lo sea, Ben Thanh market, Vam Co river, Ha Long bay,...

e) Geographical names indicating a region, area, or specific zone formed by combining directional terms: Capitalize the first letter of all the syllables forming the name. For geographical names indicating a region formed by combining a directional term with a terrain noun, capitalize the first letter of each syllable. For example: Northwest, East North, North Region,...

2. Foreign Geographical Names Transliterated into Vietnamese

a) Geographical names transliterated into Sino-Vietnamese: Follow the rules for Vietnamese geographical names. For example: Beijing, Pyongyang, France, England,...

b) Geographical names not transliterated into Sino-Vietnamese (direct transliteration close to the original pronunciation): Capitalize following the rules for foreign names as stipulated in point b clause 2 Section II of this Annex. For example: Moscow, Melbourne,...

Cases of Capitalization of Names of Agencies and Organizations in Administrative Documents?

According to Section IV Annex II issued with Decree 30/2020/ND-CP on clerical work as follows:


1. Names of Vietnamese Agencies and Organizations

a) Capitalize the first letter of words and phrases indicating the type of agency, organization; the function and field of activity of the agency or organization. For example: Central Anti-Corruption Directing Committee, Office of the President, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam Electricity Corporation, Son La Provincial People's Council, Department of Finance,...

b) Special capitalization cases: Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Central Office of the Communist Party,...

2. Names of Foreign Agencies and Organizations

a) Names of foreign agencies and organizations translated into meanings: Capitalize following the rules for Vietnamese agencies and organizations. For example: United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO),...

b) Names of foreign agencies and organizations used in documents in abbreviated form: Write in uppercase as the original language or transliterate into Latin script if the original language does not use the Latin script. For example: WTO, UNDP, UNESCO, ASEAN,...

Cases of Capitalization of Other Cases in Administrative Documents?

According to Section V Annex II issued with Decree 30/2020/ND-CP on clerical work as follows:


1. Nouns in special cases: People, State.

2. Names of orders, medals, honorary titles: Capitalize the first letter of the syllables forming the proper names and the ordinal terms. For example: Gold Star Order, People's Artist, Hero of Labor,...

3. Titles, degrees, honors: Capitalize the title and degree if used with a specific name. For example: President of the National Assembly, Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam, Professor Ton That Tung,...

4. Common nouns that have become proper nouns

+ Capitalize the first letter of the word or phrase referring to that name when used in a form of address, independently and respectfully. For example: Uncle, The Leader (referring to President Ho Chi Minh), the Party (referring to the Communist Party of Vietnam),...

5. Names of holidays, anniversaries: Capitalize the first letter of the syllables forming the name of the holiday, anniversary. For example: National Day September 2, the first General Election, International Labor Day May 1, Vietnam Women's Day October 20,...

6. Names of document types: Capitalize the first letter of the document type and the first letter of the first syllable forming the document name when referring to a specific document. For example: Criminal Code, Law on Organization of the National Assembly,...

7. When citing sections, chapters, parts, articles, clauses, points of a specific document, capitalize the first letter of section, chapter, part, article.

For example:

- Based on point a clause 2 Article 103 Part 5 Chapter XII Part I of the Criminal Code.

- According to the provisions in point a clause 1 Article 24 Subsection 1 Section 1 Chapter III of Resolution No. 351/2017/UBTVQH14.

8. Names of lunar years, holidays, days and months in a year

a) Names of lunar years: Capitalize the first letter of all the syllables forming the name. For example: Ky Ty, Tan Hoi, Mau Tuat, Mau Than,...

b) Names of holidays: Capitalize the first letter of the first syllable forming the name. For example: Tet Nguyen Dan, Tet Doan Ngo, Tet Trung Thu. Capitalize "Tet" when referring to Tet Nguyen Dan.

c) Names of days in the week and months in a year: Capitalize the first letter of the syllable indicating the day and month when not using numbers. For example: Monday, Wednesday, May, August,...

9. Names of historical events and dynasties: Capitalize the first letter of the syllables forming the event and event name; in cases where there are numbers indicating time, write in letters and capitalize those letters. For example: Ly Dynasty, Tran Dynasty, Soviet Nghe Tinh Movement, August Revolution,...

10. Names of works, books, magazines: Capitalize the first letter of the first syllable forming the name of the work, book, magazine. For example: Encyclopedia Dictionary, Communist Magazine,...

The above are cases of capitalization in administrative documents implemented according to the provisions of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.


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