How long is the duration of the re-issuance of Certificate of inspector of occupational safety in Vietnam?

How long is the duration of the re-issuance of Certificate of inspector of occupational safety in Vietnam? B.T-Thanh Hoa

What are the dossiers for re-issuance of Certificate of inspector of occupational safety in Vietnam?

In Article 12 of Decree 44/2016/ND-CP, some contents are abolished by Article 2 of Decree 140/2018/ND-CP regulating dossiers for re-issuance of Certificate of inspector of occupational safety as follows:

* In case of addition or modification of content of Certificate of inspector, the dossier includes:

- Application for re-issue of Certificate of inspector;

- Original of issued Certificate;

- Documents evidencing the consistency of request for addition or modification;

- Two color photos 3x4 cm of the re-issue requester taken in the past 06 months from the date of request;

* Dossier for re-issue of Certificate of inspector upon its expiration includes:

- Application for re-issue of Certificate of inspector;

- Original of issued Certificate;

- Result of testing before re-issue;

* Where the Certificate of inspector is lost or damaged, the dossier includes:

- Application for re-issue of Certificate of inspector;

- Two color photos 3x4 cm of the re-issue requester taken in the past 06 months from the date of request;

* For the revoked Certificate of inspector is considered for re-issue, the dossier includes:

- Application for re-issue of Certificate of inspector;

- Report on compliance with the requirements and recommendation of the competent authorities about remedy of violation;

- Documents evidencing the completion of course of training and testing and successful pass over the requirements for inspection techniques of occupational safety to the inspected objects after the time the decision on revocation of Certificate is effective for cases specified under Points c and dd, Paragraph 2, Article 14 of Decree 44/2016/ND-CP;

* Two color photos 3x4 cm of the re-issue requester taken in the past 06 months from the date of request;

Accordingly, the forms of dossier components specified in Article 11, Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this Article 12 of Decree 44/2016/ND-CP are specified in Appendix Ic issued with Decree 44/2016/ND-CP.

How long is the duration of the re-issuance of Certificate of inspector of occupational safety in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

How long is the duration of the re-issuance of Certificate of inspector of occupational safety in Vietnam?

Article 13 of Decree 44/2016/ND-CP amended and supplemented by Clause 1, Article 3 of Decree 4/2023/ND-CP stipulates the order for issue, re-issue and duration of Certificate of inspector as follows:

Order for issue, re-issue and duration of Certificate of inspector
1. The individual that wishes to apply for issuance or re-issuance of inspector certificate shall submit an application, including prescribed documents, to the competent authority directly at its single-window section or by post or online through the National public service portal or the public service portals of Ministries that are competent to issue the certificate of eligibility to conduct technical inspection of occupational safety as prescribed in Appendix Ib enclosed herewith.
2. Within 05 working days after fully receiving the prescribed dossier, the competent authorities shall issue the Certificate to the inspector; in case of disapproval for issue or re-issue, it must reply in writing and state the reasons.
3. The form of Certificate of inspector is specified in the Appendix Ic issued with this Decree.
4. The Certificate of inspector is valid for 05 years.

Thus, according to the above regulations, within 05 working days after fully receiving the prescribed dossier, the competent authorities shall issue the Certificate to the inspector; in case of disapproval for issue or re-issue, it must reply in writing and state the reasons.

Vietnam: Will the inspectors have their certificates revoked in case of failing to work for any inspecting organization for 12 months or more?

Article 14 of Decree 44/2016/ND-CP regulates the management and use of inspector certificates.

Management and use of Certificate of inspector
1. The inspectors must present their Certificate of inspector as required by the state competent authorities and with organizations and individuals having the objects for inspection; only conduct the inspection to the inspected objects within the range specified on the Certificate of inspector.
2. The Certificate of inspector shall be revoked in the following cases:
a) Forging or perjuring documents in dossier for issue and re-issue of Certificate of inspector.
b) Arbitrarily erase or modify the content of Certificate;
c) Not having worked for any inspecting organization for 12 months or more;
d) Conducting the inspection beyond the range specified in the Certificate of inspector;
dd) Having conduction the inspection not in line with the inspection procedures.
3. The body with issue authority is the body with authority to issue the decision on revocation of Certificate of inspector.

Accordingly, inspectors in occupational safety will have their inspection certificates revoked when they do not work at any inspection organization for 12 months or more.


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