07:35 | 22/12/2022

Can people use, buy and sell consumer fireworks during the Vietnamese New Year 2023? Is buying fireworks of a clear origin allowed to resell?

I would like to ask if it is allowed to use, buy and sell consumer fireworks during the Vietnamese New Year 2023? - Question of Ms. Tra (Ben Tre).

Are people allowed to use consumer fireworks on Vietnamese Lunar New Year 2023?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 3 of Decree 137/2020/ND-CP of Vietnam on management and use of pyrotechnics in Vietnam:

1. “pyrotechnic” refers to a device containing pyrotechnic compositions which, upon mechanical, chemical, thermal or electrical impact, will cause rapid and intense chemical reactions, become volatile, produce sound, light and color with or without explosion(s). Pyrotechnics consist of: Firecrackers and consumer fireworks.
a) Firecrackers are products manufactured manually or industrially which, upon mechanical, chemical, thermal or electrical impact, will emit explosion sound effect or emit whistling, explosion sound and colorful effects;
Firecrackers that emit a whistling, explosive sound and color effect shall be referred to as fireworks;
Short-range fireworks are firecrackers that have no more than 90 mm in diameter or do not travel more than 120 m. High-range fireworks are firecrackers that have more than 90 mm in diameter or travel more than 120 m;
b) Consumer fireworks are products manufactured manually or industrially which, upon mechanical, chemical, thermal or electrical impact, will emit sound, light or colorful effects without emitting explosion sound effects.

Thus, consumer fireworks will emit sound, light or colorful effects without emitting explosion sound effects.

Pursuant to Article 17 of Decree 137/2020/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Use of consumer fireworks
1. Agencies, organizations and individuals having full legal capacity may use consumer fireworks during: National holidays, Tet holiday, marriage, conventions, grand openings, anniversaries, cultural and art activities.
2. Agencies, organizations and individuals shall only purchase consumer fireworks at organizations and enterprises eligible for manufacturing and trading consumer fireworks.

Thus, people may use consumer fireworks during: National holidays, Tet holiday, marriage, conventions, grand openings, anniversaries, cultural and art activities.

However, agencies, organizations and individuals shall only purchase consumer fireworks at organizations and enterprises eligible for manufacturing and trading consumer fireworks.Can people use, buy and sell consumer fireworks during the Vietnamese New Year 2023? Is buying fireworks of a clear origin allowed to resell?

Can people use, buy and sell consumer fireworks during the Vietnamese New Year 2023? Is buying fireworks of a clear origin allowed to resell? (Image from the Internet)

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 17 of Decree 137/2020/ND-CP of Vietnam on management and use of pyrotechnics in Vietnam stipulating the purchase of consumer fireworks:

2. Agencies, organizations and individuals shall only purchase consumer fireworks at organizations and enterprises eligible for manufacturing and trading consumer fireworks.

Thus, agencies, organizations and individuals shall only purchase consumer fireworks at organizations and enterprises eligible for manufacturing and trading consumer fireworks.

In fact, citizens who are over 18 years old can buy fireworks according to state regulations directly at the store selling products of Chemical Company 21 (z121). When making a purchase, you will have to present your ID card or citizen identity card, fill in the buyer's information, and the products you choose to buy to store information. No-explosion consumer fireworks are not sold online, do not deliver at home.

Pursuant to Article 14 of Decree 137/2020/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Eligibility for research, manufacturing, trade, import and export of consumer fireworks and consumer firework pyrotechnic composition
2. Pyrotechnic trade must satisfy following conditions:
a) Only organizations and enterprises affiliated to Ministry of National Defense may trade consumer fireworks and must receive certificates of eligibility for security and order by competent police authorities; must satisfy fire prevention, accident prevention and response and environmental protection requirements;
b) Storage, means of transportation, equipment and tools serving pyrotechnic trade must be adequate and satisfactory to preservation, transportation and fire prevention conditions;
c) Managers and attendants related to pyrotechnic trade must receive thorough technical safety training;
d) Only trade consumer fireworks that are conforming to technical standards and technical regulations as per the law.

Thus, pyrotechnic trade must satisfy following conditions:

- Only organizations and enterprises affiliated to Ministry of National Defense may trade consumer fireworks and must receive certificates of eligibility for security and order by competent police authorities; must satisfy fire prevention, accident prevention and response and environmental protection requirements;

- Storage, means of transportation, equipment and tools serving pyrotechnic trade must be adequate and satisfactory to preservation, transportation and fire prevention conditions;

- Managers and attendants related to pyrotechnic trade must receive thorough technical safety training;

- Only trade consumer fireworks that are conforming to technical standards and technical regulations as per the law.

Thus, although buying consumer fireworks with clear origin at the military factory and having a business license, people are still not allowed to trade consumer fireworks during the Vietnamese New Year 2023.


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