07:45 | 23/07/2024

Can individuals with an intermediate degree be eligible to work as a Grade III sports and physical training instructor in a public service provider?

Can an intermediate vocational degree qualify for a Grade III physical training and sports instructor position in a public service provider? - Question from Ms. Kim (Bac Giang)

What are the standards to become a tier III coach in a public service provider?

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Clause 3, Article 6 of Circular 07/2022/TT-BVHTTDL, the standards to become a coach are as follows:

- Standards for education and training qualifications:

+ Possess a university degree or higher in a field or specialty suitable for the sports and physical education industry;

+ Possess a certificate of training for the public employee professional title in the sports and physical education sector.

- Standards of competence and professional expertise:

+ Firmly grasp the principles, guidelines of the Communist Party, policies, and laws of the State on physical education, sports, and high-performance sports development;

+ Understand the laws and competition rules to apply directives in training and sports competitions;

+ Have basic knowledge of physical education theory and methods; master basic techniques and tactics of the sport;

+ Understand basic principles of pedagogy, psychology, and sports biomedicine and apply them to training athletes of different ages, genders, and levels;

+ Know basic first aid techniques for athletes in training and competition;

+ Capable of applying scientific advancements to enhance training efficiency;

+ Understand regulations on doping prevention in training and competitions;

+ Possess basic information technology skills and be able to use a foreign language or a minority language as required for the job position if working in a minority area.

Is a vocational diploma sufficient to work as a sports coach in a public service provider?

Is a vocational diploma sufficient to work as a tier III sports coach in a public service provider?

What are the duties of a tier III sports coach?

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 6 of Circular 07/2022/TT-BVHTTDL, a tier III sports coach must perform the following duties:

- Lead or participate in developing long-term and short-term training plans, programs, and lesson plans suitable for the psychological, physiological, age, gender, and movement capabilities of athletes;

- Directly train technical skills, tactics, physical fitness, and mental fortitude for athletes as per the approved program and plan; direct athletes under supervision to participate in sports competitions;

- Participate in selecting sports talents for the specialized sport assigned;

- Participate in scientific research in sports and physical education or propose initiatives to improve the quality and performance of training and athlete development;

- Coordinate the implementation of regulations ensuring nutrition, hygiene, safety in training, competition; take care of athletes' health, accommodation, rest, and cultural studies conditions;

- Focus on political-ideological education and moral qualities care for athletes.

Is a vocational diploma sufficient to work as a tier III sports coach in a public service provider?

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 7 of Circular 07/2022/TT-BVHTTDL, the standards for education and training qualifications are as follows:

Guidance Officer (Tier IV) - Code: V.10.01.04


2. Standards of education and training qualifications:

Graduate from a sports and physical education vocational school or higher. In the case of a vocational diploma or higher in another field, a certificate of training standards for the public employee professional title in the sports and physical education sector is required.

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 6 of Circular 07/2022/TT-BVHTTDL:

Coach (Tier III) - Code V.10.01.03


2. Standards of education and training qualifications:

a) Hold a university degree or higher in a field or specialty suitable for the sports and physical education industry;

b) Possess a certificate of training standards for the public employee professional title in the sports and physical education sector.

According to these regulations, those with a vocational diploma cannot apply for the tier III coach position but can apply for the tier IV sports guidance officer position. However, Clause 4, Article 6 provides for promotion to the tier III coach role as follows:

Coach (Tier III) - Code V.10.01.03


4. Requirements for public employees applying for or promoting to the tier III coach professional title:

Have at least 03 years of experience in the tier IV guidance officer role or equivalent (excluding probationary periods).

In the case of equivalent experience, have at least 01 year (12 months) in the tier IV guidance officer role by the application submission deadline for the promotion exam.

Therefore, in the case of a candidate with a vocational diploma in physical education and sports wishing to become a tier III sports coach at a public service provider, they must start as a tier IV guidance officer and then apply for promotion.


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