How to calculate priority and incentive points to be added in the high school graduation exam?

Welcome to the advisory board. I'm from Tay ethnic group and live in Binh Phuoc, I'm going to graduate from high school in the near future. The advisory board asked me, what kind of points will be added for ethnic minorities like us when taking the high school graduation exam?

What kind of priority scores are there in the high school graduation exam?

According to Article 39 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDĐT stipulating the priority points in the high school graduation exam as follows:

- Considering the recognition of high school graduation calculated according to 3 areas including Area 1, Area 2, Area 3; in which, Category 1 candidates are normal candidates who do not receive priority points; Category 2 and Category 3 candidates get priority points.

- Area 2: Plus 0.25 points for candidates in one of the following subjects:

+ Invalids, sick soldiers and policy beneficiaries like war invalids have their working capacity reduced by less than 81 % (for secondary education);

+ Children of war invalids, sick soldiers, people entitled to policies like war invalids have their working capacity reduced by less than 81%; Hero of the People's Armed Forces, Hero of Labor; children of Vietnamese Heroic Mothers; son of Hero of the People's Armed Forces, Hero of Labor;

+ Ethnic minority people;

+ Kinh people, foreigners residing in Vietnam with permanent residence for 3 years or more (up to the date of the test) in extremely difficult communes, border communes, safe communes in investment zones of the program 135; in extremely difficult communes in coastal flat areas and islands according to current regulations of the Prime Minister; communes in regions I, II, III in ethnic minority and mountainous areas according to the current regulations of the Prime Minister, studying at general schools not located in inner city districts of centrally run cities at least. at least 2 thirds of the high school period;

+ People infected with toxic chemicals; children of people infected with toxic chemicals; children of resistance activists infected with toxic chemicals; a person who is recognized by a competent authority with a deformity, deformity, reduced self-reliance in daily life or work as a result of toxic chemicals;

+ Have an age of 35 or more, by the date of the test (for candidates of GDTX).

- Category 3: Plus 0.5 points for candidates belonging to one of the following subjects:

+ Ethnic minority people, themselves have permanent residence in extremely difficult communes, border communes, communes in safe zones that are eligible for investment under Program 135; in extremely difficult communes in coastal flat areas and islands according to current regulations of the Prime Minister; Communes in regions I, II, III in ethnic minority and mountainous areas according to current regulations of the Prime Minister, are studying at boarding schools for ethnic minorities or schools not located in inner districts. cities of the cities directly under the Central Government;

+ Invalids, sick soldiers, policy beneficiaries like war invalids have their working capacity reduced by 81% or more (for secondary education);

+ Children of martyrs; children of war invalids, sick soldiers, people entitled to policies like war invalids have their working capacity reduced by 81% or more.

- Candidates with multiple priority criteria are entitled to only the highest priority standard.

- Other priority categories specified in current legal documents will be considered and decided by the Minister of Education and Training.

Thus, when participating in the high school entrance exam, the candidates will be classified into 3 categories: area 1, area 2 and area 3. For candidates of class 1, priority points will not be added, the Candidates in category 2 will receive 0.25 priority points and candidates in category 3 will receive 0.5 priority points.

Quy định về điểm ưu tiên và điểm khuyến khích được cộng trong kỳ thi tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông?

How to calculate priority and incentive points to be added in the high school graduation exam?

Circumstances in which incentive points are added when taking the high school graduation exam?

Pursuant to Article 40 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDĐT (amended by Clause 14, Article 1 of Circular 05/2021/TT-BGDĐT) and abolishing a number of provisions by Article 2 of Circular No. 05/2021/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:

- Learners who participate in the following contests and activities will receive encouragement points to consider high school graduation:

+ Winning individual prizes in the exam to select excellent students in cultural subjects in grade 12: Winning the first, second, and third prizes in the national exam or the first prize at the provincial level will be added 2.0 points; the consolation prize in the national exam or the second prize at the provincial level is added 1.5 points; the third prize at the provincial level is added 1.0 point;

+ Winning individual and team prizes in practical experiments in Physics, Chemistry, Biology; Art competition; sports; defense education sports festival; science and technology contests; international letter writing organized by the Department of Education in collaboration with professional disciplines from the provincial level and above at the high school level. For individual prizes: Winning the first, second, and third national prizes or the first prize at the provincial level or the Gold Medal will add 2.0 points; the national consolation prize or the fourth prize of the national science and technology contest or the second prize at the provincial level or the Silver Medal shall be awarded 1.5 points; The third prize at the provincial level or the bronze medal is added 1.0 point. For team tournaments: Only add points for national tournaments; the number of players, athletes and actors of the team tournament according to the specific regulations of the Organizing Committee of each tournament; The level of incentive points added to individuals in the team tournament is the same as for the individual tournament specified at this point. Learners who have won many different prizes in many competitions are entitled to only one plus point of the highest award category.

- Students of high school education, students of secondary education in the category of behavior classification, students of secondary education who participate in the intermediate education program combined with the cultural program under the secondary education program at the high school level have a vocational certificate, a diploma. Intermediate diplomas granted by the Department of Education and Training, educational and vocational training institutions, and vocational education institutions during high school will be awarded consolation points based on the classification submitted in the Vocational Certificate, Diploma mid-career as follows:

+ Good grade for Vocational Certificate, excellent grade and good grade for Intermediate Diploma are added 2.0 points;

+ Good grade for vocational certificate, good grade and average good grade for intermediate diploma, plus 1.5 points;

+ Average grade is added 1.0 point.

- Continuing education students with certificates of foreign language or informatics issued according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training during their high school study period will be awarded 1.0 point for each type of certificate.

- If a candidate has multiple certificates at the same time in order to receive consolation points as prescribed in this Article, he/she will only be entitled to an additional score of 4.0 points at most.

- The incentive points specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3 of this Article are preserved throughout the school level and added to the test scores to consider and recognize high school graduation for candidates.

Regulations on reservation of high school graduation exam scores?

According to Article 38 of the Regulation issued together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDĐT (amended by Clause 13, Article 1 of Circular 05/2021/TT-BGDĐT) stipulating the reservation of high school graduation exam scores as follows:

- Candidates who have completed all the prescribed exams/subjects but have not graduated from high school and are not disciplined to cancel their test results may reserve their test scores for consideration and recognition of high school graduation in the next year's exam. Tests/exams for which test scores are reserved include:

+ Independent test scores of 5.0 (five) or more;

+ The combined test scores are 5.0 (five) or more and all the components of this test are over 1.0 (one) points;

+ The component exam of the combined exam achieves 5.0 (five) points or more.

- Candidates who do not use reserved scores must take all registered exams/subjects to consider and recognize high school graduation as candidates who do not have reserved scores.


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