Does an individual have to be awarded the title of emulation soldier 2 times in a row in a ministry, branch or province to receive the title of national emulation fighter in Vietnam?

May I ask about the conditions and criteria to be considered for the title of National Emulation Fighter in Vietnam in accordance with the law in the near future, will there be any changes in the near future?

Does an individual have to be awarded the title of Emulation Fighter of the Ministry, branch or province twice in a row to receive the title of National Emulation Fighter in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 21 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 stipulates as follows:

“Article 21. Title “National emulation fighter”
1. The title "National Emulation Fighter" shall be awarded to individuals who meet the following criteria:
a) Having outstanding and typical achievements selected among individuals who have been awarded the title of emulation soldier 02 times in a row of a ministry, department, branch or province;
b) Having an initiative that has been effectively applied and capable of being replicated nationwide, or having a scientific project, scientific project, scientific and technological work that has been tested and accepted and applied effectively, has nationwide influence or cleverness, creativity in combat, combat service has a nationwide sphere of influence.
2. The heads of ministries, departments, branches and provinces shall consider and recognize the effectiveness and ability of replication and nationwide influence of initiatives, scientific topics, scientific projects and scientific works. and technology.
The Minister of National Defense and the Minister of Public Security shall consider and recognize the ingenuity and creativity in combat and combat service, which have a nationwide influence."

Accordingly, an individual must meet the conditions specified above to receive the title of National Emulation Fighter in Vietnam.

Does an individual have to be awarded the title of emulation soldier 2 times in a row in a ministry, branch or province to receive the title of national emulation fighter in Vietnam?

Does an individual have to be awarded the title of emulation soldier 2 times in a row in a ministry, branch or province to receive the title of national emulation fighter in Vietnam?

An individual must have been awarded the title of Grassroots Emulation Fighter three times in a row to meet the conditions to receive the title of Emulation Fighter of a ministry, department, branch or province?

Pursuant to Article 22 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 stipulates as follows:

“Article 22. Title of emulation soldier of Ministries, departments, branches and provinces
1. The title of emulation soldier of a ministry, department, branch or province shall be given to individuals who meet the following criteria:
a) Having typical outstanding achievements selected from among individuals who have been awarded the title of "Basic Emulation Fighter" three times in a row;
b) Having an initiative that has been effectively applied and capable of being replicated in ministries, departments, branches or provinces, or having scientific projects, scientific projects, scientific and technological works that have been accepted and applied. Effectively used, has a sphere of influence in ministries, departments, branches, provinces, or is clever, creative in combat, serving in combat, has an sphere of influence in the whole army or the entire People's Public Security force.
2. The heads of ministries, departments, branches and provinces shall consider and recognize the effectiveness and ability of replication and influence within ministries, departments, branches and provinces of initiatives, scientific topics and scientific projects. science and technology works.
The Minister of National Defense and the Minister of Public Security shall consider and recognize the ingenuity and creativity in combat and combat service that have an sphere of influence in the entire army or the entire People's Public Security force."

Accordingly, individuals must fully satisfy the conditions as prescribed above to be considered and awarded the title of Emulation Soldier of a ministry, department, branch or province.

What are the conditions to be considered for the title of Grassroots Emulation Fighter in the near future?

Pursuant to Article 23 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 stipulates as follows:

“Article 23. The title of “grassroots emulation fighter”
The title "Basic Emulation Fighter" shall be awarded to individuals who meet the following criteria:
1. Qualifying for the title of “Advanced Laborer” or “Advanced Soldier”;
2. Successfully completing a task or having an initiative recognized by the establishment or having a scientific topic, scientific project, scientific and technological work that has been accepted, or clever and creative in combat, unit-recognized combat service.”

Accordingly, the consideration of the title of Grassroots Emulation Fighter shall comply with the above provisions.

Under what circumstances will the title of Advanced Labor or Advanced Soldier be obtained?

Pursuant to Article 24 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 stipulates as follows:

“Article 24. Title “Advanced Laborer”, “Advanced Soldier”
1. The title "Advanced Laborer" shall be awarded to cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees who meet the following criteria:
a) Successfully completing the task or more;
b) Have a spirit of self-reliance, self-reliance, solidarity, mutual assistance, and actively participate in emulation movements.
2. The title "Advanced Soldier" shall be given to soldiers, workers, civil servants and defense officers of the People's Army; standing militia, mobile self-defense militia; officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers and workers working in agencies and units of the People's Public Security shall meet the standards specified in Clause 1 of this Article.
3. The title "Advanced Laborer" shall be conferred on workers, farmers and laborers who do not fall under the subjects specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article and meet the following criteria:
a) Labor and production effectively, actively participate in emulation movements and social activities;
b) Be exemplary in abiding well the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State; have ethics, healthy lifestyle, solidarity, mutual support and help people in the community.
4. Ministries, departments, branches and provinces shall, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, detail and guide the criteria for considering and conferring the title of "Advanced Laborer", "Advanced Soldier" for individuals in agencies, organizations and units under their management.
5. The Ministry of National Defense shall detail the criteria for considering and conferring the title of "advanced soldier" for the standing militia and mobile self-defense force.
6. Provincial-level People's Committees shall detail the criteria for considering and conferring the title "Advanced Laborer" as prescribed in Clause 3 of this Article.

Thus, based on the above-mentioned conditions to consider the individual achieving the title of Advanced Labor or Advanced Soldier.

The Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 takes effect from January 1, 2024.


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