Did the Ministry of Justice summarize data and information on the implementation of the Law on Legal Dissemination and Education until June 2022?

On May 20, 2022, the Ministry of Justice issued Decision 1196/QD-BTP on promulgating a plan to review the implementation of the Law on Legal Dissemination and Education. According to this Decision, the Ministry of Justice will conduct a review of the implementation of the Law on Law Popularization and legal education on what contents?

According to Section I of the Plan promulgated together with Decision 1196/QD-BTP dated May 20, 2022 of the Ministry of Justice, the purposes and requirements for the implementation of the final plan on the implementation of the Law on Popularization and Education were set forth. legal education as follows:

- Purpose:

+ To objectively and comprehensively evaluate the achieved results, promptly detect difficulties and obstacles in the process of implementing the Law on Legal Dissemination and Education (PBGDPL).

+ Identify inadequacies, contradictions, overlaps, gaps (if any) in order to propose amendments and supplements to the Law on Legal Regulations and documents detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law as well as legal documents other relevant luậtrelevant laws; propose solutions to improve the efficiency of the implementation of the Law on Legal Protection in the coming time.

+ Detecting and rewarding collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in 10 years of implementing the Law on Legal Protection and its guiding documents.

- Request:

+ The review of the Law on Legal Analysis must be conducted seriously, objectively, substantively, comprehensively from central to local levels; ensure the right purpose and schedule, economical, effective, suitable to the actual situation. At the same time, Follow up with the tasks assigned in Decision No. 2216/QD-BTP dated July 30, 2012 of the Ministry of Justice on approving the Plan to implement the Law.

+ Sticking to the Summary Outline, accompanied by specific proofs; focus on analyzing the shortcomings, limitations and problems of the Law on Legal Protection and its implementation guidelines (if any) and propose specific solutions.

+ Ensure close coordination between relevant agencies and units in the "summing up of documents", bringing into play the role of the NDP Coordination Council at all levels in guiding and directing the review.

Accordingly, the purpose of the implementation of the Final Plan for the implementation of the Law on Legal Education and Popularization is to objectively evaluate the achieved results, thereby promptly detecting the limitations as well as difficulties. of the implementation of the Law on Popularity and legal education. In addition, the organization of the Plan is also to promptly reward individuals and groups who have made good achievements during the years of implementing the Law on Popularization, legal education and guiding documents.

The requirement for the Plan is to be carried out seriously, objectively and comprehensively from central to local levels. Ensure the closeness between agencies in summarizing the plan.

Bộ Tư pháp tổng kết số liệu, thông tin thực hiện Luật Phổ biến, giáo dục pháp luật từ tháng 01/2013?

Did the Ministry of Justice summarize data and information on the implementation of the Law on Legal Dissemination and Education until June 2022?

Pursuant to Section II of the Plan promulgated together with Decision 1196/QD-BTP dated May 20, 2022 of the Ministry of Justice, stipulating the contents of the implementation of the Plan as follows:

1. Scope, summary content
1.1. Summary scope:
a) The review is carried out nationwide, at all central and local ministries, agencies and organizations.
b) Timeline of summarized information and data: From January 2013 to the end of June 2022.
1.2. Summary: According to the outline of the Final Report on the implementation of the Law on PBGDPL and the statistical forms attached to this Plan (Appendix I and II of the Plan).
2. Summary form
2.1. Based on the actual situation and specific conditions, ministries, agencies and organizations at the central and local levels proactively choose an appropriate form of organization to review and implement the Law on Legal Protection.
2.2. Based on the actual situation, the Ministry of Justice will organize a review of the implementation of the Law on PBGDPL in an appropriate form.”

Thus, the scope of implementation of the review is nationwide and the summarized data will be from January 2013 to the end of June 2022. Regarding the form of summarization, organizations at central and local levels base on the actual situation to choose an appropriate form of summarizing the implementation of the Law on Popularization and legal education.

What is the budget for organizing the implementation of the Law on Law Popularization and Education?

According to subsection 2, section IV of the Plan promulgated together with Decision 1196/QD-BTP dated May 20, 2022 of the Ministry of Justice, which stipulates the funding for organizing the Final Plan for the implementation of the Law on Legal Dissemination and Education. The law is as follows:

“IV. Implementation organization
2. Funding for implementation
Funding for activities of organizing and reviewing the implementation of the Law on Law on Law Prevention and Control at central and local ministries, agencies and organizations is taken from the regular 2022 budget of agencies and units for the work of law enforcement. and other sources of support (if any).
Funding for the review activities of the Law on Legal Regulations of the Ministry of Justice arranged in the operating budget of the Central Committee on Law on Law Enforcementand specific tasks in the work of the Law on Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Justice in 2022 and sources other legal support (if any).
In the process of implementation, if there are difficulties or problems, agencies and units should promptly report them to the Ministry of Justice for guidance and answers (Department of Management of Legal Affairs, Department of Legal Affairs: phone: 024.62739480 )./.”

Thus, funding for the implementation of the Plan will be taken from the regular funding in 2022 in each agency and unit for legal education and dissemination. In addition, funding can be mobilized from other support sources. other support to make the implementation of the Plan more effective.

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