Allocate the state budget in advance to upgrade and ensure the safety of dams and reservoirs before the rainy and flood seasons?

For me, the upgrading of dams and reservoirs to ensure the safety of dams and reservoirs to cope with the rainy season must be done with the state budget, right? Thank you!

How to raise awareness about ensuring water security and safety of dams and reservoirs in the new situation?

According to Section II Conclusion 36-KL/TW in 2022 on ensuring water source security in Vietnam and safety of dams and reservoirs by 2030, with a vision to 2045 issued by the Central Committee as follows:

- Raise awareness about the importance of ensuring water security and safety of dams and reservoirs in the new situation

+ Strengthen propaganda and education so that cadres, party members and people, especially heads of Party committees, organizations, authorities and mass organizations at all levels are properly and fully aware of security assurance. Water source and safety of dams and reservoirs is an important, urgent and long-term task that is directly related to people's lives, socio-economic development, national defense and security assurance. country, on that basis clearly define the responsibilities and obligations of all levels, sectors and people in performing this work. Promote the supervisory role of the people and the community; the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, social organizations and professions in propagating and mobilizing people to manage, proactively store and use water economically and efficiently

Completing the state management policy on ensuring water source security in Vietnam and safety of dams and reservoirs?

According to Section II Conclusion 36-KL/TW in 2022 on ensuring water source security in Vietnam and safety of dams and reservoirs by 2030, with a vision to 2045 issued by the Central Committee as follows:

- Review and complete the legal system, mechanisms and policies related to water source security in Vietnam and safety of dams and reservoirs to ensure synchronous and feasible. To arrange and consolidate the organizational system and apparatus for water resource management to ensure consistency, streamlining, effectiveness and efficiency from central to local levels and synchronous coordination among sectors, levels and localities. ; review and unify the regional and national irrigation management and exploitation units.

- Develop and complete policies to encourage the attraction of resources for investment in key projects linking and connecting inter-provincial and inter-regional water sources; combine and integrate resources from national target programs, public investment programs and projects to invest in building multi-purpose dams and reservoirs; complete the irrigation infrastructure system, supply daily-life water, ensure the water supply and drainage capacity, combine with the restoration of degraded and polluted water sources.

- To adopt policies to attract ODA capital for investment in building water storage works, linking and connecting water sources and works to ensure social security; provide financial, technical and material support to people in water-scarce areas and areas frequently affected by natural disasters.

+ Allocate sufficient resources, first of all, from the state budget to upgrade and ensure the safety of dams and reservoirs before the rainy and flood seasons.

Allocate the state budget in advance to upgrade and ensure the safety of dams and reservoirs before the rainy and flood seasons?

Allocate the state budget in advance to upgrade and ensure the safety of dams and reservoirs before the rainy and flood seasons? (Picture from internet)

What are the regulations on organization and implementation of ensuring water source security in Vietnam and safety of dams and reservoirs?

According to Section III Conclusion 36-KL/TW in 2022 on ensuring water source security and safety of dams and reservoirs by 2030, with a vision to 2045 issued by the Central Committee as follows:

- Provincial Party Committees, Party Committees, Party Committees, Party Personnel Committees, Party Unions and Party Committees directly under the Central Government shall organize learning, mastering, and building action programs and plans to implement the Conclusions; concretize contents on assurance of water source security, safety of dams and water reservoirs in sectoral, field and local development master plans and plans suitable to their assigned functions and tasks.

- The National Assembly Party Committee leads and directs the review, development and completion of the legal system on ensuring water source security and safety of dams and reservoirs, creating a unified, synchronous legal basis and monitoring the law. implementation nationwide.

- The Government Party Personnel Committee directs the development of Action Plans and Programs to implement Conclusions; approve and organize the effective implementation of the Scheme on ensuring water source security and safety of dams and reservoirs by 2030, with a vision to 2045; review, amend and supplement legal documents related to water source security, safety of dams and reservoirs and submit them to the National Assembly for promulgation or approval according to its competence, ensuring consistency and agreement. set, agree in the implementation process;

- Review, arrange and perfect the organizational system and apparatus for managing water resources in the direction of unity, streamlining, effectiveness and efficiency, ensuring synchronous coordination between agencies, ministries and branches from Central to local;

+ Having a focal point to organize the implementation of ensuring water source security and safety of dams and reservoirs; study and unify the management, exploitation and operation of regional and national irrigation systems.

- The Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations have increased mobilizing union members, members and people to implement and supervise the implementation of the Conclusion.

- The Central Economic Commission shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Party Personnel Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant agencies in, monitoring, supervising, inspecting and urging the implementation of this Conclusion; periodically review, summarize and report to the Politburo and the Secretariat.

Lê Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung

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