How does the Ministry of Home Affairs implement the project on building a national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in Vietnam?

I would like to ask how to implement the project on building a national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in Vietnam. - Question from Ms. Huong (Ca Mau)

Implement the project on building a national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in Vietnam?

On February 21, 2023, the Ministry of Home Affairs of Vietnam has just issued Official Dispatch 639/BNV-VP in 2023 on the implementation of Decision 893/QD-TTg in 2020 approving the project to build a national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees and Decision 06/QD-TTg dated January 6, 2022.

In the coming time, the Ministry of Home Affairs of Vietnam will use 109 data fields in the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees serving payroll assignment and management of cadres, civil servants and public employees, according to which the Ministry of Home Affairs proposed It is recommended that ministries, branches and localities (hereinafter referred to as BNDP) organize updating data, verifying information on officials, public servants and public employees under their management, and connecting and sharing data with others. The national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees follows the structure of identifiers and packet data format for connection and sharing of data with the national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees.How does the Ministry of Home Affairs implement the project to build a national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in Vietnam?

How does the Ministry of Home Affairs implement the project to build a national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Who to contact to support software or database about cadres, civil servants, public employees in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Section 2 of Official Dispatch 639/BNV-VP in 2023, the contact point to support database software about cadres, civil servants and public employees belongs to:

Ministry of Home Affairs:

- Mr. Vu Dang Minh, Chief of Office of the Ministry of Home Affairs, phone number: 0903259566

- Mr. Do Ngoc Vinh, Deputy Director of the National Center for Digital Technology, National Digital Transformation Department, Ministry of Information and Communications (seconded officer working at the Ministry of Home Affairs), phone number: 0912226979.

VNPT (technical support officer):

- Mr. Nguyen Trong Tuan, phone: 0912005222; Mr. Nguyen Viet Hung, phone number: 0912227754.

What are the responsibilities of ministries, branches and localities in the project of building a national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1 of Official Dispatch 639/BNV-VP in 2023 and Section 2 of Official Dispatch 639/BNV-VP in 2023 stipulating the responsibilities of ministries, branches and localities in the database construction project national cadres, civil servants and public employees as follows:

For ministries, branches and localities that already have software or databases on cadres, civil servants and public employees

- Ministries, sectors and localities are responsible for connecting and sharing data of existing information fields in cadre, civil servants and public employee management software with the national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees managed by the Ministry of Home Affairs through the National Data (NDXP) Sharing and Integration Platform or exporting updated data to the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees. The deadline is by March 10, 2023.

- Organize the upgrade of cadre management software to meet all 109 information fields, update data to ensure "Right - Enough - Clean - Live", connect and share data with the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees through the NDXP data sharing and integration platform. The deadline is by April 30, 2023.

In case it is not possible to upgrade the software or the database to meet the conditions for connecting and sharing data with the national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees, pilot use of cadre management software supported by VNPT Group (the support period ends in 2023) to organize and update all 109 data fields on cadres, civil servants and public employees under their management, ensuring "Right - Enough - Clean- Live" and connect and share data with the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees managed by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The deadline is by May 30, 2023.

Actively build or hire software/databases on cadres, civil servants and public employees to ensure that they are eligible to connect and share data with the national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees managed by the Ministry of Home Affairs through the NDXP data sharing and integration platform. The deadline is by December 31, 2023.

- The Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for matching, validating and cleaning the data fields as prescribed with the National Database on Population (National Database on Population) and re-synchronizing the data with the BNDP for management and use. The deadline is by June 30, 2023.

For ministries, branches and localities, there is no software or database on cadres, civil servants and public employees

- Ministries, branches and localities are responsible for piloting management software supported by VNPT Group (support period is 2023) to organize the updating of 109 data fields on officials and civil servants. , officials under their management to ensure "True - Enough - Live" data and send it to the Ministry of Home Affairs for updating in the National Database of officials, public servants and public employees. Completion deadline is May 30, 2023.

- The Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for matching, validating and cleaning the data fields as prescribed with the National Database on Population (National Database on Population) and re-synchronizing the data with the BNDP for management and use. Completion deadline is June 30, 2023.

- Actively build or hire software/database on cadres, civil servants and public employees to ensure that all conditions are met to connect and share data with the national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees under the management of the Ministry of Home Affairs via the NDXP Data Sharing and Integration Platform. The deadline is by December 31, 2023.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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