Latest form: Report on the use of ordered printed invoices purchased from tax authorities and a list of invoices used in the period?

May I ask, quarterly, businesses that purchase invoices from the tax authority must submit a report on the use of invoices and a list of invoices used in the period to the tax agency, I would like to request the relevant forms? Thank you!

How is the invoice usage report form in Vietnam submitted quarterly?

According to Article 29 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP stipulating:

- Quarterly, enterprises in Vietnam, economic organizations, business households and individuals that purchase invoices from tax authorities are responsible for submitting reports on the use of invoices and a list of invoices used in the period to the tax authorities. direct management.

- A report on the use of invoices shall be submitted on a quarterly basis, no later than the last day of the first month of the quarter following the quarter in which the use of invoices is generated, according to Form No. BC26/HDG Appendix IA issued together with this Decree. .

- In case invoices are not used in a period , the enterprise, economic organization, business household or individual shall submit a report on the use of invoiceswrite the number of used invoices as zero (= 0), no need to send a list of invoices used in the period. In case the previous period has used up all invoices, reported the status of using invoices of the previous period with zero balance (0), in the period when no invoices are purchased, no invoices are used, then enterprises in Vietnam, organizations businesses Business households and individuals are not required to report the use of invoices.

The form for reporting on the use of invoices submitted on a quarterly basis is specified in Appendix I to the Decree as follows:

Download the form: HERE

Latest form: Report on the use of ordered printed invoices purchased from tax authorities and a list of invoices used in the period?

Latest form: Report on the use of ordered printed invoices purchased from tax authorities and a list of invoices used in the period?

What is the form of the list of unused invoices of an organization or individual that has moved its business location to another area managed by the tax authority?

According to Article 29 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP stipulating:

- Enterprises in Vietnam, economic organizations, households and individuals doing business in selling goods and services are responsible for submitting reports on the use of invoices and a list of invoices used in the period upon division, separation or merger. dissolution, bankruptcy, ownership conversion; assign, sell, contract, or lease state-owned enterprises in Vietnam along with the deadline for submitting tax finalization dossiers.

- The form of list of unused invoices of organizations or individuals that move their business locations other than those under the tax authority's management is specified in Appendix I to the Decree as follows:

Download the form: Here.

What is the form of a detailed list of invoices of organizations and individuals up to the time of invoice settlement?

According to Article 29 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP stipulating:

In case an enterprises in Vietnam, economic organization, business household or individual moves its business location to another area where the tax authority is directly managing it, it must submit a report on the use of invoices and a list of invoices. application for use in the period with the tax office of the place of transfer.

The form of detailed list of invoices of organizations and individuals up to the time of invoice settlement is specified in Appendix I to the Decree as follows:

Download the form: here.


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