What measures will be taken upon the appearance of a threat against the national security, which is, however, not serious enough for promulgation of the state of emergency in Vietnam?

May I ask: What measures will be taken upon the appearance of a threat against the national security, which is, however, not serious enough for promulgation of the state of emergency in Vietnam? - Question from Ms. Mai (Kien Giang)

What measures will be taken upon the appearance of a threat against the national security, which is, however, not serious enough for promulgation of the state of emergency in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 21 of the 2004 Law on National Security in Vietnam, upon the appearance of a threat against the national security, which is, however, not serious enough for promulgation of the state of emergency, the Prime Minister may decide to apply some following measures:

- Intensifying the protection of important targets;

- Organizing sentry posts to limit or control people and means operating at certain hours in certain areas;

- Conducting special control at border gates of shipments by air, by sea, inland water, railways and land;

- Limiting or temporarily ceasing the transportation, use of inflammables, explosives, toxins, toxic chemicals, radioactive substances under the lawful use rights of agencies, organizations or individuals; strictly controlling the transportation and use of assorted weapons, support tools;

- Banning, disbanding or restricting big rallies and activities of individuals, organizations, which are deemed harmful to the national security;

- Restricting or suspending operations of theatres, cinemas and/or other public-activity places;

- Controlling the use of communications means in a locality or a certain area;

- Forcing the persons who commit acts harmful to the national security to leave important political, economic, security or defense areas or not to get out of their residence places;

- Mobilizing human and material resources for the performance of national security protection tasks.

What measures will be taken upon the appearance of a threat against the national security, which is, however, not serious enough for promulgation of the state of emergency in Vietnam?

What measures will be taken upon the appearance of a threat against the national security, which is, however, not serious enough for promulgation of the state of emergency in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the responsibilities of agencies and organizations in national security protection in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 18 of the 2004 Law on National Security in Vietnam as follows:

Responsibilities of agencies and organizations in national security protection in Vietnam
1. Agencies and organizations shall, within the ambit of their respective tasks and powers, have to organize the performance of tasks defined in Article 14 of this Law and other law provisions on national security protection.
2. To apply measures to protect the internal political security, mobilize the strengths of agencies, organizations for the performance of national security protection tasks; to include the national security protection tasks into professional programs, plans and activities of agencies, organizations.
3. To educate and mobilize all members of their agencies or organizations as well as people to participate in national security protection.
4. To detect, provide in time information and/or documents related to, activities of infringing upon the national security to the nearest national security protection agencies or administrations.
5. To act upon requests of national security protection agencies as provided for by law.

Thus, according to the above provisions, in national security protection in Vietnam, agencies and organizations have 05 main responsibilities as follows:

- Agencies and organizations shall, within the ambit of their respective tasks and powers, have to organize the performance of tasks defined in Article 14 of the 2004 Law on National Security in Vietnam and other law provisions on national security protection.

- To apply measures to protect the internal political security, mobilize the strengths of agencies, organizations for the performance of national security protection tasks; to include the national security protection tasks into professional programs, plans and activities of agencies, organizations.

- To educate and mobilize all members of their agencies or organizations as well as people to participate in national security protection.

- To detect, provide in time information and/or documents related to, activities of infringing upon the national security to the nearest national security protection agencies or administrations.

- To act upon requests of national security protection agencies as provided for by law.

What are the national security protection agencies in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 22 of the 2004 Law on National Security in Vietnam stipulating as follows:

National security protection agencies in Vietnam
1. The national security protection agencies include:
a) The directing and commanding agencies and security, intelligence or guard units of the People’s Police;
b) The directing and commanding agencies and army security protection, army intelligence units of the People’s Army;
c) The border guards, the coast guards are agencies specialized in protection of national security in land border and sea border regions.
2. The organizational apparatuses, tasks, specific powers, operational responsibility scopes and coordinative relationship of the agencies defined in Clause 1 of this Article shall be prescribed by law.

Thus, the national security protection agencies include:

- The directing and commanding agencies and security, intelligence or guard units of the People’s Police;

- The directing and commanding agencies and army security protection, army intelligence units of the People’s Army;

- The border guards, the coast guards are agencies specialized in protection of national security in land border and sea border regions.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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