Maintenance of Inland Waterway Transport Infrastructure Assets Combined with Product Recovery: What Does It Entail?
What is the maintenance of inland waterway transport infrastructure assets combined with product recovery?
Based on Clause 1, Article 10 of Decree 45/2018/ND-CP as defined below:
Maintenance combined with product recovery is the act of the State assigning enterprises to dredge and ensure the navigability of inland waterways while recovering products to cover the maintenance costs of the assets. This maintenance method is applied to the dredging and maintenance of inland waterways that yield recoverable products.
Maintenance of inland waterway transport infrastructure assets combined with product recovery (Image from the Internet)
How is maintenance of inland waterway transport infrastructure assets performed?
Based on Clause 2, Article 8 of Decree 45/2018/ND-CP regulating the forms of maintaining inland waterway transport infrastructure assets as follows:
- Maintenance based on performance quality:
+ Maintenance based on performance quality involves performing maintenance activities according to specified quality standards, within a certain time frame, with a specific amount stipulated in the Economic Contract.
+ The agency assigned to manage the assets is responsible for determining the maintenance price for each asset under their management; submitting it for approval to the competent agency or individual.
+ The maintenance price of inland waterway transport infrastructure assets is determined based on the economic-technical norms of maintenance activities or the average cost method of maintenance activities over the previous three consecutive years, plus any inflation factor (if applicable) or a combination of both methods.
+ The Ministry of Transport sets the criteria for supervising and accepting the results of maintenance of inland waterway transport infrastructure assets based on performance quality.
- Maintenance based on actual volume: Maintenance based on actual volume involves performing maintenance activities and being paid according to the actual volume of work completed.
- Maintenance combined with product recovery is performed according to the provisions of Article 10 of Decree 45/2018/ND-CP.
How is the maintenance cost of inland waterways, the value of recovered products determined?
Based on Clause 3, Article 10 of Decree 45/2018/ND-CP which stipulates as follows:
Maintenance combined with product recovery
1. Maintenance combined with product recovery is the act of the State assigning enterprises to dredge and ensure the navigability of inland waterways while recovering products to cover the maintenance costs of the assets. This maintenance method is applied to the dredging and maintenance of inland waterways that yield recoverable products.
2. The maintenance combined with product recovery must be established as a project and implemented according to the provisions of the law on public investment, and the law on bidding.
3. The maintenance cost of inland waterways, the value of recovered products are determined as follows:
a) The maintenance cost of inland waterways is determined and implemented according to the provisions of the law on public investment, the law on the state budget, and related legal regulations;
b) The value of recovered products is determined based on the volume (reserve) of recoverable products, the price of recoverable products issued by the Provincial People's Committee according to legal regulations; excluding the fee for the right to exploit minerals, taxes, fees, and charges payable under the law on taxes, fees, and charges.
4. The maintenance cost of inland waterways, the value of recovered products specified in Clause 3 of this Article are adjusted in cases where the competent authority or individual performs:
a) Adjusting the scale and design of the inland waterways according to the project approved by the competent authority;
b) Adjusting the volume (reserve) of recoverable products compared to the volume (reserve) determined by the competent state authority.
Thus, according to the above regulation, the maintenance cost of inland waterways, the value of recovered products are determined as follows:
- The maintenance cost of inland waterways is determined and implemented according to the provisions of the law on public investment, the law on the state budget, and related legal regulations.
- The value of recovered products is determined based on the volume (reserve) of recoverable products, the price of recoverable products issued by the Provincial People's Committee according to legal regulations; excluding the fee for the right to exploit minerals, taxes, fees, and charges payable under the law on taxes, fees, and charges.