07:49 | 23/07/2024

Salary Table for Traffic Police Officers After Implementing Salary Reform from July 01, 2024

<h3>New Salary Table for Traffic Police After Implementing Wage Reform from July 01, 2024</h3>Question from T.Q in Hanoi

What is the new salary schedule for Traffic Police after the wage reform from July 1, 2024?

Based on the spirit of Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018, there are proposals for wage reform by constructing 03 new salary schedules for the military according to job positions, titles, and leadership positions to replace the current salary system. The old salaries will be transitioned to the new salaries, ensuring they are not lower than the current salaries, including:

- 01 salary schedule for military officers, officers, and professional non-commissioned officers of the police force (based on the position, title, and military rank or police rank);

- 01 salary schedule for professional soldiers, technical specialists in the police force;

- 01 salary schedule for defense workers and police workers (while maintaining the salary correlation of the armed forces compared to administrative officials as it currently stands).

A salary schedule will be constructed for the Traffic Police based on the position, title, and military rank or police rank.

According to the spirit of Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018, the salary structure for the military and police when implementing the wage reform will include:

- Basic salary (accounting for approximately 70% of the total salary fund);

- Allowances (accounting for approximately 30% of the total salary fund);

- Additional bonuses (the bonus fund will be about 10% of the total annual salary fund, excluding allowances).

Thus, after the wage reform, the salary of the Traffic Police will be constructed following this formula:

| Traffic Police Salary = Basic salary + allowance (if any) + bonus (if any) || --- |

The new salary schedule for the Traffic Police will be built based on the following factors:

- Abolishing the statutory pay rate and current salary coefficient, constructing the basic salary in a specific amount in the new salary schedule.

- Expanding the salary relations as a basis to determine specific salary levels in the salary system, gradually approaching the salary relations in the enterprise sector appropriate to the State's resources.

- Perfecting policies for regular salary raises and early salary raises in accordance with the new salary schedule regulations.

New salary schedule for Traffic Police after wage reform from July 1, 2024

New salary schedule for Traffic Police after wage reform from July 1, 2024 (Image from the Internet)

What is the wage reform roadmap according to Resolution 27?

Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018 outlines the roadmap for wage reform from 2021 to 2025 with a vision towards 2030 as follows:

- For the public sector:

+ From 2021, apply the new unified wage policies for officials and public employees, and the armed forces throughout the entire political system.

+ In 2021, the lowest salary of officials and public employees will be equal to the average minimum salary of enterprises in various regions.

+ Regularly adjust the salary levels according to the consumer price index, economic growth rate, and the State budget capability.

+ By 2025, the lowest salary of officials and public employees will be higher than the average minimum salary of enterprises in various regions.

+ By 2030, the lowest salary of officials and public employees will be equal to or higher than the highest regional minimum salary of enterprises.

- For the enterprise sector:

+ From 2021, the State will periodically adjust the regional minimum wages based on the recommendations of the National Wage Council. Enterprises are allowed to implement wage policies based on negotiations and agreements between employers and employees and their collective representatives; the State will not directly intervene in the wage policies of enterprises.

+ Manage labor and wages in state-owned enterprises through wage expenditure contracting tied to business production tasks until 2025 and gradually move toward contracting the business production tasks by 2030.

When will the 2024 wage reform officially be implemented?

On November 10, with the majority of delegates in favor (94.33%), the National Assembly passed the Resolution on the State Budget Estimate for 2024.

To be specific, the Resolution clearly states:

"From July 1, 2024, implement a comprehensive wage policy reform according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018 of the Seventh Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee."

The funding source for wage reform will be ensured from accumulated central and local budget wage reform funds and a portion allocated in the balanced state budget expenditure estimate.

Simultaneously, adjustments will be made to pensions, social insurance benefits, monthly allowances, preferential allowances for people with meritorious services, and some social protection policies linked to the statutory pay rate.

Thus, the National Assembly has officially approved the wage reform starting from July 1, 2024, according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018.


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