07:49 | 23/07/2024

Salary Table for State Agencies Hiring Drivers, Security, and Service Personnel on Contractual Basis - Regulations

<strong>How are the salary scales of state agencies for contracted drivers, security guards, and service staff regulated?</strong><strong>Your question from T.Q in Hanoi</strong>

How should government agencies apply the salary scale when signing contracts for drivers, security, and service staff?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 8 of Decree 111/2022/ND-CP, the benefits for employees when signing contracts to perform support and service jobs are as follows:

Standards, conditions, rights, and obligations of the parties signing contracts to perform support and service jobs


2. Rights of employees

a) Employees performing support and service work as specified in Clause 1, Article 4 of this Decree are entitled to wages and other policies as agreed in the labor contract. Wages in labor contracts are applied in one of two forms: Applying wage levels as agreed, suitable with labor law regulations, or applying wages according to the salary scale of officials and public employees in accordance with the budget capacity of the agency, organization, or unit. In case of agreement to apply wages according to the salary scale of officials and public employees, the allowances (if any) are included in the salary; policies on salary grade increase and other related policies are implemented as for officials and public employees;

b) Employees specified in Clause 2, Article 4 of this Decree are not counted in the staffing assigned by the competent authority, and are applied policies as stipulated in Section II, Chapter II of the Law on Cadres, officials of 2008, and other provisions of the law regarding policies for officials; when ceasing to undertake the tasks specified in Clause 2, Article 4, they no longer enjoy the policies stipulated in this point and move to sign labor contracts to perform support and service jobs as regulated in Clause 1, Article 4 of this Decree if the employee so desires. The recruitment, evaluation, planning, appointment, and other matters related to personnel management are carried out according to the regulations of the head of the managing agency;

c) Employees performing tasks specified in Clauses 1 and 2, Article 4 of this Decree are entitled to other rights as prescribed by labor law, except where otherwise agreed.

The salary scale for employees when signing contracts to perform support and service jobs is applied in one of the following two forms:

- Applying wage levels as agreed, suitable with labor law regulations- Applying wages according to the salary scale of officials and public employees, suitable with the budget capacity of the agency, organization, or unit.

In case of agreement to apply wages according to the salary scale of officials and public employees, the allowances (if any) are included in the salary.

Regarding salary increase policies for employees when signing contracts to perform support and service jobs, as well as other related policies, they are implemented as for officials and public employees.

Salary scale applied by government agencies when signing contracts for drivers, security, and service staff as regulated

Salary scale applied by government agencies when signing contracts for drivers, security, and service staff as regulated

How are the policies and management regulations for employees signing contracts for driving, security, and service jobs applied?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Decree 111/2022/ND-CP, the policies and management regulations for employees signing contracts for support and service jobs are applied as follows:

- Implement management and apply policies according to labor law, civil law, and other related legal regulations

Support, service jobs in administrative agencies and public service providers implement management and apply policies according to labor law, civil law, and other related legal regulations, including:

+ Drivers, security;

Except for jobs implementing management and applying policies like officials

+ Receptionists, service staff; janitors; vehicle keepers; maintenance, operation of headquarters, equipment, machinery serving the activities of agencies, organizations, units;

+ Other support and service jobs listed as support positions in administrative agencies and public service providers not defined as officials and public employees according to the law.

- Implement management and apply policies like officials

Support, service jobs in administrative agencies include:

+ Security at agencies, units: Central Office of the Communist Party, Office of the President, Office of the National Assembly, Office of the Government of Vietnam; Treasury or Value Seal Depository of the State Bank, State Treasury, Tax Seal Depository, Customs Seal Depository;

+ Drivers serving Ministers or equivalent positions, and specialized drivers transporting money of the State Bank, State Treasury;

+ People performing support and service jobs at essential, confidential central agencies according to the decisions of the head of the competent managing agency.

What are the standards and conditions for employees signing contracts for driving, security, and service jobs?

According to Clause 1, Article 8 of Decree 111/2022/ND-CP, individuals signing labor contracts to perform support and service jobs must meet the following standards and conditions:

- Hold one nationality, which is Vietnamese nationality;- Be of working age according to labor law and specialized law regulations;- Have sufficient health for working;- Have background information verified by a competent authority;- Have the ability to meet the job position requirements;- Not be under criminal investigation, serving imprisonment, non-custodial reform, or undergoing other compulsory measures; not be subject to a career or job-related prohibition during the contract period;- Meet other standards and conditions as specified by specialized law and job position standards and conditions prescribed by the recruiting competent authority.


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