How long will the long-term hydrological forecast and warning bulletin in Vietnam provide information about water flow?

Hello, can I ask the following question: What information will the long-term hydrological forecasts and warnings provide about water flow and accompanying phenomena? I would like to thank you!

How long will the long-term hydrological forecast and warning bulletin in Vietnam provide information about water flow?

Pursuant to Article 12 of Circular 08/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulating as follows:

“Article 12. Types of hydrological forecast and warning bulletins
1. The extremely short-term hydrological forecast and warning bulletin: the minimum forecast and warning content contains information on the level or value of water level and water flow (if any) in detail for each interval. duration from 30 minutes to 03 hours at a specific location or river basin and its potential impact on the environment, living conditions, infrastructure, and socio-economic activities.
2. Short-term hydrological forecast and warning bulletins: The minimum forecast and warning content contains information on hydrological trends during the forecast period, water level values ​​and water flow ( if any) details for each period from 06 hours to 24 hours at the forecast location in the specific river basin (especially for the forecast locations of the river sections affected by the highest predicted tides) , the lowest within the forecast period) and the possibility of dangerous hydrological phenomena, the possibility of impacts on the environment, living conditions, infrastructure, and socio-economic activities.
3. The medium-term hydrological forecast and warning message: the minimum forecast and warning content contains information about the trend and the average, maximum and minimum characteristic values ​​of water level and discharge. detailed water (if any) for each period from 02 days to 05 days for the forecast location or specific river basin and the possibility of occurrence of dangerous hydrological phenomena, the possibility of impact on the environment, living conditions, infrastructure, socio-economic activities.
4. Long-term hydrological forecast and warning bulletins: The minimum forecast and warning content contains information on the trend of water level change, water flow (if any) compared with the average value much year within the forecast period, the average, maximum and minimum characteristic values ​​of water level and water flow (if any) in detail for each period from 10 days to 15 days for forecasted location or storage. specific river areas and the possibility of occurrence of dangerous hydrological phenomena, the possibility of impacts on the environment, living conditions, infrastructure, and socio-economic activities.
5. Bulletin of hydrological forecasts and warnings of season term: The minimum forecast and warning content contains information about the trend of water level change, water flow (if any) compared with the average value much detailed year for each period from 01 month to 03 months at the forecast location or specific river basin and the possibility of occurrence of dangerous hydrological phenomena, the possibility of impact on the environment, living conditions, infrastructure, socio-economic activities.”

Accordingly, the forecast and hydrological warnings will include extremely short, short, medium, long and seasonal types. In particular, the long-term hydrological forecast and warning bulletin in Vietnam will provide information on the water flow in a period of 10-15 days in a specific river basin and the possibility of dangerous hydrological phenomena.

How long will the long-term hydrological forecast and warning bulletin in Vietnam provide information about water flow?

How long will the long-term hydrological forecast and warning bulletin in Vietnam provide information about water flow? (Image from the internet)

Pursuant to Article 13 of Circular 08/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulating as follows:

“Article 13. Types of bulletins forecasting water sources
1. Short-term water source forecast bulletin: the minimum forecast and warning content contains information on trends in total rainfall, total surface water volume, shortage of water sources within the forecast period, and values. total rainfall and total surface water in detail for each period from 01 day to 03 days, natural disasters related to water shortage.
2. Medium-term water source forecast bulletin: The minimum forecast content contains information on the trend of total rainfall, total surface water volume, shortage of water sources within the forecast period, and total rainfall value. and the total amount of surface water in detail for each period from 07 days to 15 days, natural disasters related to water shortage.
3. Long-term water source forecast bulletin: The minimum forecast content contains information on the trend of total rainfall, total surface water volume, shortage of water sources within the forecast period, and total rainfall value. and the total amount of surface water in detail for each period from 15 days to 1 month, natural disasters related to water shortage.
4. Bulletin on forecast of water sources with season term: The minimum forecast content must contain information on the trend of total rainfall, total amount of surface water, shortage of water sources during the forecast period, and the value of total rainfall. and the total amount of surface water compared to the average value of many years in detail for each period from 01 month to 03 months, natural disasters related to water shortage.
5. Bulletin of forecast of water sources for the year: the minimum forecast content must contain information on the trend of total rainfall, total amount of surface water, shortage of water sources, value of total rainfall and total amount of surface water. Compared to the multi-year average value during the forecast period, natural disasters are related to water shortages.”

Accordingly, all types of water forecast bulletin in Vietnam have forecasts about water shortages and rainfall trends. However, based on the duration of the above-mentioned types of bulletin in Vietnam to determine the water source forecast period.

How long will water forecasting be accurate?

Pursuant to Article 7 of Circular 08/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulating as follows:

“Article 7. Time limit for forecasting water sources
1. Short term: forecast up to 07 days.
2. Medium term: forecast from over 07 days to a maximum of 15 days.
3. Long term: forecast, warning from over 15 days up to 01 month.
4. Season duration: forecast, warning from over 01 month to maximum 06 months.
5. Duration of the year: forecast, warning from over 06 months to a maximum of 12 months.”

Accordingly, based on the duration of the water source forecast to determine the accuracy of that type of forecast within how long. In which, the shortest forecast period is up to 07 days and the longest forecast period is from 06 months to 12 months.

Circular 08/2022/TT-BTNMT will take effect from August 15, 2022.

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