Abolish the authority to approve the adjustment of the industrial park in Vietnam area of the People's Committee of Da Nang city from August 15, 2022?

May I ask, is there a new Decree on urban planning and construction management in Da Nang city? I am very interested in this city because it has a good development direction, can I ask what the new regulations are abolished? Thank you!

Which regulation on the authority to approve the adjustment of industrial park in Vietnam area of ​​Da Nang City People's Committee in Decree 144/2016/ND-CP is abolished?

According to Decree 40/2022/ND-CP regulations

- To annul Clause 3, Article 5; Article 8; Clause 3, Article 9 of Decree 144/2016/ND-CP dated November 1, 2016 of the Government stipulating a number of specific mechanisms on investment, finance, budget and management decentralization for Da Nang city. Nang.

- This Decree takes effect from August 15, 2022.

Abolish regulations on budget regulation in Da Nang city in the first year of the new period of budget stability?

In Clause 3, Article 5 of Decree 144/2016/ND-CP, the specifics of the budget are as follows:

"Article 5. Budget specifics
1. The additional central budget targets Da Nang city 70% of the increase in revenue compared to the estimate assigned by the Prime Minister from the revenues divided between the central budget and the local budget (after bonus over revenue in accordance with the Law on State Budget No. 83/2015/QH13) and 100% central budget revenues (excluding revenues: Value-added tax on imported goods; other amounts revenues that do not arise in the locality but are only accounted in the City; revenues and expenditures are recorded and revenues are left to the spending unit to manage through the state budget as prescribed by law); but not exceed the increase in central budget revenue in the locality compared to the previous year.
Based on the total excess of central budget revenues and the overall balance, the Government shall report to the National Assembly Standing Committee for consideration and decision on the targeted additional level for Da Nang city according to the provisions of the State Budget Law No. 83/2015/QH13 and the specific mechanism of Da Nang city specified in this Article.
2. Targeted additional amount from revenue increase sources specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the City shall use: Prioritize payment of outstanding debts for capital construction; investment in infrastructure works; invest in the high-tech park of Da Nang city; arrange reciprocal capital for ODA projects; repayment of loans; perform important tasks for socio-economic development for national defense, security, social order and safety of the City and reward subordinate budgets. The City People's Committee reports to the City People's Council to decide the specific capital level for each goal, task and reward for the subordinate budget.
3. In the first year of the new period of budget stability, the Government assigns the Ministry of Finance to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, proposing to submit to competent authorities for consideration and decision the stabilization of the regulation rate for the bank. the City's policy to ensure resources to implement the city's socio-economic development goals and projects in the Central and Central Highlands regions."

Thus, from August 15, 2022, the regulations on the regulation of the budget of Da Nang city will be abolished in the first year of the new period of budget stability

Abolish the authority to approve the adjustment of the industrial park in Vietnam area of the People's Committee of Da Nang city from August 15, 2022?

Abolish the authority to approve the adjustment of the industrial park in Vietnam area of the People's Committee of Da Nang city from August 15, 2022?

Abolish the authority to approve the adjustment of the industrial park in Vietnam area of ​​the People's Committee of Da Nang city?

According to Article 8 of Decree 144/2016/ND-CP stipulating:

"Article 8. Regarding the adjustment of the master plan on socio-economic development
On the basis of consensus with the specialized ministries; The City People's Committee organizes the formulation, appraisal and consultation of the City People's Council and approves local adjustments in the socio-economic development master plan approved by the Prime Minister. approved to suit the local development situation in each period, and report to the Prime Minister on implementation results."

According to Article 9 of Decree 144/2016/ND-CP stipulating:

"Article 9. Regarding urban planning, construction investment management
1. The city shall assume the prime responsibility for organizing the appraisal of technical design and construction estimate for the case of three-step design, the appraisal of construction drawing design and construction estimate for the case of two-step design and inspect the pre-acceptance test and put into use the civil works, technical infrastructure works specified in Appendix I and Appendix II issued together with this Decree, invested and built in the city. (except for works assigned by the Prime Minister to specialized construction agencies under the Ministry of Construction and specialized construction management ministries; works under projects managed by the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Construction). investment decisions for specialized construction works; works for investment decided by economic groups, economic groups and state-owned corporations under their management).
2. Based on the general planning, zoning planning, urban development area, the City People's Committee may decide to transfer the land use right to people to build their own houses according to the detailed planning of the project. approved in areas where infrastructure has been invested, ensuring connection with the common infrastructure system of the region; annually synthesize and report to the Ministry of Construction. For other cases, the People's Committee of the city shall obtain the written consent of the Ministry of Construction before making a decision.
3. The City People's Committee may approve the adjustment to 10% of the area ofindustrial park in Vietnam and high-tech zones, but not exceeding 30 hectares compared to the first approved planning area. For the partial adjustment of general planning and urban planning, the City People's Committee shall approve the adjustment after obtaining the consensus of the Ministry of Construction and summarizing and reporting to the Prime Minister the actual results. presently."

Thus, from August 15, 2022, the Government stipulates the annulment of a number of the above articles of Decree 144/2016/ND-CP, in which, the abolition of the regulations on the People's Committee of Da Nang City is abolished. approval to adjust up to 10% of the area of ​​industrial park in Vietnam and high-tech zones, but not more than 30 hectares compared with the first approved planning area.

Decree 40/2022/ND-CP takes effect from August 15, 2022.


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