Announcement of the exam for a certificate of tax procedure service practice in Vietnam in 2023? When is the deadline for submission of the application?

When is the deadline for submission of the application for the exam for a certificate of tax procedure service practice in Vietnam in 2023? - Question from Mr. Thanh (Phu Tho)

What are the conditions for taking part in the exam for a certificate of tax procedure service practice in 2023?

The Examination Council for Certificate of Tax Procedure Service Practice in 2023 announces the following examination for the certificate of tax procedure service practice in 2023:

Regarding the conditions for taking part in the exam, an examinee for a practicing certificate shall be a Vietnamese or foreigner who is permitted to reside in Vietnam at least for 12 months, and also meet the following eligibility requirements:

(1) He/she has full active legal capacity;

(2) He/she obtains a bachelor’s degree or higher in economics, tax, finance, accounting, auditing, law or a bachelor’s degree or higher in another major which has a total number of units of study or credits or class hours in economics, finance, accounting, auditing, tax, financial operation analysis subjects of at least 7% of the total number of units of study or credits or class hours of the whole course;

(3) He/she has had actual working time in tax, finance, accounting, auditing field for at least 36 months. The actual working time will be accumulated from the graduation date stated on the bachelor’s degree (or postgraduate degree) to the registration date for the exam;

(4) He/she submits adequate registration documents and pay sufficient registration fees as required.

Announcement of the exam for a certificate of tax procedure service practice in Vietnam in 2023? When is the deadline for submission of the application?

Announcement of the exam for a certificate of tax procedure service practice in Vietnam in 2023? When is the deadline for submission of the application?

What are the regulations on the application, the time to submit the application and the time and location of the exam for the certificate of tax procedure service practice in 2023?

Exam time and place:

(1) Exam time: scheduled for June 4, 2023 (Sunday)

(2) Exam venue:

- North: in Hanoi.

- South: in Ho Chi Minh City.

The exam board will notify the exam location and specific exam schedule at least 15 days before the exam date.

Exam application:

(1) For those who register for the exam for a certificate of tax procedure service practice, they shall submit their application through the website of the General Department of Taxation. Registration documents include:

- An application form for the exam, made according to Form 1.1 in the Appendix issued with Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BTC (scan);

- A bachelor’s degree or postgraduate degree as prescribed in clause 2 Article 4 of Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BTC; or an academic transcript (scan) specifying number of units of study or credits or class hours of all subjects, if the bachelor’s degree in not in economics, tax, finance, accounting, auditing, or law major;

- A certification of working time form No. 1.2. in the Appendix to Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BTC or a social security book which justifies the working time as prescribed in clause 3 Article 4 of Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BTC (scan);

- An ID card or citizen identity card (for a Vietnamese) if the national population database has not been inaugurated or a passport (for a foreigner) which remains valid until the registration time (scan);

- A color photo 3x4cm, white background, taken within 06 months until the date of submission (photo file).

- Proof of payment of registration fees (photo file or scan).

(2) In case of registration for continued exam of new subjects or re-exam of failed subjects, the examinee shall submit registration documents to the exam board via the website of the General Department of Taxation, including:

- An application form for the exam, made according to Form 1.1 in the Appendix issued with Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BTC (scan);

- An ID card or citizen identity card (for a Vietnamese) if the national population database has not been inaugurated or a passport (for a foreigner) which remains valid until the registration time (scan);

- A color photo 3x4cm, white background, taken within 06 months until the date of submission (photo file).

- Proof of payment of registration fees (photo file or scan).

The application form and the certificate of working time are attached to this Announcement and are posted on the website of the General Department of Taxation (address: and the website of the tax college (address:

Instructions on the steps to submit an application for the exam for a certificate of tax procedure service practice in 2023?

Step 1. Carefully read and understand the regulations on exam conditions, application documents, exam costs, exam content, test subjects, exam format and regulations on organization of exam for a certificate of tax procedure service practice in this Announcement.

Step 2. Prepare the required documents and documents as required in Clause 4.1 or Clause 4.2, Section 4 of this Announcement.

Step 3. Pay the registration fees according to the instructions in Section 5 of this Announcement.

Step 4. Scan and take pictures of the documents to be submitted. It is recommended to save the file as .JPG (or similar format) for image files; .PDF format for documents, documents are scanned copies.

Scanned copies of documents submitted in the application must be scanned/photocopied from the original. For documents with 2 sides or from 2 pages or more (Registration form, Citizen identity card...) must scan/ photograph and send all sides/pages of the document.

Step 5. Access the website:, log in to the system to register the profile (click on Register).

Candidates who have registered and successfully submitted their application for the certificate of tax procedure service practice exam in 2022 log in with the registered account; If you forget your login password, you can ask the system to re-supply your password through your personal email address.

Step 6. Select Manage Profile > Register Profile. Enter profile registration information and attach scanned and taken profile files at Step 4.

Step 7. Select Submit Profile to complete the Profile Registration process.

During the application process, if you have any questions, please call 024.39727772 for assistance.

Time to submit application documents: from 8:00 a.m. on March 20, 2023 to 5:00 p.m. on April 7, 2023.

List of candidates: posted on the website of the General Department of Taxation (address: and the website of the School of Taxation (address: before 5:00 p.m. on May 15, 2023.


- Due to the change in the regulations on exam conditions at Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BTC compared to the past, candidates with satisfactory exam subjects from the 2020 exam or earlier are within the reservation period and ensure that all conditions are met as prescribed in Article 4 of Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BTC to register for re-examination of untested subjects or retake unsatisfactory exam subjects and submit a complete application for registration sufficient as prescribed in Section 4.1 of this Announcement.

- The exam board only accepts exam registration documents (excluding registration procedures for exam exemption). Cases eligible for exemption from the exam shall submit an application for a certificate of tax procedure service practice directly or by post to the General Department of Taxation as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 12 of Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BTC.

See the full announcement: Click here.


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