What is occupational safety? What is the management of machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety and hygiene requirements in Vietnam?

What is occupational safety? What is the management of machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety and hygiene requirements in Vietnam? T.A - Hanoi.

What is occupational safety in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 3 of the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene 2015 stipulates as follows:

Interpretation of terms
For the purposes of this Law, these terms below shall be construed as follows:
1. Business entity means an enterprise, a cooperative, a household or another business entity.
2. Occupational safety means preventive measures for dangerous factors to avoid injuries or deaths to employees during the course of work.
3. Occupational hygiene means preventive measures for harmful factors that cause diseases or health declining of employees during the course of work.

Accordingly, occupational safety means preventive measures for dangerous factors to avoid injuries or deaths to employees during the course of work

What is occupational safety? What is the management of machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety and hygiene requirements in Vietnam?

What is the management of machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety and hygiene requirements in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 16 of Decree 06/2021/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

Management of machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety and hygiene requirements
1. Machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety requirements which are used in construction works must undergo technical safety testing and inspection conducted by qualified organizations and individuals in accordance with the laws on occupational safety and hygiene.
2. Organizations and individuals participating in technical inspection of occupational safety must use online software to manage the inspection database (hereinafter referred to as software) specified in Clause 3 of this Article to update the database with latest information about machines and equipment subject to strict requirements on occupational safety that are used for construction activities after having been tested.
3. The Ministry of Construction shall assume the following responsibilities:
a) Developing, managing, updating software and instructing, requiring organizations and individuals engaged in the technical inspection of occupational safety to use the software;
b) Publishing information about the organizations granted the Certificates of conformance to regulations on provision of the technical inspection of occupational safety on the software;
c) Publishing information about individuals who are granted Certificates of inspector on the software.

According to the above regulations, machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety requirements which are used in construction works must fully meet the prescribed conditions.

What are the content of the general safety plan in construction works in Vietnam?

Based on Appendix III issued with Decree 06/2021/ND-CP regulating the content of the general safety plan in construction works as follows:

- Occupational safety management policies

Fundamental rules for occupational safety management; legislative regulations; developing, disseminating and implementing the plan.

- Diagram of organization of the occupational safety management department; responsibilities of concerned organizations and individuals.

- Occupational safety training regulations

Providing training for persons in charge of occupational safety, persons tasked with occupational safety activities and workers; planning scheduled or unscheduled training sessions.

- Regulations on daily, weekly, monthly or periodic work process with respect to the works subject to specific occupational safety requirements.

- Safety requirements for construction site planning.

General requirements; traffic and transportation roads; loading of materials, fuels, components and other related site planning requirements.

- Regulations on specific occupational safety measures at construction sites.

Measures for prevention of accidents related to falls; measures for prevention of accidents related to flying objects and falling objects; measures for prevention of accidents related to structural collapses; measures for prevention of accidents related to machinery and equipment used in construction activities; measures for prevention of accidents related to electricity, welding; measures for prevention of accidents related to construction on and under the water; measures for prevention of accidents related to construction of underground works; measures for prevention of accidents related to fire and explosion; measures for prevention of accidents affecting communities and neighboring works; traffic accident prevention measures and other related occupational accident prevention measures.

- Regulations on provision, management and use of personal safety equipment

Protective helmets; safety belts, coats; eye, ear, face, hand, and foot protection equipment; life jackets; respirators, air-purifying respirators; first aid boxes and other related tools and equipment.

- Occupational health and environment management

Occupational health, sanitation management, workplace environment monitoring systems and other systems related to occupational health and workplace environment management.

- Emergency response regulations

Communication networks, relevant procedures for response to emergencies.

- Procedures for regular and irregular tracking and reporting of occupational safety management activities

Tracking and reporting on the implementation of the general plan on occupational safety; reporting on occupational accidents and incidents causing unsafety at workplace during the construction process; sharing information about accidents and incidents with the aim of raising awareness amongst employees.

- Appendices, forms, templates and images attached thereto.


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