An online service to be provided to reduce the cost of auction documents for mining rights in unexplored areas in Vietnam?

It’s said that there would be a reduction in the procedure for the auction of mineral mining rights in Vietnam. Which documents shall be removed in detail? If my company wants to attend an auction, how can I prepare a bid? Thank you!

What are the contents and forms of bidder dossiers for participation in the auction of mineral mining rights according to current regulations in Vietnam?

According to Article 16 of Decree 22/2012/ND-CP and Clause 4, Article 68 of Decree 158/2016/ND-CP as follows:

- The bidder shall make a bidder dossier and submit it to the agency specified in Article 17 of this Decree.

- The documents in a mineral extraction right bidder dossier include:

+ The original application for mineral extraction right auction attendance;

+ The original certified true copy or the copy enclosed with original for collation of: the business registration certificate or enterprise registration certificate; written introduction of capability and experience in mineral exploration, extraction and processing; introduction of financial situation and fund raising capability.

+ For areas with mineral exploration results, the bidders must formulate a preliminary investment program for mineral extraction, intensive processing, product sale and make a written commitment to implementing such program if they win the auction.

+ For an area without mineral exploration results, the bidders must formulate a preliminary investment plan on exploration, mineral extraction, intensive processing, product sale and make a written commitment to implementing such plan if they win the auction.

An online service to be provided to reduce the cost of auction documents for mining rights in unexplored areas in Vietnam?

What are the simplifications in procedures for the auction of mining rights in unexplored areas in Vietnam?

According to Decision 721/QD-TTg in 2022, regulations on reducing and simplifying administrative procedures are as follows:

Administrative procedures: Auction of mining rights in areas not yet explored for minerals (administrative code: 20001828)

(1) Content of reduction, simplification

- Modifying the receiving agency: The Office of Receiving and Returning results of administrative procedures of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is responsible for receiving and returning results of handling administrative procedures under the licensing authority of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Reason: Comply with Decree 61/2018/ND-CP.

- Removing components of the dossier: The original or a certified copy or a copy with the original attached for comparison; Certificate of Business Registration

Reason: The appraisal agency exploits on the National Database of Business Registration.

- Providing online public services at level 3 in the direction of digitization, integration and sharing of dossier components: A document introducing capacity and experience in mineral exploration, mining and processing ; introduce financial capacity and ability to mobilize finance; preliminary plan on investment in exploration, exploitation, deep processing, product consumption and a commitment to do so if the auction is won.

Reason: The provision of online public services at level 3 and integration, data sharing to eliminate the document component in order to reduce paperwork, cut printing and postal costs, save time, and be convenient for the object to perform.

What are the amendments and simplifications in administrative procedures on the auction of mining rights in unexplored areas in Vietnam?

According to Decision 721/QD-TTg in 2022, regulations on recommendations to reduce and simplify administrative procedures are as follows:

Implementation recommendations:

- Clause 1 and Points b, d, Clause 2, Article 16 of Decree 22/2012/ND-CP have been amended in Clause 4, Article 68 of Decree 158/2016/ND-CP.

- Implementation roadmap: 2022-2023.

Thus, in the coming time, the application components will be removed: The original or a certified copy or a copy with the original attached for comparison; Certificate of business registration or Certificate of business registration in the auction file for the right to exploit minerals in unexplored areas.

At the same time, provide online public services at level 3 in the direction of digitalization, integration and sharing of profile components: A document introducing capacity and experience in exploration, exploitation and processing mineral; introduce financial capacity and ability to mobilize finance; preliminary plan on investment in exploration, exploitation, deep processing, product consumption and a commitment to do so if the auction is won.


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