07:43 | 23/07/2024

All educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City will meet the criteria for 'Drug-Free Schools' by 2025

Currently, the issue of drugs remains a distressing social problem. In a developed and densely populated area like Ho Chi Minh City, the drug problem is still very complex. Students are often the target of being enticed and drawn into this path of addiction. So, does Ho Chi Minh City have any plans or goals in place to combat drugs within the school environment?

Ho Chi Minh City strives for all educational institutions in the area to "say no to drugs" by 2025?

Based on Section I of Official Dispatch 2062/SGDDT-CTTT in 2022, the following specific goals have been set in the implementation of the Drug Prevention Program in the education and training sector until 2025:

- Enhancing the effectiveness of state management, the coordinated and synchronized collaboration of all levels of the education and training sector with other sectors and socio-political organizations, leveraging the combined strength of the political system in propagating, disseminating policies, laws, providing information, knowledge about drug prevention to managers, teachers, staff, and students.

- Improving the quality and efficiency of drug prevention efforts in the education and training sector, contributing to maintaining legal compliance, ensuring security, order, and creating a stable, safe environment to build and develop the country.

- Organizing propaganda, dissemination, and education on drug prevention knowledge with various forms, improving the quality and quantity of news, articles, media products on drug prevention and appropriate content to the teaching staff and students in 100% of educational institutions.

- Strictly controlling according to regulations the types of precursors, addictive drugs, psychotropic drugs, and veterinary drugs containing narcotics, precursors; propagating the basic and sustainable elimination of planting and replanting narcotic plants.

- Striving by 2025, for 100% of schools and educational institutions in the city to meet the criteria of “Drug-free School."

- Coordinating with functional agencies in addressing drug-related issues in school areas or localities.

Ho Chi Minh City aims for 100% of the educational institutions in the city to meet the criteria of "Drug-free School" by 2025. Additionally, the city also strives to achieve the specific goals outlined above in the Drug Prevention Program in the education and training sector by 2025.

All educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City will meet the criteria of 'Drug-free School' by 2025?

All educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City will meet the criteria of “Drug-free School” by 2025?

Ho Chi Minh City incorporates drug prevention content into the academic year plans?

Based on Section II of Official Dispatch 2062/SGDDT-CTTT in 2022, the following tasks have been set:

- The head of the unit shall concentrate on leading and directing the effective implementation, ensuring the correct objectives, requirements, and contents of the Drug Prevention Program for the period 2021 - 2025, number 1452/QD-TTg dated August 31, 2021 of the Government of Vietnam; the Plan for implementing the Drug Prevention Program in the Education sector until 2025, number 633/QD-BGDDT dated March 07, 2022 of the Ministry of Education and Training; the Plan for implementing the Drug Prevention Program for the period 2021 - 2025 in Ho Chi Minh City, number 461/KH-UBND of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City; and the Scheme to Improve the Efficiency of Drug Prevention Work in the city for the period 2020 - 2030; integrating closely, incorporating drug prevention program content with crime prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention, and other socio-economic development programs in the locality.

- Continuously implementing legal documents, guiding the enforcement of the Drug Prevention Law of 2021 in educational institutions in the city; annually having leadership, directive programs, plans; periodically organizing preliminary and final assessments enforcement; frequently organizing inspections, urging the implementation, promptly resolving arising difficulties and obstacles.

- Incorporating drug prevention content in schools into the academic year plans, with criteria for schools each year to prevent the occurrence of drug announcements or usage; ensuring that students and trainees are not lured into drug abuse. Maintaining, expanding, and improving the quality and efficiency of advanced models and examples in drug prevention work; effectively carrying out commendation work to promptly encourage exemplary individuals in drug prevention.

- Coordinating with the police and functional agencies in propagating, disseminating drug prevention laws to officials, teachers, staff, students, and parents each academic year with rich and diverse forms, ensuring that the propagation content is easy to understand, easy to remember. When detecting drug use, possession, luring, or coercing drug use in schools, the head of the unit will inform the functional agencies for support and coordinated handling.

To complete the Drug Prevention Program in the education and training sector of Ho Chi Minh City by 2025, it is necessary to implement several tasks as outlined above.

Organizing training to improve life skills for students to say no to drugs?

Based on Section IV of Official Dispatch 2062/SGDDT-CTTT in 2022, the following requirements have been outlined:

- Directing, unifying, and synchronizing within the education and training sector on implementing the Drug Prevention Program until 2025 in educational institutions.

- Enhancing teaching, integrating propaganda, disseminating education through experiential activities, extracurricular activities about the harms of drugs; improving life skills to say no to drugs for students in schools in the city.

- The Political Thought Division cooperates with relevant units of departments and industries in advising and coordinating the implementation of the Drug Prevention Program plan until 2025, consolidating annual reports to be sent to the Ministry of Education and Training, and the City People's Committee.

Accordingly, the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City will organize activities as outlined above to complete the drug prevention program in the education and training sector in Ho Chi Minh City by 2025.


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