Who is equipped with combat gears in Vietnam? What are the dossiers and procedures for issuance of a license to be equipped with combat gears for those who are allowed to equip them?

May I ask: Who is equipped with combat gears in Vietnam? What are the dossiers and procedures for issuance of a license to be equipped with combat gears for those who are allowed to equip them? - Question from Mr. Hai (Nam Dinh)

Who is equipped with combat gears in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 55 of the 2017 Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Combat Gears in Vietnam, the entities equipped with combat gears include:

- Vietnam People’s Army;

- Vietnam Civil Defense Force;

- Vietnam Coast Guards

- Vietnam People's Public Security

- Cipher force;

- Investigating authorities affiliated to People’s Supreme Procuracy;

- Authorities in charge of enforcement of civil judgments

- Foresters, full-time forest protection forces, Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillance, forces directly carry out specialized fishery inspections;

- Customs officers working at border checkpoints and full-time forces carrying out tasks of anti-smuggling affiliated to customs to Vietnam Customs.

- Inspecting teams affiliated to the market control forces;

- Aviation security force, forces directly carry out specialized inspections related to transportation;

- Guardians of authorities, organizations; providers of security services;

- Neighborhood security guards;

- Sporting clubs and providers of training in sports that have obtained operating licenses;

- Drug detoxification facilities;

- According to properties, requirements and missions, the Minister of Public’s Security shall decide to provide combat gears for other entities.

Who is equipped with combat gears in Vietnam? What are the dossiers and procedures for issuance of a license to be equipped with combat gears for those who are allowed to equip them?

Who is equipped with combat gears in Vietnam? What are the dossiers and procedures for issuance of a license to be equipped with combat gears for those who are allowed to equip them? (Image from the Internet)

What is the application for issuance of a license to be equipped with combat gears in Vietnam?

Application for issuance of a license to be equipped with combat gears is made according to the provisions of Point a, Clause 1, Article 56 of the 2017 Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Combat Gears in Vietnam, subsection 11 Section D Part II administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision 3191/QD-BCA in 2022.

To be specific:


Application composition



A written request for equipment from an agency, organization or enterprise, clearly stating the needs, conditions, quantity and type of combat gears to be equipped.



A copy of the decision on establishment of the agency or organization or the certificate of enterprise registration



A copy of the decision on establishment of a full-time security force for agencies, organizations and enterprises that establish a full-time security force



A letter of introduction



A copy of the citizen identity card, paper identity card, passport or people's police identity card of the contact person


Thus, agencies, organizations and enterprises will make the above dossier into 01 set and send it to the competent authority.

What are the steps in the procedures for issuance of a license to be equipped with combat gears in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 11 Section D Part II Administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision 3191/QD-BCA in 2022. Procedures for issuance of a license to be equipped with combat gears include the following steps:

Step 1:

Central agencies, organizations and enterprises that wish to issue a license to be equipped with combat gears shall submit their dossiers at the Police Department for administrative management of social order - the Ministry of Public Security at office hours on working days, through the Online Public Service Portal or by the postal service.

Step 2:

The receiving officer checks the validity and composition of the dossier.

- If the application meets the requirements and procedures, the application shall be received, handed over the receipt or notified on the online public service portal to the person being handed over by the agency, organization or enterprise.

- In case the dossier is eligible but the procedures are missing or the declaration is incomplete and inaccurate, a written instruction or notice on the Online Public Service Portal clearly states the procedures and contents to be supplemented and declared.

- In case the application is not eligible, the application will not be accepted and a written reply or a notice on the Online Public Service Portal clearly stating the reason for not receiving the application.

Step 3:

Based on the appointment date on the receipt or the notice on the Online Public Service Portal, the agency, organization or enterprise that is granted a license to equip assistive devices comes to receive a license to be equipped with combat gears or receive a license to be equipped with combat gears through the online public service portal, through the postal service.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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