07:49 | 23/07/2024

Who was elected as President of the Vietnam General Federation of Labor at the 5th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union in 1983?

Who was elected as the President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor at the 5th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union in 1983? Your question from S.P in Gia Lai

Who Was Elected as the Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour at the Fifth Vietnam Trade Union Congress in 1983?

Pursuant to Guidance 117-HD/BTGTW 2023 on the propagation of the 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress for the 2023-2028 term.

In Section 3 of the propaganda outline for the 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress 2023, issued with Guidance 117-HD/BTGTW 2023, it is noted about the Fifth Vietnam Trade Union Congress in 1983 as follows:

The Congresses of the Vietnam Trade Union

- The Fifth Vietnam Trade Union Congress, term 1983 - 1988

Held from November 16 - 18, 1983 in Hanoi Capital. The congress set the tasks: Promote labor production emulation movements among workers and public employees; launch a movement for workers and public employees to emulate in serving agriculture, gradually advancing agriculture to large-scale socialist production; restore social order in the circulation and distribution front... The congress elected the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour comprising 155 members, and the Secretariat comprising 13 members. Comrade Nguyen Duc Thuan, Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, was elected as Chairman; Comrade Pham The Duyet, Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, was elected as Vice-Chairman cum General Secretary. The Fifth Vietnam Trade Union Congress unanimously decided to take July 28, 1929, the establishment date of the Red General Association of Northern Vietnam, as the Founding Day of the Vietnam Trade Union. In February 1987, Comrade Pham The Duyet, Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, was elected as Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour; Comrade Vu Dinh was elected as Vice-Chairman, and Comrade Duong Xuan An was elected as General Secretary.

Thus, according to the above content, the Fifth Vietnam Trade Union Congress in 1983 elected Comrade Nguyen Duc Thuan, Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, as the Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour.

Who Was Elected as the Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour at the Fifth Vietnam Trade Union Congress in 1983?

Who Was Elected as the Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour at the Fifth Vietnam Trade Union Congress in 1983?

What is the Motto of the Upcoming 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress 2023?

Pursuant to Guidance 117-HD/BTGTW 2023 on the propagation of the 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress for the 2023-2028 term. The 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress 2023 is organized from December 1 - 3, 2023 in Hanoi Capital.

In subsection 2 of Section III of the Outline issued with Guidance 117-HD/BTGTW 2023, the Motto of the Congress is stated as follows:


2. Motto of the Congress

“Innovation - Democracy - Solidarity - Development”.

Thus, the 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress 2023 is organized under the motto of Innovation - Democracy - Solidarity - Development.

What are the Propagation Contents for the Trade Union Congress 2023?

Pursuant to Section II of Guidance 117-HD/BTGTW 2023 as follows:


1. The perspectives, guidelines of the Communist Party, policies, and laws of the State on building a modern and strong working class and building a strong Vietnam Trade Union organization in the spirit of the 13th Communist Party Congress Resolution, Resolution No. 20-NQ/TW, and Conclusion No. 79-KL/TW, dated December 25, 2013, of the 11th Politburo on promoting the implementation of Resolution No. 20-NQ/TW, dated January 28, 2008, of the 10th Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party on "Continuing to build the Vietnamese working class in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the country"; Resolution No. 02-NQ/TW, dated June 12, 2021, of the 13th Politburo on "Innovation in the organization and operation of the Vietnam Trade Union in the new situation."

2. The position, role, historical mission, development of the working class, the Vietnam Trade Union organization through 12 congresses; remarkable achievements and contributions of the workforce and the Vietnam Trade Union organization to the cause of building and defending the Fatherland; fighting and refuting wrong and hostile viewpoints about the working class and the Vietnam Trade Union organization, contributing to protecting the ideological foundation of the Communist Party.

3. Remarkable results of the implementation of the Resolution of the 12th Vietnam Trade Union Congress, term 2018 - 2023 in various levels of Trade Unions; effective trade union activity models; outstanding collectives and individuals, exemplary trade union officials, excellent workers with remarkable achievements, having many initiatives and innovations.

4. The purpose, significance, theme, and importance of the 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress, term 2023 - 2028; content of draft documents submitted to the Congress; emulation movements, projects, and products of members and workers across the country welcoming the Congress.

5. Results of the congresses at various trade union levels; progress and results of the 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress; direction of trade union activities and the worker's movement for the term 2023 - 2028; activities to thoroughly grasp, study, and implement the Resolution immediately after the Congress concludes.

6. Some propaganda slogans

Thus, the propagation activities for the 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress include the above propagation contents.


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