According to which standard are the meteorological data, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation in Vietnam evaluated?
- What is the method of documenting high-altitude meteorology, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation?
- How do you evaluate the data of high altitude meteorology, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation?
- What is the scoring principle for the classification of high-altitude meteorological documents, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation?
What is the method of documenting high-altitude meteorology, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation?
According to Article 7 Circular 04/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulates the method of evaluating documents of aerial meteorology, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation as follows:
- Evaluation of document quality by calculation method score, based on the standard score (measurement), minus point (meet) and passing score (meet);
- The standard score is calculated as 100 points. Defined benchmarks for each item to be assessed for document quality;
- Minus points are determined on the basis of: minutes of technical inspection of stations, technical documents, inspection and control of documents, reports; analyze and evaluate errors in construction, equipment, monitoring, adjustment and statistical calculation of data;
- The pass score of the document is calculated by the standard score minus the total minus points: TD = TD - ∑ DT
According to which standard are the meteorological data, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation in Vietnam evaluated?
How do you evaluate the data of high altitude meteorology, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation?
Pursuant to Article 7 Circular 04/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulating the evaluation of meteorological documents on high altitude, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation:
- Regarding the benchmarking of aerial meteorological documents, ozone and ultraviolet radiation:
- On the minus points of radio-air sensing documents:
- On the minus points of overhead wind monitoring documents:
- Regarding the minus points of ozone and ultraviolet radiation documents:
Thus, the High-altitude meteorological data, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation are qualified according to the benchmarks and minus points as outlined above.
What is the scoring principle for the classification of high-altitude meteorological documents, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation?
According to Article 7 Circular 04/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulates the scoring principles for the classification of aerial meteorological documents, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation as follows:
"Article 7. Quality assessment aerial meteorological documents, weather radar, ozone and ultraviolet radiation
4. Principle of calculating minus points
a) The total number of minus points does not exceed the number of standard points;
b) Mining points (for a missing or incorrect error) is counted only once when assessing the documented quality of an observable element that has errors as a result of calculations from subsequent errors (chains) that the final result of the factor that factor does not affect the overall quality of the document much;
c) Do not evaluate the quality of the document when the number of observations is less than 75%;
d) The quality of the document is classified as poor when the physical condition of the object is not. information is damaged (mold, warped, infected with viruses) or lost data by 30% or more."
- Classification of document quality is as follows:
+ Evaluation and grading of document quality is done once/month/station; document quality by year is the average result of the months;
Document quality is the "pass" value and is classified according to Table 7 as follows:
+ Agencies and units assigned by competent agencies to evaluate the quality of high-altitude meteorological documents and weather radars , ozone and ultraviolet radiation must have comments and assessments according to the provisions of
Circular 04/2022/TT-BTNMT effective from July 18, 2022.