According to Decree 08/2022/ND-CP, will plastic cups and single-use plastic products be no longer used nationwide after 2030?

Hello Lawnet, according to Decree 08/2022/ND-CP, will plastic cups and single-use plastic products be no longer used nationwide after 2030? Bởi vì doanh nghiệp tôi sản xuất ly nhựa như thế này nên tôi cảm thấy hoang mang tột độ vì sợ nữa sẽ không còn bán được sản phẩm. Mong được cung cấp thông tin! Because my business produce plastic cups, single-use plastic products, I feel extremely bewildered that I will no longer be able to sell products. Looking forward to providing information!

What are single-use plastic products?

According to Article 3 of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP, single-use plastic products are:

Article 3. Definitions

For the purposes of this Decree, the terms below shall be construed as follows:


14. “single-use plastic products” mean products (other than non-replaceable attachments) including trays, food containers, bowls, chopsticks, glasses, cups, knives, spoons, forks, straws and other cutlery with plastic components which are designed and marketed with the intention to be used once before being discharged into the environment.

Will plastic cups and single-use plastic products be no longer used nationwide after 2030?

According to Article 64 of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP guiding the Law on Environmental Protection, single-use plastic products will have process to restrict production, import and export, specifically:

Article 64. Roadmap for restricting production and import of single-use plastic products, non-biodegradable plastic packaging and products and goods containing microplastics

1. As of January 01, 2026, it is not permitted to produce and import non-biodegradable plastic bags with dimensions less than 50 cm x 50 cm and a wall thickness of less than 50 µm, except where they are produced for export or produced or imported to package products and goods sold on the market.

2. Producers and importers of single-use plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic packaging shall fulfill the responsibility for recycling and treatment as specified in this Decree.

3. The production and import of single-use plastic products, non-biodegradable plastic packaging and products and goods containing microplastics shall be gradually reduced. After December 31, 2030, terminate the production and import of single-use plastic products (except for the Vietnam Ecolabel certified products), non-biodegradable plastic packaging (including non-biodegradable plastic bags, styrofoam containers for packaging and containing food) and products and goods containing microplastics, except for production for import and production and import of non-biodegradable plastic bags for packaging of products and goods sold on the market.

4. Provincial People’s Committees shall promulgate regulations on and organize management of plastic waste; make sure that after 2025, single-use plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic packaging (including non-biodegradable plastic bags, styrofoam containers for packaging and containing food) will not be sold and used at shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels and tourism areas, except for the products and goods containing non-biodegradable plastic packaging; organize inspections at establishments producing single-use plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic packaging within their provinces.

Thus, the above regulations showed that plastic cups and single-use plastic products will no longer be used nationwide after 2030 (except for the Vietnam Ecolabel certified products).

What are the policies on reducing, reusing, recycling and disposing of plastic waste?

According to Article 73 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020, reduction, reuse, recycling and treatment of plastic waste, prevention and control of ocean plastic waste pollution are:

Article 73. Reduction, reuse, recycling and treatment of plastic waste, prevention and control of ocean plastic waste pollution

1. Entities shall reduce, classify and dispose of waste that is single-use plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic packaging according to regulations; not discharge plastic waste directly into the systems for drainage of water to rivers, ponds, lakes, channels and oceans.

2. Plastic waste generated from marine tourism and services, maritime economy, extraction of oil and gas and marine mineral resources, aquaculture and commercial fishing must be collected, stored and transferred to facilities licensed for recycling and treatment.

3. Environmentally-friendly products, single-use plastic alternatives and non-biodegradable plastic packaging alternatives that have been certified are entitled to incentives and assistance as prescribed by law.

4. Plastic waste must be collected and classified for reuse, recycling or treatment purpose as prescribed by law. Unrecyclable plastic waste must be transferred to licensed facilities for treatment as prescribed. Plastic waste generated from economic activities at sea must be collected for reuse, recycling or treatment and must not be discharged into the sea.

5. The State shall encourage the reuse and recycling of plastic waste in service of production of goods and building materials and construction of traffic works; encourage the research and development of systems for collecting and treating plastic waste floating at sea and in the ocean; introduce policies to promote reuse and recycling of plastic waste.

6. Provincial People’s Committees shall organize the collection and treatment of plastic waste within their provinces; encourage the reduction of non-biodegradable plastic packaging and single-use plastic products; disseminate information about harmful effects of dumping of fishing gear into the sea and plastic waste on the ecosystem.

7. The Government shall introduce a roadmap for reducing production and import of single-use plastic products, non-biodegradable plastic packaging and products and goods containing microplastics.

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