07:46 | 23/07/2024

8 Types of Allowances for Teachers Effective from July 01, 2024: What is the New Salary Calculation Formula for Teachers When Salary Reforms Begin on July 01, 2024?

<h3>8 Teacher Allowances From July 01, 2024? How to Calculate the New Salary for Teachers When Salary Reform Takes Effect From July 01, 2024? Ms. B.T-Hanoi</h3>---From July 01, 2024, teachers will be entitled to eight allowances as prescribed in the upcoming salary reform policy. The new salary calculation for teachers will also be implemented from this date. Here is a breakdown of the allowances:<ol><li>Position Allowance</li><li>Responsibility Allowance</li><li>Seniority Allowance</li><li>Area Allowance</li><li>Hazardous, Toxic, and Dangerous Allowance</li><li>Attraction Allowance</li><li>Mobility Allowance</li><li>Professional Seniority Allowance</li></ol>The specific calculation formula for the new salary structure is expected to be stipulated in the detailed guidelines of the salary reform policy.For further information or specific queries about how these changes might affect individual cases, you can contact the local administrative office or the relevant departments responsible for educational personnel management.

8 Allowances for Teachers Effective from July 1, 2024?

On October 1, the National Assembly approved a Resolution on the state budget estimate for 2024. The Resolution clearly states that from July 1, 2024, a comprehensive reform of the wage policy will be implemented according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018 of the Seventh Conference of the XII Central Committee.

8 types of allowances that officials and public employees may receive under the new salary when the wage reform is implemented according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018, including the following allowances:

(1) Concurrent position allowance;

(2) Seniority allowance beyond the bracket;

(3) Regional allowance;

(4) Occupational allowance;

(5) Mobile allowance;

(6) Allowance for working in especially difficult areas;

(7) Allowance according to classification of administrative units and ranking of public service providers;

(8) Job responsibility allowance.

8 Allowances for Teachers Effective July 1, 2024

8 Allowances for Teachers Effective from July 1, 2024? What is the formula for calculating new salaries for teachers from July 1, 2024?

4 Allowances Teachers at All Levels Will No Longer Receive from July 1, 2024?

According to Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018, when the wage reform is implemented from July 1, 2024, the cut allowances include: Occupational seniority allowance; Leadership position allowance; Party, social-political organization work allowance; Civil service allowance; Hazardous and dangerous allowance.

It can be seen that 4 allowances teachers at all levels will no longer receive from July 1, 2024:

Firstly, there will no longer be an occupational seniority allowance for teachers.

Secondly, there will no longer be a leadership position allowance.

Thirdly, there will no longer be an allowance for Party, social-political organization work.

Fourthly, there will no longer be a hazardous and dangerous allowance.

However, there will be substantial changes primarily with the occupational seniority allowance, while other allowances will be adjusted, merged, or incorporated into other funds when wage reform is implemented.

With the wage reform in 2024, two new allowances will appear:

First is the occupational allowance based on the merging of preferential occupational allowance, occupational responsibility allowance, and hazardous and dangerous allowance.

Second is the allowance for working in especially difficult areas based on the merging of special allowance, attraction allowance, and long-term work allowance in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions.

In addition, without the seniority allowance, long-term working teachers will lose a significant amount of income. However, when transitioning from the current salary to the new salary from July 1, it is assured that the new salary will not be less than the old salary. Therefore, teachers can be assured about the absence of the seniority allowance.

How is the new salary scale for teachers at all levels built from July 1, 2024?

According to the regulations in Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018, the following salary scale applies to teachers at all levels from July 1, 2024:

The specialized salary scale for officials and professional titles of public employees applied uniformly to officials and public employees who do not hold leadership positions.

This salary scale is built based on the principle:

The same level of job complexity equates to the same salary; jobs with higher than normal labor conditions and occupations with incentives are implemented through occupational allowance policies.

Reorganize the grade groups and number of ranks within the grades of officials, professional titles of public employees, encouraging officials and public employees to enhance their professional, technical levels.

The appointment of officials or public employees' professional titles must be aligned with the job positions and the structure of officials and professional titles managed by agencies, organizations, and units.

What is the formula for calculating new salaries for teachers from July 1, 2024, when wage reform is implemented?

Based on the essence of Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018, the reform is outlined as follows:

Reform Content

3.1. For officials and public employees and the armed forces (public sector)

a) Design a new salary structure including: Basic salary (accounting for about 70% of the total salary fund) and allowances (accounting for about 30% of the total salary fund). Add bonuses (bonus fund is about 10% of the annual total salary fund, excluding allowances).

Thus, when wage reform is implemented from July 1, 2024, it is expected that the salary will be calculated using the new salary calculation formula as follows:

| Practical Salary = Basic Salary + Allowances (if any) + Bonus (if any) || --- |

The proportions of components in officials' salary structure are as follows:

- Basic salary (accounting for about 70% of the total salary fund, calculated according to the new salary scale)

- Allowances (accounting for about 30% of the total salary fund)

- Added bonuses (bonus fund accounting for about 10% of the total salary fund)

Thus, the new salary calculation formula for teachers when wage reform is implemented from July 1, 2024, is as stipulated above.


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