04/10/2023 15:50

Prohibited acts in fire prevention and fighting within the Ministry of Education and Training

Prohibited acts in fire prevention and fighting within the Ministry of Education and Training

At educational establishments in Vietnam, what actions are strictly prohibited regarding fire prevention and fighting? "Mr. Quang-Ha Tinh"

Hello, Lawnet would like to answer as follows:

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam issued Decision 2533/QD-BGDDT 2023, dated August 31, 2023, regulating fire prevention, fire fighting, and rescue at the Ministry of Education and Training.

1. Prohibited acts related to fire prevention and fighting in the Ministry of Education and Training

08 acts related to fire prevention and fighting at the Ministry of Education and Training are strictly prohibited, as follows:

- Intentionally causing fires or explosions to harm human life, health, vehicle safety, and property for personal gain; causing damage to property of the State, agencies, organizations, and individuals; adverse effects on the environment, security, order, and safety of the Ministry's agencies.

- Obstructing fire prevention and rescue activities; against people performing fire prevention and rescue duties.

- Taking advantage of fire prevention and rescue activities to harm human life and health; infringing on the property of the State, agencies, organizations, and individuals.

- Intentionally reporting false fires or accidents.

- Illegally producing, storing, transporting, preserving, using, and trading substances dangerous to fire and explosion; serious violations of regulations on the management and use of fire sources, heat sources, fire prevention, and fighting standards prescribed by the State.

- Construction of projects with risks of fire and explosion without approved designs for fire prevention and rescue; Accept and put into use works that are at risk of fire and explosion when they do not meet the conditions to ensure fire prevention and rescue safety.

- Damaging, arbitrarily changing, or moving vehicles, fire prevention and rescue equipment, signs, instructions, and emergency exits.

- Other acts violating the provisions of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting 2001.

2. Responsibility for fire prevention and rescue of civil servants and employees of the Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam

- Responsibilities of officials, civil servants, public employees, and workers:

+ Implement the provisions of the law and the Ministry's agencies on fire prevention and rescue; comply with mobilization orders and requests for fire prevention and rescue from unit heads or heads of competent agencies.

+ Learn the legislative documents and regulations on fire prevention and rescue, preserve and proficiently use fire prevention and fighting equipment equipped at the Ministry and train rescue skills. .

+ Ensure fire prevention and fighting safety during the use of fire sources, heat sources, fire- and heat-generating equipment and tools, and in the preservation and use of substances dangerous to fire and explosion; promptly correct shortcomings and violations of safety regulations on fire prevention and rescue.

+ Participate in fire prevention and rescue activities; propose and recommend to the Fire Prevention and Rescue Command of the Ministry and heads of workplace units measures to ensure safety in fire prevention and rescue.

+ Timely prevention of phenomena, direct risks of causing fires, and violations of safety regulations on fire prevention and fighting

+ Report fires and fight fires promptly when detecting fires; deploy rescue plans; Strictly comply with orders to mobilize participation in fire prevention and rescue activities.

+ Do not arbitrarily make connections to change the electrical system; Do not use a power cord plugged directly into an electrical outlet; Do not leave flammable substances near electrical sockets and electrical wires. Do not cook in the office. Do not let objects or equipment hinder rescue operations...

+ At the end of working hours, before leaving the office, you must check fire prevention and fighting safety; turn off all lights, fans, air conditioners, computers, printers, photocopiers, and other electrical devices (except network devices).

- Responsibilities of unit heads:

+ Organize the implementation of regulations of the law and the Ministry's agencies on fire prevention and rescue at the unit. Be responsible before the law and the Minister for violations of the provisions of the law and the Ministry's agencies on fire prevention and rescue that occur at the unit.

+ Organize regular, periodic, and unexpected inspections of conditions to ensure fire safety and rescue at the unit.

+ Regularly urge officers, civil servants, public employees, and workers in the unit on the arrangement, preservation,  and use of assets, equipment, records, documents, and flammable substances in accordance with safety regulations on fire prevention and fighting.

+ Anticipate fire situations that may occur at the unit and develop timely firefighting and rescue plans, ensuring safe escape conditions to save people and property when a fire occurs. The fire prevention and rescue plan must be supplemented and adjusted immediately when there are changes in the conditions for ensuring fire safety and rescue at the unit.

+ Appoint civil servants, public employees, and workers to join the fire prevention and rescue force of the Ministry; mobilize civil servants, public employees, and workers to participate in firefighting and rescue when required.

- Responsibilities of the Chief of Office:

+ Advise and submit to the Minister the decision to establish the Fire Prevention and Rescue Command and the Fire Prevention and Rescue Team of the Ministry.

+ Preside over the organization of periodic training and refresher courses on fire prevention and rescue operations.

+ Direct the arrangement and arrangement of car and motorbike parking lots to be reasonable, ensuring space and circulation conditions when needing to move in case of fire.

+ Direct the establishment of lightning protection systems, fire alarm systems, signs, prohibition signs, diagrams, or instruction signs on fire prevention and rescue; places where fire is used and heat is generated must ensure fire prevention and fighting safety.

+ Direct the implementation of equipping, managing, and maintaining all types of fire prevention and fighting equipment at the Ministry to ensure always being ready for on-site fire prevention and rescue work according to the provisions of the law.

+ Direct the preparation of annual state budget expenditure estimates to ensure funding, equipment, and necessary conditions to maintain the operations of the grassroots fire prevention and rescue team according to current legal documents.

+ Direct the implementation of periodic and extraordinary reports on fire prevention and rescue work by the Ministry to send to competent agencies according to legal regulations.

Bui Thi Nhu Y

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