10:24 | 18/09/2024

What is the element Fe? What are methods of preparing Fe?

What is the element Fe? What are the states and properties of Fe? What are methods of preparing Fe?

What is the element Fe? What are methods of preparing Fe?

Iron is the name of a chemical element in the periodic table with the symbol Fe and atomic number 26. The element Fe is abundant on Earth, forming the outer and inner layers of Earth's core.

- Atomic number: 26

- Atomic mass: 56 g/mol

- Position in the periodic table:

+ Box: number 26

+ Group: VIIIB

+ Period: 4

(1). Physical Properties of the Element Fe:

- Iron is a slightly grayish-white metal, malleable, ductile, easy to forge, with a relatively high melting point (1540 degrees Celsius)

- Good thermal and electrical conductivity, magnetic properties.

Recognition: Iron has magnetic properties and is attracted by magnets.

(2). Chemical Properties of the Element Fe:

- Iron has moderate reducing properties, depending on the oxidizing agents, it can be oxidized to +2 or +3 states.

Reacts with non-metals

Reacts with sulfur

Reacts with oxygen

Reacts with chlorine

Reacts with acids

Reacts with dilute HCl and H2SO4 acid solutions

With concentrated HNO3 and H2SO4 acids

Note: With concentrated, cold HNO3; concentrated, cold H2SO4: Fe gets passivated.

Reacts with salt solutions

Fe can displace metals standing behind it from their salt solutions:

Iron is prepared by thermal reduction method

Note: The above information is for reference only.

What is the Element Fe? Methods of Preparing Fe?

What is the element Fe? What are methods of preparing Fe? (Image from the Internet)

Are upper secondary school students in Vietnam required to study Chemistry?

In Section 3 of the General Education Program issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the requirements are as follows:

1. Basic Education Stage

1.1. Primary Education Level

a) Educational content

Compulsory subjects and educational activities: Vietnamese; Mathematics; Ethics; Foreign Language 1 (in grades 3, 4, 5); Nature and Society (in grades 1, 2, 3); History and Geography (in grades 4, 5); Science (in grades 4, 5); Informatics and Technology (in grades 3, 4, 5); Physical Education; Arts (Music, Fine Arts); Experiential activities.

Elective subjects: Ethnic minority language, Foreign Language 1 (in grades 1, 2).

b) Educational duration

Implement 2 sessions/day, each day up to 7 lessons; each lesson is 35 minutes. Educational facilities not capable of organizing 2 sessions/day will follow the education plan guided by the Ministry of Education and Training.


1.2. Lower Secondary Education Level

a) Educational content

Compulsory subjects and educational activities: Literature; Mathematics; Foreign Language 1; Civic Education; History and Geography; Natural Sciences; Technology; Informatics; Physical Education; Arts (Music, Fine Arts); Experiential, career-oriented activities; Local education content.

Elective subjects: Ethnic minority language, Foreign Language 2.

b) Educational duration


2. Career-oriented Education Stage

2.1. Educational content

Compulsory subjects and educational activities: Literature; Mathematics; Foreign Language 1; History; Physical Education; National Defense and Security Education; Experiential, career-oriented activities; Local education content.

Elective subjects: Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology, Informatics, Music, Fine Arts.

Students choose 4 subjects from the elective subjects.


In the career-oriented education stage (upper secondary school), students in grades 10, 11, 12 will study Chemistry; however, this is an elective subject.

What is the perspective on constructing the Chemistry curriculum in Vietnam?

Based on Section 2 of the Chemistry Education Program issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the perspective on constructing the Chemistry curriculum for classes (including grade 10) is as follows:

The subject program in Chemistry fully adheres to the regulations stated in the general program, while emphasizing the following perspectives:

(1) Ensuring inheritance and development

- The Chemistry program inherits and promotes the strengths of the current program, absorbs the experience of curriculum construction from countries with advanced education systems in the world and the region; at the same time, it integrates achievements in educational science, chemical science suitable to students' cognitive levels and psychological age, taking into account the socio-economic conditions of Vietnam.

- The Chemistry program inherits and develops the educational content of Natural Sciences at the lower secondary level through a concentric structure combined with a linear structure to expand and enhance knowledge and skills for students.

At the lower secondary level, through the Natural Sciences subject, students get acquainted with some basic chemical knowledge at a qualitative level, visually descriptive.

At the upper secondary level, the Chemistry subject focuses on equipping students with foundational chemical knowledge about the structure, properties, and applications of simple substances and compounds to explain the nature of chemical changes to a necessary extent.

(2) Ensuring practicality

The Chemistry program prioritizes practicality; avoids a tendency towards excessive calculation; focuses on equipping students with tool concepts and the method of using tools, especially helping them gain practical laboratory skills, the ability to apply chemical knowledge to understand and solve some practical problems to a certain extent, meeting the demands of life.

(3) Implementing career-oriented education

The Chemistry program concretizes career-oriented educational goals. Based on identifying fields and processes that require deep chemical knowledge, the program selects core educational content and study topics to help students explore more deeply into chemical knowledge with numerous practical applications, thus preparing them for career orientation.

(4) Promoting student activeness

The educational methods of the Chemistry subject contribute to promoting student activeness, initiative, and creativity, aiming to develop chemical competency and contribute to developing key qualities and general competencies as stated in the general program.

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