What is metaphor according to the Literature knowledge in Vietnam? What are examples of metaphor in Vietnam?

What is metaphor according to the Literature knowledge in Vietnam? What are examples of metaphor in Vietnam?

What is metaphor according to the Literature knowledge in Vietnam? What are examples of metaphor in Vietnam?

A metaphor is a rhetorical device used to name one object or phenomenon by using the name of another object or phenomenon that shares certain similarities (in shape, color, quality, etc.), to increase the imagery and emotional impact of the expression.

Types of metaphors:

Ẩn dụ hình thức: Based on the similarity in shape, size.

Ẩn dụ cách thức: Based on the similarity in the mode of operation.

Ẩn dụ phẩm chất: Based on the similarity in quality, characteristics.

Ẩn dụ chuyển đổi cảm giác: Based on sensory transfer from one sense to another.

Illustrative examples:

Vietnamese English

Ẩn dụ hình thức:

Mặt trời lặn sau những dãy núi như một quả cầu lửa khổng lồ.

Cánh đồng hoa cải vàng óng như một tấm thảm khổng lồ.

Ẩn dụ cách thức:

Mưa rơi tí tách.

Gió rít lên từng cơn.

Ẩn dụ phẩm chất:

Cô ấy có đôi mắt biết nói.

Anh ấy là một con ngựa hoang dã.

Ẩn dụ chuyển đổi cảm giác:

Giọng hát của cô ấy thật ngọt ngào.

Màu sắc của bức tranh thật ấm áp.

Ví dụ trong văn học:

Bác Hồ với câu thơ: "Từng giọt mồ hôi rơi thấm đất/ Mỗi hạt lúa đều là máu công dân" đã sử dụng ẩn dụ để nói lên sự hy sinh lớn lao của người nông dân.

Xuân Quỳnh trong bài thơ "Tuổi thơ tôi" có câu: "Tuổi thơ tôi là những buổi chiều/ Hái hoa, bẻ lá, thả diều trên đê" đã sử dụng ẩn dụ để miêu tả một tuổi thơ hồn nhiên, trong sáng.

Ẩn dụ hình thức

The sun sets behind the mountains like a giant fireball.

The golden mustard field is like a giant carpet.

Ẩn dụ cách thức

The rain drops pitter-patter.

The wind howls in gusts.

Ẩn dụ phẩm chất

She has speaking eyes.

He is a wild horse.

Ẩn dụ chuyển đổi cảm giác:

Her singing voice is really sweet.

The colors of the painting are very warm.

Example in literature:

Ho Chi Minh with the verse: "Each drop of sweat falls, soaking into the soil/ Each grain of rice is the blood of the citizens" used a metaphor to speak about the great sacrifices of farmers.

Xuan Quynh in the poem "Tuổi thơ tôi" with the verse: "My childhood is the afternoons/ Picking flowers, breaking leaves, flying kites on the dike" used a metaphor to describe an innocent, pure childhood.

Effects of the metaphor:

Enhances imagery and emotions: Helps readers and listeners visualize more clearly the described objects or phenomena.

Makes language lively and attractive: Creates beautiful, artistic sentences and verses.

Expresses deep feelings: Enables writers and speakers to convey their emotions and thoughts subtly.

Note: The above contents are for reference purposes only.

Rhetorical device: What is a metaphorical device? Examples illustrating metaphorical devices?

What is metaphor according to the Literature knowledge in Vietnam? What are examples of metaphor in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

From which grade do students in Vietnam learn the metaphor?

Based on Clause 2, Section 4 of the General Education Program for Literature, issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

Specific competency requirements

2.1. Requirements for primary education level

a) Language competency


b) Literary competency

Distinguish between prose and poetry texts (paragraphs, prose works and paragraphs, poetic works); recognize the content of the text and the attitude and feelings of the writer; initially understand the effect of some formal elements of a literary text (words, characters, plot, rhythm, comparison, personification). Know how to relate, imagine, and express literarily in writing and speaking.

For students in grades 1 and 2, they can recognize who or what the text talks about; recognize characters in stories, verses in poems; distinguish between stories and poems.

For students in grades 3, 4, and 5, they can learn how to read literary texts expressively; retell and summarize the main content of a story or poem; comment on characters, events and the writer's attitude and feelings in the text; recognize time and place, some types of poetic rhythms, beautiful and unique words, images and the effects of rhetorical devices such as personification, comparison. Understand the meaning or lesson drawn from the text. Write paragraphs or stories and descriptions that express emotions and the ability to relate and imagine.

2.2. Requirements for lower secondary education level


b) Literary competency


In grades 6 and 7, they can recognize the topic, understand the theme and meaning of the text; distinguish between folk tales, short stories, lyrical poetry, and narrative poetry; lyrical prose and narrative prose; identify the lyrical subject, lyrical character and the emotional and cognitive value of the literary work; recognize and analyze the effects of some formal elements and artistic devices associated with the characteristics of each literary genre (plot, narrator’s voice, characters’ dialogue, space and time, rhythms, images and rhetorical devices such as metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, euphemism).


Students shall study the metaphor from grade 6. Additionally, according to Circular 32, in grades 6 and 7, students also learn other rhetorical devices such as metonymy, hyperbole, and euphemism.

What is the age of grade 6 students in Vietnam?

Based on Article 28 of Education Law 2019, regulations on the educational levels and age of general education are as follows:

Levels of education and age of general education

1. The levels of education and age of general education are regulated as follows:

a) Primary education is carried out over 5 years, from grade one to the end of grade five. The age of students entering grade 1 is 6 years old and is calculated by year;

b) Lower secondary education is carried out over 4 years, from grade 6 to the end of grade 9. Students entering grade six must complete the primary education program. The age of students entering grade 6 is 11 years old and is calculated by year;


Thus, grade 6 students are 11 years old, except for cases of students who repeat a grade, skip a grade, or study at an age higher than the regulated age.

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