What are guidelines on writing sample essay on expressive essay about people for students in Vietnam? What are contents of grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on writing sample essay on expressive essay about people for students in Vietnam? What are contents of grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on writing sample essay on expressive essay about people for students in Vietnam?

Students can refer to the following guidelines on writing sample essay on expressive essay about people:

Guidelines on writing sample essay on expressive essay about people

Sample 1: Love for Mother

Mẹ là người phụ nữ tuyệt vời nhất mà con từng biết. Mẹ không chỉ là người sinh ra con mà còn là người bạn, người thầy, người luôn ở bên con trong mọi lúc mọi nơi. Mẹ có đôi mắt dịu dàng, nụ cười ấm áp và bàn tay mềm mại luôn xoa dịu những nỗi lo âu của con. Mỗi tối, khi con nằm trong vòng tay mẹ, con cảm thấy thật an toàn và hạnh phúc. Mẹ thường kể cho con nghe những câu chuyện cổ tích trước khi đi ngủ, những câu chuyện ấy đã nuôi dưỡng tâm hồn con từ bé. Con nhớ mãi cái ngày con bị ốm, mẹ đã thức trắng đêm để chăm sóc con. Mẹ lau mồ hôi cho con, đút cho con từng thìa cháo. Nhìn thấy mẹ vất vả, con cảm thấy thương mẹ vô cùng. Con biết ơn mẹ rất nhiều vì tất cả những gì mẹ đã làm cho con. Con hứa sẽ luôn cố gắng học tập thật tốt để không phụ lòng mẹ.

Sample 2: Beautiful Memories of Grandmother

Bà nội là người mà con yêu quý nhất. Nhà bà lúc nào cũng ngập tràn tiếng cười. Bà thường kể cho con nghe những câu chuyện cổ tích về các vị thần, về những nàng tiên xinh đẹp. Mỗi lần về quê thăm bà, con lại được bà dẫn đi hái rau, bắt cá. Những buổi chiều hè, con thường ngồi bên bà, nghe bà hát những bài dân ca ngọt ngào. Giọng hát của bà ấm áp như chính tình yêu bà dành cho con. Con nhớ mãi cái ngày sinh nhật của con, bà đã tự tay làm cho con một chiếc bánh gato thật đẹp. Khi cắt bánh, con thấy có một tờ giấy nhỏ bên trong. Đó là những lời chúc phúc của bà dành cho con. Con sẽ mãi giữ gìn tờ giấy ấy như một kỷ vật quý giá. Con sẽ mãi nhớ về bà, người bà kính yêu của con.

Sample 3: Sibling Love

Anh trai là người bạn thân nhất của em. Chúng em lớn lên cùng nhau, chia sẻ với nhau mọi niềm vui nỗi buồn. Anh trai luôn quan tâm, chăm sóc em. Mỗi khi em gặp khó khăn, anh trai luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ. Anh trai còn dạy em rất nhiều điều hay, điều hữu ích. Em nhớ lần em bị điểm kém, anh trai đã không trách mắng em mà còn động viên em cố gắng hơn. Nhờ có anh, em đã tự tin hơn rất nhiều. Em rất tự hào khi có một người anh trai tuyệt vời như vậy. Em hứa sẽ luôn yêu thương và kính trọng anh trai.

Sample 4: Grandfather - The Storyteller

Ông ngoại là người kể chuyện tài tình nhất mà em biết. Mỗi buổi tối, ông thường kể cho em nghe những câu chuyện cổ tích, những câu chuyện về lịch sử dân tộc. Giọng nói trầm ấm của ông như một bản lullaby ru em vào giấc ngủ. Những câu chuyện của ông đã mở ra cho em một thế giới mới lạ, kỳ diệu. Em nhớ mãi câu chuyện ông kể về Sơn Tinh, Thủy Tinh. Nhờ câu chuyện đó, em đã hiểu thêm về truyền thuyết của dân tộc. Em rất thích nghe ông kể chuyện. Em mong rằng sẽ có thật nhiều thời gian để được ở bên ông.

Note: The sample can be short, but students are free to add some details in their way to make the essay more vivid and engaging.

*Note: The information is for reference only./.

Sample Short Emotional Essay About People? What is the nature of the Grade 7 Literature curriculum?

What are guidelines on writing sample essay on expressive essay about people for students in Vietnam? What are contents of grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are contents of grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?​

According to Section I of the Appendix to the General Education Curriculum for the Literature subject issued along with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, which regulates the characteristics of the subject in all education levels generally and Grade 7 specifically, it is stated as follows:

- Literature is a subject under the field of Language and Literature Education, taught from Grade 1 to Grade 12. At the elementary level, it is called Vietnamese; at the lower and upper secondary levels, it is called Literature.

- Literature is a subject with both functional and aesthetic-humanistic attributes; it provides students with communication tools, serves as a foundation for learning other subjects and educational activities in school; and it is also an important tool for instilling noble cultural, literary, and national linguistic values; foster healthy emotions, humanistic feelings, a kind and altruistic lifestyle,...

- Through lively word texts and artistic images in literary works, via reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities, Literature plays a significant role in helping students build and develop good qualities as well as core competencies to live and work effectively, and to pursue lifelong learning.

- The content of Literature is comprehensive, including knowledge of culture, ethics, philosophy,... related to many subjects and educational activities such as History, Geography, Art, Civic Education, Foreign Languages, Nature and Society, Experiential Activities, Career Orientation,... Literature is closely related to life; it helps students become more engaged with daily life, enables them to relate and develop skills to solve emergent real-world problems.

- The core content of the subject includes basic and essential knowledge and skills about Vietnamese language and literature, meeting the requirements for student qualities and competencies at each educational level; it is divided into two phases: the fundamental education phase and the career-oriented education phase.

- Fundamental education phase: The curriculum is designed along the main lines corresponding to reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Knowledge of Vietnamese and literature is integrated during teaching these skills. Text materials are selected and arranged to fit the students' receptive capabilities at each educational level. The goal of this phase is to help students use Vietnamese proficiently to communicate effectively in life and to excel in other subjects and educational activities; form and develop literary capacity, an expression of aesthetic competence; simultaneously, foster thoughts, emotions for personal development.

- Career-oriented education phase: The program strengthens and develops the results of the fundamental education phase, helping students enhance their linguistic and literary competencies, especially in comprehending literary works; improve skills in creating argumentative texts, informational texts with more complex content and writing techniques; equip some knowledge of literary history, literary theory beneficial for literary reading and writing; Continue to foster thoughts, emotions, soul, and personality for students to become responsible citizens. Additionally, each year, students oriented towards social sciences and humanities can select certain study topics. These topics aim to enhance knowledge in literature and language, skills to apply knowledge in practice, meet students' interests, needs, and career orientation.

According to the above regulations, the content of the Literature subject is comprehensive, including knowledge of culture, ethics, philosophy,... related to many subjects and educational activities such as History, Geography, Art, Civic Education, Foreign Languages, Nature and Society, Experiential Activities, Career Orientation,...

Therefore, according to general regulations, the content of the Grade 7 Literature subject must also be comprehensive, including knowledge of culture, ethics, philosophy,...

Do the objectives of grade 7 Literature help students in Vietnam cultivate self-learning and self-respect spirit?

According to Section III of the Appendix to the General Education Curriculum for the Literature subject issued along with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the objectives of each educational level, the objectives for the lower secondary level concerning the Literature subject are as follows:

- Objective 1: Help students further develop the good qualities established in elementary school; enhance and broaden the requirement for quality development with specific expressions such as: having pride in national history and literature; having dreams and aspirations, self-learning and self-respect spirit, civic consciousness, and respect for the law.

- Objective 2: Continue to develop general competencies, language capabilities, and literary skills established in elementary school with higher demands. Develop linguistic competence with requirements: differentiate types of literary, argumentative, and informational texts; understand both explicit content and implicit content of different text types; write coherent and logical narrative, descriptive, expressive, argumentative, expository, practical essays following the correct procedure and combining various expression methods; articulate clearly and coherently; have confidence and appropriateness in communication; comprehend listening with a suitable attitude.

Develop literary capabilities with requirements: differentiate between genres like story, poetry, memoir, script, and some specific sub-genres; recognize characteristics of literary language, recognize and analyze the effect of formal elements and artistic methods associated with each literary genre; recognize emotive value, cognitive value, aesthetic value; analyze the imagery, content, and form of literary works; able to create some products with literary elements.

Thus, learning Literature in general and Grade 7 Literature, in particular, must help students cultivate self-learning and self-respect, civic consciousness, respect for the law, and this is indeed included in the first objective when teaching Literature.

>>> Refer to: Requirements for Grade 5 Vietnamese subject

>>> Refer to: What is the required reading speed for Grade 3 students under the new program?

>>> Refer to: What are the requirements for the Grade 4 Vietnamese program in 2018?

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