What are guidelines on writing an advertising flyer for grade 9 students in Vietnam? What language skills are required when studying grade 9 Literature at lower secondary school level in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on writing an advertising flyer for grade 9 students in Vietnam? What language skills are required when studying grade 9 Literature at lower secondary school level in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on writing an advertising flyer for grade 9 students in Vietnam?

Writing a flyer is one of the subjects that grade 9 students will learn in the Vietnamese Literature program for grade 9.

Guidelines on writing an advertising flyer for grade 9

* A typical flyer usually includes the following sections:

Title: Concise, impressive, and grabs the reader's attention.

Images: Clear, lively illustrations directly related to the product/event.

Main Content:

Product/Event Name: Clearly state the name.

Key Features: List the strengths and advantages of the product/event.

Target Audience: Who is suitable for this product/event?

Benefits of Using/Participating: What will the user/participant receive?

Time and Location: (If applicable) Where the event is held, start and end times.

Pricing: (If applicable) Clearly state the price or promotional programs.

Contact Information: Phone number, address, website, social media,...

Call to Action: Encourage the reader to take the desired action (e.g., "Order Now", "Join Now",...).

* Steps to Write a Flyer:

Determine the Goals: What do you want to advertise? A product, service, event?

Understand the Audience: Who are you targeting? Students, adults, or a specific group?

Choose Images: Images must be eye-catching, relevant to the product/event, and convey the message you want to send.

Write the Content:

Title: Concise, very impressive.

Main Content: Use simple, easy-to-understand language, avoid overly specialized words.

Call to Action: Clear, specific, and attractive.


Layout Arrangement: The elements on the flyer must be harmoniously and evenly arranged.

Choose Colors: Colors must be appropriate for the product/event and create a pleasant feeling.

Font: Choose a clear, easy-to-read font.


Suppose you want to advertise a school drawing exhibition. Your flyer could have the following structure:

Title: "Student Drawing Exhibition - Shine Your Talent"

Image: A beautiful drawing by a student.

Main Content:

Time: 8am-5pm, May 15, 2024

Location: XYZ lower secondary school Auditorium

Content: Exhibition of students' drawings from grades 7, 8, and 9.

Purpose: To create a playground for students who love drawing and to raise funds for charity activities.

Call to Action: Invite all students, teachers, and parents to visit and support.

Contact Information: Organizing committee, phone number.

* Some Notes:

Creativity: Make your flyer unique and different from others.

Conciseness: Information should be presented concisely and succinctly.

Easy to Understand: The language used should be simple and easy to understand.

Review Carefully: After completing, thoroughly check to avoid spelling and grammatical errors.

Note: Information is for reference only./.

How to Write a Flyer for 9th Grade? What language competence should be achieved when learning Vietnamese Literature in 9th grade at secondary level?

What are guidelines on writing an advertising flyer for grade 9 students in Vietnam? What language skills are required when studying grade 9 Literature at lower lower secondary school level in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What language skills are required when studying grade 9 Literature at lower lower secondary school level in Vietnam?

Based on Section IV of the Appendix to the Lower Secondary Education Literature Curriculum issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the language competence required to be achieved when learning Literature in grade 9 at the lower lower secondary school level is as follows:

* Requirements to be achieved at the lower lower secondary school level regarding language competence are as follows:

- Know how to apply Vietnamese language knowledge along with personal experiences and reasoning abilities to understand texts; know how to read texts by type; understand both explicit and implicit content of the text.

- Recognize and initially analyze and evaluate the content and notable expressive features of texts; compare texts with other texts, relate them to personal life experiences; thus forming personal views, thoughts, and perceptions of life, enriching spiritual life.

- In grades 6 and 7: be able to write narrative, descriptive, and expressive essays; initially be able to write argumentative, explanatory, and practical essays.

- In grades 8 and 9: be able to write complete narrative, argumentative, and explanatory essays according to the steps, combining various expressive methods.

- Write narrative texts focusing on creatively retelling read stories; witnessed or participated events; imaginary stories combining descriptive and expressive elements; descriptive texts focusing on describing activities; expressive texts about landscapes and people and expressing feelings about literary works; know how to create poetic lines, primarily to recognize the features of some familiar poetic forms; write argumentative texts on issues requiring personal thoughts and opinions, using relatively simple argumentation techniques and easily found evidence; write explanatory texts on topics close to students' lives and knowledge with common structures; fill out various forms, draft practical documents such as memoranda, emails, reports, advertisements, and interview scripts.

- Write properly through a clear process, know how to find documents to meet writing requirements; understand intellectual property rights and know how to cite texts.

- Clearly present ideas and feelings; confidently speak in front of many people; use appropriate language and gestures when speaking; clearly retell read or heard stories; share emotions, attitudes, experiences, and ideas on discussed topics; comment on read or heard issues; explain a subject or process; appropriately speak according to purpose, audience, and communication context; use images, symbols, charts,... to effectively present issues.

- Listen and understand with an appropriate attitude and summarize content; recognize and initially evaluate the arguments and evidence used by the speaker; recognize the speaker's emotions; respond effectively to what has been heard.

What are the objectives of the grade 9 Literature in Vietnam?

Based on Section III of the Appendix to the Lower Secondary Education Literature Curriculum issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the objectives for different educational levels, including the objectives for Literature in lower secondary school, are as follows:

- Objective 1: Help students continue to develop the good qualities formed in primary school; enhance and expand the development of qualities with specific expressions such as national pride and an appreciation for national literature; having dreams and ambitions, self-study spirit, self-respect, and civic consciousness, obeying the law.

- Objective 2: Continue to develop general competencies, language competencies, and literary competencies formed in primary school with higher achievement requirements. Develop language competence with requirements: distinguishing types of literary, argumentative, and informational texts; reading and understanding both explicit and implicit content of texts; writing clear, logical, well-structured narrative, descriptive, expressive, argumentative, explanatory, and practical essays, combining various expressive methods; speaking clearly and confidently, appropriate to the communication context; listening and understanding with an appropriate attitude.

Develop literary competence with requirements: distinguishing story, poetry, narrative, and literary script genres and some specific sub-genres; recognizing literary language features, analyzing the effects of form elements and artistic techniques associated with each literary genre; recognizing expressive, cognitive, and aesthetic values; analyzing the figurative nature, content, and form of literary works; being able to create some literary products.

Thus, the two objectives of the grade 9 Literature subject are to help students continue to develop the good qualities formed in primary school; and to continue developing general competencies, language competencies, and literary competencies formed in primary school with higher achievement requirements.

>>> See also: Requirements for grade 5 Vietnamese Language subject

>>> See also: Required reading speed for grade 3 students in Vietnam under the new program

>>> See also: Requirements for grade 4 Vietnamese Language subject in the 2018 Program

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