11:49 | 27/08/2024

Template for the summer political training essay in 2024 with the aspiration for the prosperous and happy development of Vietnam

Guidelines for template for the summer political training essay in 2024 with the aspiration for the prosperous and happy development of Vietnam

Template for the summer political training essay in 2024 with the aspiration for the prosperous and happy development of Vietnam

The template for the summer political training essay in 2024 with the aspiration for the prosperous and happy development of Vietnam of teachers, officials, and public employees is as follows:

Summer political training essay in 2024

"Aspiration for the Development of a Prosperous and Happy Nation"

PART 1: Historical Value

The document of the XIII Congress of the Communist Party identifies: "Ignite the aspiration for developing a prosperous and happy nation", aiming to bring our country to step towards being powerful and prosperous.

This is also an issue that hostile forces are "interested" in, focusing on fiercely opposing. Therefore, along with promoting propaganda, grasping thoroughly, and widely implementing to soon bring the Resolution to life, it is necessary to decisively combat and reject distorting arguments against this perspective, determined to realize the great aspirations of the entire nation.

President Ho Chi Minh, our nation's beloved leader, devoted all his feelings, intellect, and life to the revolutionary cause of the Communist Party and our people.

He left behind invaluable assets in the form of clear, exemplary thoughts and moral standards that reflect the traditional values of the nation, humanity, and the era.

Therefore, learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ethic is an honor and pride for each of us.

Through the summer 2024 political enrichment topics, I am most impressed by the topic “Learning and following Ho Chi Minh's thoughts and ethics about self-reliance and self-strengthening and the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy nation."

The standpoint “Ignite the aspiration for developing a prosperous and happy nation” represents a new development, first identified in the document of the XIII Congress of the Communist Party.

This is an important highlight in the thinking and awareness development of the Communist Party regarding the internal strength of the nation and the method of national development in the new context; aiming to promote the strength of the great national unity, determined to successfully achieve the goal of building a country that is rich, powerful, democratic, equitable, and civilized.

PART 2: 10 Core Factors

1. Realize the aspiration for a rich and prosperous country under the ruling Communist Party, building new policies, seeking happiness, and prosperity for the people.

2. Build and develop a strong, prosperous country, enhance education, and foster talent.

3. Maximize national internal strength, leverage external forces, create open-door policies, and attract foreign investment.

4. Always start from the specific circumstances of the country, creatively apply theory to practice to come up with suitable perspectives and directions; avoid dogmatic and mechanical learning from other countries.

5. Build a solid economic foundation, systematically implement plans with the unanimity of the Government of Vietnam and the people.

6. Determinedly achieve the goal of building a country: rich people, strong country, democracy, equity, and civilization.

7. Enhance education to raise awareness and responsibilities for officials, party members, and citizens about "Ignite the aspiration for developing a prosperous and happy nation.”

8. Consistently apply and creatively develop Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thoughts; enhance the leadership capacity, ruling ability, and fighting strength of the Communist Party.

9. Focus on building a socialist rule-of-law state, meeting the demands of socio-economic development and managing the country in the new situation.

10. Urgently take measures to perfect the institutional framework, innovate growth models, restructure the economy, promote industrialization, and modernize all economic sectors; actively and positively integrate into the international economy.

PART 3: Personal Reflection

From a learner's perspective, how will teachers, public employees, and officials apply this to themselves? Here are some points to consider:

- Reject distorting arguments against the perspective “Ignite the aspiration for developing a prosperous and happy nation” of the Communist Party.

- Enhance dedication to educating about history so that students and family members understand the historical values and sacrifices of previous generations to achieve today's independence and peace.

- Strive for self-improvement and education, enhancing personal skills as beloved Uncle Ho once said, "If our judgement is right, our actions will follow correctly. With clear vision and hearing, a detailed and accurate plan, quick actions, we will surely defeat the enemy.”

- Have absolute faith in the leadership of our Communist Party, strictly observe the principles of party building, constantly innovate the Party's leadership methods. Build a clean, strong and comprehensive state and political system; perfect the strict power control mechanism; resolutely and persistently fight against degeneration, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" within the Party.

- Deeply understand and imbibe Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, ethics, and style. Consider this a regular and indispensable task for every official and party member. Enhance awareness among officials and party members about the substantial content, value, and significance of Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, ethics, and style. Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, coupled with Marxism-Leninism, form the ideological foundation and guide for the Communist Party's actions.

- Learn from and follow Uncle Ho, so our Party and each party member is worthy of leading Vietnam's revolution and living up to the people's trust.

*Note: The Template for the summer political training essay in 2024 with the aspiration for the prosperous and happy development of Vietnam is for reference only./.

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Template for Political Summary Summer 2024: Aspiration for the development of a prosperous and happy nation?

Template for the summer political training essay in 2024 with the aspiration for the prosperous and happy development of Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

Who shall issue the regular political training program in Vietnam? What programs are included in the regular political training program?

Based on Article 5 of the Regulation on Regular Training for Teachers, Managers of Preschool Educational Institutions, General Educational Institutions, and Teachers of Continuing Education Centers promulgated by the Minister of Education and Training attached to Circular 19/2019/TT-BGDDT:

Regular Training Program

Implementing according to the Regular Training Programs issued by the Minister of Education and Training (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Regular Training Program), including: Regular Training Program for teachers, managers of preschool educational institutions; Regular Training Program for teachers, managers of general educational institutions; Regular Training Program for teachers of continuing education centers.

Thus, the regular training program is issued by the Minister of Education and Training and includes the following programs:

- Regular Training Program for teachers, managers of preschool educational institutions;

- Regular Training Program for teachers, managers of general educational institutions;

- Regular Training Program for teachers of continuing education centers.

What are regulations on organization of the regular training program in Vietnam?

Based on Article 6 of the Regulation on Regular Training for Teachers, Managers of Preschool Educational Institutions, General Educational Institutions, and Teachers of Continuing Education Centers promulgated by the Minister of Education and Training attached to Circular 19/2019/TT-BGDDT:

Methods and Types of Regular Training Organization

1. Implement training with positive methods, enhancing self-study, promoting the activeness, initiative, and creative thinking of teachers and managers; intensify practice at preschool educational institutions, general educational institutions, and continuing education centers; discuss, exchange, share information, knowledge, and experiences between reporters and teachers, managers, between teachers, and between managers.

2. Types of Regular Training Organization:

a) Centralized: Implement centralized training; guide teachers and managers to self-study, practice, systematize knowledge, answer questions, guide Regular Training content that meets teachers' and managers' learning needs in Regular Training; create opportunities for teachers and managers to exchange, share, and discuss professional skills and practical practice.

The duration, number of teachers, and managers participating in centralized training is implemented according to management decentralization but must ensure the requirements of purposes, objectives to be achieved, content, methods, training duration stated in the Regular Training Program and regulations in this Regulation.

b) Distance: Implement distance training, intensify the application of information technology in training activities, online training for teachers and managers to meet the requirements of purposes, objectives to be achieved, content, methods, training duration stated in the Regular Training Program and regulations in this Regulation;

c) Semi-centralized: Combine centralized training and distance training types stated in points a, b of this Clause to ensure efficiency and Regular Training requirements for teachers and managers.

The regular training program is organized as Centralized; Distance; Semi-centralized.

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