14:57 | 18/09/2024

Guidelines for preparing the lesson "Hành tinh kì lạ" for grade 5 students in Vietnam

Below are guidelines for preparing the lesson "Hành tinh kì lạ" for grade 5 students in Vietnam and requirements on reading skills after studying grade 5 Vietnamese Language subject

Guidelines for preparing the lesson "Hành tinh kì lạ" for grade 5 students in Vietnam

"Hành tinh kì lạ" (Lesson 8) is one of the lessons in the grade 5 Vietnamese Language subject that students will study during the 4th week (pages 41, 42, 43) of Kết nối tri thức curriculum

Below are guidelines for preparing the lesson "Hành tinh kì lạ" for grade 5 students in Vietnam

Guidelines for preparing the lesson "Hành tinh kì lạ" for grade 5 students

* Main content and general meaning of the lesson:

- Main content: The text narrates the journey of astronauts exploring a strange planet. On this planet, everything is mechanized, from daily life to nature.

- Meaning:

+ Comparative values: Through describing a completely different planet, the text helps students realize the values of Earth: beautiful nature, human warmth.

+ Fostering love for nature: The text sparks a love for nature and awareness of environmental protection in students.

+ Expanding vocabulary: Helps students get acquainted with many new words, especially those related to science fiction.

* Literary devices used:

- Comparison: Comparing the "Hành tinh kì lạ" with Earth to highlight the differences and unique aspects of each planet.

- Personification: Personifying machines with thoughts and emotions to make the story lively and engaging.

- Enumeration: Listing the characteristics of the "Hành tinh kì lạ" to create a strong impression.

- Descriptive imagery: Vividly describing the "Hành tinh kì lạ" to help readers visualize it clearly.

* Effective study methods:

- Careful reading: Students should read the text thoroughly multiple times to grasp the main content.

- Further research: Encourage students to learn more about other planets in the universe and science fiction to deepen their understanding of the text.

* Answering questions:

- What strange things happened to the astronauts?

- How is the "Hành tinh kì lạ" different from Earth?

- Which detail do you like the most in the text? Why?

- What lesson do you draw from the reading?

- Group discussion: Let students discuss in groups to share their feelings and opinions about the reading.

- Writing a paragraph: Ask students to write a short paragraph describing an impressive image from the text.

* Additional suggestions:

Using images: You can search for images of planets and robots to help students visualize what they are learning better.

Organizing extracurricular activities: Organize activities such as drawing, and making models of planets to stimulate students' creativity.

*Note: The information is for reference only./.

Soạn bài Hành tinh kì lạ Tiếng Việt lớp 5?

Guidelines for preparing the lesson "Hành tinh kì lạ" for grade 5 students in Vietnam (Image from Internet)

What are requirements on reading skills after studying grade 5 Vietnamese Language subject?

According to Section V Appendix of the General Education Program for Vietnamese Language issued in conjunction with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, reading skills after studying grade 5 Vietnamese are stipulated as follows:


Reading Techniques

- Read correctly and expressively the texts of stories, scripts, poems, and descriptive essays at a pace of 90 - 100 words per minute.

- Read silently faster than in grade 4.

- Use common Vietnamese dictionaries to find words, meanings, usage, and other information.

- Be able to read in different ways (skim and intensive reading).

- Make brief notes of important ideas and details on a reading slip or notebook.

Reading Comprehension

Literary Texts

Comprehending Content

- Identify some prominent details and main contents of the text. Understand the easier implicit content of the text.

- Indicate the relationship between details. Know how to summarize the text.

- Understand the theme of the text.

Comprehending Form

- Recognize if the text is imaginative or based on real people and events.

- Recognize the time and place and their effects in the story.

Therefore, according to the above provisions, reading skills after studying grade 5 Vietnamese require students to have reading skills ensuring a pace of 90 - 100 words per minute.

How to develop the grade 5 Vietnamese Language program in Vietnam?

According to Section II Appendix of the General Education Program for Vietnamese Language issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the grade 5 Vietnamese Language program is developed as follows:

The Vietnamese Language Program adheres to the basic regulations stated in the Overall Program while emphasizing the following perspectives:

[1] The program is built on theoretical and practical foundations, updated with research achievements in education, psychology, and Vietnamese language teaching methods; literary and linguistic research achievements; Vietnamese literature through periods; experience in developing the Vietnamese Language program, especially from the early 21st century to the present, and international trends in curriculum development in general and the Vietnamese Language curriculum specifically in recent years, particularly the programs of developed countries; social, educational realities, economic conditions, and Vietnamese cultural traditions, especially the diversity of student subjects in terms of regions, conditions, and learning abilities.

[2] The program focuses on training communication skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) as the main axis running through all three educational levels to meet the requirements of the competency-oriented program and ensure the integrity, consistency, and continuity across all grades and levels.

The basic general knowledge and foundation of Vietnamese language and literature are formed through the activities of receiving and creating texts; directly serving the requirements of training reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

[3] The program is developed in an open manner, shown by not detailing the teaching content but only stating the achievement requirements for reading, writing, speaking, and listening for each grade; specifying some basic, core knowledge about Vietnamese, literature, and some texts of significant importance and meaning in national literature that are mandatory for students nationwide.

[4] The program meets the requirement for innovation while paying attention to inheriting and promoting the advantages of previous Vietnamese Language programs, especially the current program.

>>> DOWNLOAD the General Education Program for Vietnamese Language issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT.

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