17:09 | 20/01/2025

What are concepts of description and descriptive writing and examples thereof? What is the educational level at which students in Vietnam will learn to write a descriptive paragraph showing emotions and imagination?

What are concepts of description and descriptive writing and examples thereof? What is the educational level at which students in Vietnam will learn to write a descriptive paragraph showing emotions and imagination?

What are concepts of description and descriptive writing and examples thereof?

Students can refer to the following information on the concepts of description and descriptive writing and examples thereof:

What are concepts of description and descriptive writing and examples thereof?

Description is one of the fundamental modes of expression in literature, used to vividly and specifically recreate images, people, objects, phenomena, and landscapes through language.

The purpose of description:

To allow the reader or listener to visualize the described object clearly.

To evoke certain emotions and impressions in the reader or listener.

To create a vibrant, realistic picture of the surrounding world.

What is Descriptive Writing?

Descriptive writing is a type of document that primarily uses the descriptive mode to highlight characteristics and properties of the object being described.


Describing a person:

Appearance: "She has bright star-like eyes, silky black hair cascading down her shoulders, and a radiant smile."

Personality: "He is very intelligent, humorous, and always ready to help others."

Action: "The boy ran swiftly, his small feet nimbly weaving through the crowd."

Describing scenery:

Sunrise: "The sun slowly rose behind the mountain ranges, pouring brilliant golden light everywhere, tinting the sky pink."

Ripe rice field: "The ripe rice field gleams golden, stretching vast like a golden carpet. A gentle breeze sways the rice stalks in greeting."

Old forest: "The dense old forest with trees huddled together forms a deep green wall. The chirping of birds and the babbling stream create a wonderful symphony."

Describing an object:

Ballpoint pen: "The small ballpoint pen fits snugly in my hand. Its sleek blue casing, slender body, and shiny nib."

Apple: "The red apple is round and juicy like a marble. The glossy skin envelops ivory white, fragrant flesh."

*Note: Information is for reference purposes only./.

What is Description? What is Descriptive Writing? Provide examples? Writing a descriptive paragraph that expresses emotions and imaginative capacity requirement for which educational level?

What are concepts of description and descriptive writing and examples thereof? What is the educational level at which students in Vietnam will learn to write a descriptive paragraph showing emotions and imagination? (Image from Internet)

What is the educational level at which students in Vietnam will learn to write a descriptive paragraph showing emotions and imagination?

Under Clause 2 Section 4 of the General education program in Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

Requried outcomes regarding specific competencies

2.1. Primary level

a) Language Competence


b) Literary Competence


For students in grades 3, 4, and 5: understand how to read expressively literary texts; recount, summarize main contents of stories or poems; critique characters, events, and attitudes, feelings of the writer in texts; identify time and place, certain types of rhymes, rhythm, words, unique imagery, and effects of rhetorical devices like personification, comparison. Understand the meaning or lessons drawn from texts. Write stories, descriptive paragraphs showing emotions and imagination.


Primary school students are taught the rhetorical devices of personification and comparison.

Additionally, at the lower secondary level, under Clause 2 Section 4 of the General education program in Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, lower secondary level students recognize and analyze rhetorical devices as follows:

In grade 6 and grade 7: recognize and analyze the effects of certain formal elements and rhetorical devices associated with the characteristics of each literary genre, including figurative devices such as metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, and understatement;

In grade 8 and grade 9: recognize and analyze the effects of certain formal elements and rhetorical devices within each literary genre, including figurative devices like repetition, wordplay, irony, and paradox.

Thus, according to the regulations, primary school students in Vietnam will learn to write descriptive paragraphs showing emotions and imagination (grades 3-4-5).

What are the 05 duties of primary school students in Vietnam?

According to Article 34 of the Primary School Regulations issued with Circular 28/2020/TT-BGDDT, the duties of primary school students in Vietnam are as follows:

- Study and train according to the educational plan, and school regulations; have self-awareness in studying and training to develop comprehensive qualities and capacities according to the goals of the elementary education program.

- Fully and effectively perform study tasks; know how to self-study under the guidance of teachers; actively participate in experiential activities and apply learned knowledge to real life; exercise, and maintain personal hygiene.

- Be filial to parents, and grandparents; respect and be polite to teachers and elders; be united, and loving, help friends, younger children, the elderly, people with disabilities, and those in difficult situations.

- Comply with regulations, protect school property and public places; observe traffic safety rules; maintain cleanliness, and protect the environment.

- Contribute to activities building, protecting, and promoting the traditions of the school and locality.

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