Decision No. 11/2015/QD-TTg dated April 3, 2015, stipulating the land levy exemption and reduction for recognition of land use rights and ownership of house and other property attached to land granted to households and individuals with respect to residential lands that came into existence by the process of ultra-vires assignment (allotment) occuring in areas faced with difficult or extreme difficult socio-economic conditions, border areas and islands before october 15, 1993

LawNet .vn

Decision No. 11/2015/QD-TTg dated April 3, 2015, stipulating the land levy exemption and reduction for recognition of land use rights and ownership of house and other property attached to land granted to households and individuals with respect to residential lands that came into existence by the process of ultra-vires assignment (allotment) occuring in areas faced with difficult or extreme difficult socio-economic conditions, border areas and islands before october 15, 1993

Sign: 11/2015/QD-TTg Document type: Decision
Promulgation place: The Prime Minister of Government Signer: Nguyen Tan Dung
Promulgation day: 03/04/2015 Effect day: Known
Announcement day: Updating Announcement number: Updating
Status: Known
Sign: 11/2015/QD-TTg
Document type: Decision
Promulgation place: The Prime Minister of Government
Signer: Nguyen Tan Dung
Promulgation day: 03/04/2015
Effect day: Known
Announcement day: Updating
Announcement number: Updating
Status: Known

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