10:09 | 20/03/2023

What is the application form for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft in Vietnam?

May I ask: What is the application form for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft in Vietnam? - Question of Mr. Giang (Hai Phong)

What is the application form for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft in Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Article 19 of Decree No. 68/2015/ND-CP, if an issued Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft is damaged or lost, its owner shall follow the procedures for reissuance according to regulations in this Decree.

According to that, the applicant for registration will carry out procedures for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft.

As for the application form for re-issuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft, the application form is currently made according to Form No. 03, Appendix I issued together with Decree No. 64/2022/ND-CP.

Download the application form for re-issuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft: Click here.

What is the application form for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft in Vietnam?

What is the application form for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the steps to carry out the procedure for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 10.1, subsection 10, Section A, Part II of the administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision No. 1204/QD-BGTVT in 2022, the implementation of the procedures for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft is carried out according to the following steps:

Step 1: Submit the application

The applicant for re-issuance of the Certificate of Aircraft Nationality Registration shall send the application file directly, via the postal system or in the electronic environment or by other means to the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam and shall be responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information recorded in the dossier.

Step 2: Settlement of administrative procedures

- The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam shall re-issue the certificate of aircraft bearing Vietnamese nationality or the Certificate of temporary registration of aircraft bearing Vietnamese nationality; revoke the certificate of aircraft bearing Vietnamese nationality or the certificate of temporary registration of aircraft bearing Vietnamese nationality, unless it is lost; Post information on the website of the Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam.

In case the dossier is incomplete, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam shall issue a document to guide the applicant for re-issuance of the Certificate of aircraft nationality registration to complete the dossier as prescribed.

What is the time limit for processing the application for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft in Vietnam?

In Clause 4, Article 19 of Decree No. 68/2015/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Procedures for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircrafts
4. Within three (03) working days from the day on which the satisfactory application is received, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam shall carry out the reissuance and revocation of the Certificate of right to ownership towards aircrafts, Certificate of right to possession of aircrafts or the Certificate of priority right to payment for rescue/preservation of aircrafts, excluding for the loss of the certificate, and post information on website of the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam; if the application is rejected, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam shall sent the applicant a written response containing explanation.
If the application is not satisfactory, within two (02) working days from the day on which the application is received, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam shall issue a guiding documents for completion according to regulations.

Thus, the time limit for processing the application for reissuance of the Certificate of registration of rights towards aircraft according to current regulations is 03 working days from the date of receipt of a satisfactory application.


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