What are the cases of deduction of points when taking the high school graduation exam that candidates need to know?

This July, I will enter the high school graduation exam. Could you please let me know in which cases the test score will be deducted. How many points will be deducted? In addition, how will candidates violate the exam will be suspended? I would like to thank you!

Regulations on reprimanding and warning candidates taking the high school graduation exam?

Pursuant to Clauses 1 and 2, Article 54 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:

“Article 54. Handling of candidates who violate the Exam Regulations
Any violation of the Exam Regulations will be recorded, disciplined and notified to the candidate.
1. Reprimand:
a) For contestants who make a mistake once; look at the work or exchange it with other candidates;
b) This form is decided by the CBCT in the minutes made.
2. Warning:
a) For candidates who commit one of the following violations: Having been reprimanded once but during the exam time, that test continues to violate the Exam Regulations at the level of reprimand; exchange work or scratch paper with another candidate; copy another candidate's work or let another candidate copy his or her own;
b) Disciplinary warning shall be decided by the CBCT in the written record, enclosed with material evidences (if any).”

Accordingly, candidates who make a mistake once, look at the lesson or exchange it will be reprimanded and recorded by the examination staff.

If, after being reprimanded, a candidate continues to violate that subject while taking the exam, he/she will be warned by the examiner. In addition, the act of exchanging while taking the test, allowing others to copy their own tests, copying other people's exams will also be warned. The examination officer will make a record of this behavior.

Những trường hợp bị trừ điểm khi làm bài thi tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông mà các thí sinh dự thi nên biết?

What are the cases of deduction of points when taking the high school graduation exam that candidates need to know?

Under what circumstances is the examination suspended for candidates taking the high school graduation exam?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 54 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT (amended by Clause 17, Article 1 of Circular 05/2021/TT-BGDDT) stipulates as follows:

“Article 54. Handling of candidates who violate the Exam Regulations
Any violation of the Exam Regulations will be recorded, disciplined and notified to the candidate.
3. Suspension of exams:
a) For candidates who violate one of the following errors: Having been dealt with in the form of a warning once, but during the exam time, that test continues to violate the exam regulations at the level of reprimand or warning; bringing illegal items as prescribed in Article 14 of this Regulation into the examination room/waiting room or when moving between the examination room and the waiting room; take the exam questions out of the exam room or receive the solutions from outside into the exam room; write, draw on their test paper things that are not related to the test; acts of aggression, threatens those responsible during the exam or threatens other candidates; failure to comply with the instructions of the supervisor or the lounge manager when moving in the test area and during the time in the waiting room;
b) CBCT makes a record, collects material evidences (if any) and reports to the Head of the Examination Site to decide on the form of examination suspension. If the Head of Examinations does not agree, then report it to the Head of the Examination Board for decision. Candidates who are suspended from the exam must submit their test papers, exam papers, and scratch paper to the CBCT, must leave the examination room immediately after a decision is made, and may only leave the examination area when the exam time is up;
c) Candidates who are suspended from taking the exam in any year will have the results of all exams/subjects in that year's exam canceled.”
Thus, candidates who have been sanctioned with warning but continue to violate the exam regulations while taking that subject will be suspended from the exam. The fact that candidates bring illegal items as prescribed in Article 14 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, take the test questions out of the exam room or receive the solutions from outside into the exam room, there are acts of violation. Violation of causing insecurity, disorder, threatening others during the exam will also be suspended from the exam. Test suspension will void all results of all exams/subjects for that year of the candidate suspended from testing.

What are the regulations on deducting test scores in the high school graduation exam?

Pursuant to Clause 4, Article 54 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:

“Article 54. Handling of candidates who violate the Exam Regulations
Any violation of the Exam Regulations will be recorded, disciplined and notified to the candidate.
4. Deducting test scores
a) A contestant who is reprimanded while taking an exam will have 25% of the total score for that test deducted;
b) Candidates who are warned while taking any test will have 50% of the total score of that exam deducted;
c) Exams with marks detected during marking will be deducted 50% of the total score;
d) Score 0 (zero): The test was copied from unauthorized materials brought into the exam room; have two or more assignments for a test; written test by two or more people; parts of the test are written on scratch paper or incorrect paper;
đ) Candidates who are suspended from taking an exam will receive a score of 0 (zero) for that test and may not continue to take the next exam;
e) The deduction of test scores mentioned at points c and d of this clause shall be decided by the head of the essay marking committee based on the written report of the head of the essay marking exam.”

Thus, in case a candidate taking the high school graduation exam is reprimanded, 25% of the total score of that exam will be deducted, and 50% of the score of that exam will be deducted if he is warned. .

Cases of cancellation of test results in the high school graduation exam?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 54 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:

“Article 54. Handling of candidates who violate the Exam Regulations
Any violation of the Exam Regulations will be recorded, disciplined and notified to the candidate.
5. Cancel exam results for candidates who: There are two or more exams with 0 (zero) scores due to the error specified at point d, clause 4 of this Article; write, draw on the exam paper things that are not related to the test; let someone else take the test or do the test on behalf of another person in any form; correcting, adding or subtracting to the work after submission; Use someone else's work to submit. Based on the written report of the Chairman of the Examination Council, the Director of the Department of Education and Training shall issue a decision to cancel the exam results.
6. Cancel the exam results and make a dossier to send to the competent agency for consideration and handling according to law provisions for candidates who commit one of the following errors:
a) Forging dossiers to enjoy priority and incentive regimes;
b) Illegally using diplomas or certificates;
c) Let someone else take the exam on behalf of, or do the test on behalf of, in any form;
d) Acts of disrupting or sabotaging the exam; assaulting exam participants or other candidates;
dd) Illegally using the certificate of exam results.”

Thus, the cancellation of exam results in the high school graduation examination is done in the above cases.


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