07:32 | 28/08/2024

What are guidelines for filling out the commune-level official résumé form? What is the latest 2023 commune-level official résumé form in Vietnam?

What are guidelines for filling out the commune-level official résumé form? What is the latest 2023 commune-level official résumé form in Vietnam? S.P - Gia Lai

What documents are required for signature authentication in the commune-level official résumé in Vietnam?

The person requesting authentication of their signature must present the documents stipulated in clause 1, Article 24 of Decree 23/2015/ND-CP as follows:

Procedure for signature authentication

1. The person requesting authentication of their signature must present the following documents:

a) The original or certified copy of the ID card or Passport with valid usage;

b) The document that they will sign.


Thus, when requesting signature authentication in the commune-level official résumé, the requester needs to prepare the following documents:

- The original or certified copy of the ID card/Citizen Identity Card/Passport with valid usage;

- The résumé that they will sign and request to authenticate.

Guidelines for filling out the commune-level civil servant resume form? Where to download the latest 2023 commune-level civil servant resume form?

What are guidelines for filling out the commune-level official résumé form? What is the latest 2023 commune-level official résumé form in Vietnam?

What is the latest 2023 commune-level official résumé form in Vietnam?

The latest commune-level official résumé form is according to form 2C-BNV/2008 issued with Decision 02/2008/QD-BNV.

Download the latest 2023 commune-level official résumé form (form 2C-BNV/2008) here.

What are guidelines for filling out the commune-level official résumé form in Vietnam?

Currently, there are no specific guidelines on how to fill out the items on the commune-level official résumé form. When completing the declaration, the supervising agency will provide instructions. You can refer to the public employee résumé form with similar headings specified in Circular 07/2019/TT-BNV as follows:

1- Full name at birth: Write in capital letters exactly as it appears in the birth certificate.

2- Other names: Any other name or alias used in revolutionary activities, journalism, literature, arts, etc. (if any).

3- Date of birth: Write the full date of birth as it appears in the birth certificate.

Gender: indicate the gender of officials as Male or Female.

4- Place of birth: Write the name of the commune (or ward, commune-level town), district (or county, city under the province), province (or centrally managed city) where the officials were born (exactly as in the birth certificate). If there is a change in the administrative unit name, write <old name>, now <new name>.

5- Hometown: Write the place of the father or paternal grandfather's origin. Special cases may write the hometown of the mother or the person who raised them from a young age (if the biological parents are unknown). Specify the name of the commune (or ward, commune-level town), district (or county, city under the province), province (or centrally managed city).

6- Ethnicity: Specify the ethnicity of the officials according to the State's regulations such as Kinh, Tay, Nung, Thai, Muong, Mong, E de, Khmer, etc.

7- Religion: official or official currently following a religion should indicate the name of that religion such as Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam, Cao Dai, Hoa Hao, etc. If not following any religion, do not leave this blank but write "None".

8- Permanent residence registration: Write the full house number, street, city or hamlet, village, commune, district, province where the permanent residence is registered.

9- Current address: Write the full house number, street, city or hamlet, village, commune, district, province where the current residence is.

10- Occupation when recruited: Specify the occupation you were engaged in to earn a living before recruitment. If unemployed and dependent on the family, state that specifically as "unemployed".

11- Recruitment date: Write the exact date, month, and year the official received the recruitment decision and the name of the agency that issued the recruitment decision (date appointed, approved for officials).

12- Current position (title): Specify the leadership, management position or current main task assigned regarding administration (or Party, mass organization, including concurrent positions).

13- Main responsibilities: Specify the main task currently assigned.

14- official rank: Specify the official rank

Rank code: specify the rank code

Specify the salary grade, salary coefficient, and date/month/year when the salary is effective.

Specify the position allowance coefficient (if any) or other allowances (if any).

15.1- General education level: Indicate the highest education level attained, belonging to what type of general education. For example: Grade 10/10 (for those who graduated grade 10 in a 10-year system); Grade 12/12 (for those who graduated grade 12 in a 12-year system).

15.2- Highest professional qualification: Specify the highest professional qualification attained at the time of declaration, such as Doctor of Science, Doctor, Master, Bachelor, Engineer, collegiate, intermediate, primary, etc. in which major. For example: for those who have multiple qualifications such as having an engineer degree, a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, or a doctoral degree, only the highest current qualification is declared: Doctor + major studied.

15.3- Political theory: Specify the highest training level in political theory completed, such as Bachelor, advanced, intermediate, primary.

15.4- State management: Specify the training certificate; the training certificate according to official ranks such as: senior expert, principal expert, expert; assistant. Training certificates according to leadership titles such as: Department Head and equivalent, Department level and equivalent, Department level and equivalent, Deputy Minister and equivalent; Chairman, Vice Chairman of the People's Councils, Chairman, Vice Chairman of the People's Committees at district and provincial levels; training certificates for commune level officials; training certificates for provincial, district, and commune level People's Council representatives.

15.5- Foreign language proficiency:

- For officials with foreign language certificates, specify the name of the foreign language + training level according to the six-level competency framework for Vietnam issued with Circular 01/2014/TT-BGDĐT.

- In cases of having foreign language degrees from bachelor level and above, specify the degree name + foreign language name. For example: Bachelor of French, Master of English, etc.

15.6- IT proficiency: Specify the highest IT proficiency corresponding to the certificates issued by authorities according to the 15 competency standards attached to Circular 03/2014/TT-BTTTT.

16- Date of joining the Communist Party of Vietnam: Write the exact date, month, and year admitted to the Communist Party of Vietnam; date, month, and year recognized as official Party member (if any). If admitted to the Party for the second time and the Party age is continuous, the joining date is counted from the first time. In cases where the Party age is not counted continuously, specify the date of joining the Party for the second time.

17- Date of joining political - social organizations: Write the date, month, and year of joining political, social-political organizations such as Youth Union, Association, etc., also specify what work is done within the organization.

18- Enlistment date: Write the date, month, and year of joining the army, police, and the date of discharge. Specify the highest rank or position in the army, police (if any). If there is time for re-enlistment, add the re-enlistment date alongside the enlistment date.

19- Highest title awarded: Specify the highest title awarded such as labor hero, armed forces hero, people's teacher, meritorious artist, etc. (if any) and the year awarded.

20- Work strengths: What work is most suitable and effective (Party work, mass organization; economic management, administration, enterprise; strengths in research about,..., teaching about,...; artisan, writing, artist, singer, actor, athlete,...).

21- Awards: Specify the highest award (such as Certificate of Merit, Certificate of Commendation, National honors, Medal, Order), and the year awarded.

22- Disciplines: Specify the highest form of discipline received (such as Reprimand, Warning, Salary downgrade, Rank demotion, Dismissal, or Forced resignation from the Party, government, or mass organizations), and which year.

23- Health status: Specify current health status (good, average, poor); any chronic illnesses, height, weight, and blood type.

24- War invalid status: Specify the war invalid status level (if any). For cases of family members eligible for policy, specify if they are children of war invalids, martyrs, Agent Orange Dioxin victims, etc.

25- ID number: Specify the ID card/Citizen Identity number and the date of issue.

26- Social Insurance Number (SI Book): Specify the current social insurance number and ongoing contributions up to the time of résumé declaration.

27- Training and education in professional expertise, political theory, foreign languages, and IT: Specify the name of the school, field of study; in which period; training form, and the type of diploma, certificate obtained.

28- Summary of the work process: Write according to the sequence "From month/year to month/year": Title, position, work unit (Party, government, mass organizations, social organizations) including training and further training periods.

29- Personal historical details:

Specify: Arrest, imprisonment (from a certain date to a certain date, where?); reporting to whom, on what issues? Work in the old regime (agency, unit, location, title, position, work period…):

- Participation or connections with any political, economic, social organizations abroad (doing what, which organization, location, etc.?):

- Family members (Father, Mother, Wife, Husband, children, siblings) abroad (activities, addresses …)?

30- Family relations:

+ About oneself: Father, Mother, Wife (or husband), children, siblings

+ About the spouse's (or husband’s) side: Father, Mother, siblings

>> Specify relationship, Full name, Year of birth, Hometown, Occupation, title, position, work unit, current residence (inside, outside the country); member of any political – social organizations …?)

31- official salary progression: According to the time: Month/Year, code, salary grade, salary coefficient.

32- Remarks and evaluations by managing and utilizing agency of officials:


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