03:56 | 23/09/2024

From August 01, 2024, what is the application form for renting worker housing in industrial parks in Vietnam under Decree 100?

From August 01, 2024, what is the application form for renting worker housing in industrial parks in Vietnam under Decree 100?

From August 01, 2024, what is the application form for renting worker housing in industrial parks in Vietnam under Decree 100?

Based on Appendix II issued with Decree 100/2024/ND-CP dated July 26, 2024, by the Government of Vietnam, the application form for renting worker housing in industrial parks in Vietnam is as follows:

Form 02 of the application form for renting worker housing in industrial parks in Vietnam is as follows:

Form 02 Registration Form for renting worker accommodations in industrial zones

Application form for renting worker housing in industrial parks in Vietnam (Form 02): Download

From August 1, 2024, what is the form of the Registration Form for renting worker accommodations in industrial zones under Decree 100?

From August 01, 2024, what is the application form for renting worker housing in industrial parks in Vietnam under Decree 100? (Internet Image)

How is environmental safety ensured for worker housing in industrial parks in Vietnam?

Based on Article 59 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP, the worker housing in industrial parks in Vietnam must ensure environmental safety according to the following regulations:

(1) The environmental safety distance of the accommodations must comply with environmental law, construction law to ensure the safety of the project and be identified simultaneously when assessing the environmental impact of the industrial zone.

(2) There must be separate routes and gates from the routes of the industrial production area. The distances of these separate gates and routes must ensure fire safety in accordance with the law.

(3) There must be a separate isolation fence between the worker housing area and the industrial production area.

(4) A green isolation belt must be arranged around the worker housing area with a width of ≥ 10 m.

(5) The environmental safety distance must be ensured for pollution-causing objects in the industrial zone such as production workshops, warehouses storing materials, finished products, hazardous wastes, and other auxiliary facilities generating non-residential waste.

Furthermore, the scale and proportion of land area for developing worker housing in industrial parks must comply with Article 58 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP, specifically:

- During the planning phase of constructing industrial parks, the Provincial People's Committee is responsible for allocating at least 20% of the industrial zone's commercial land for worker housing, except where provincial-level land use planning, land use plans, housing development programs, or plans have already allocated sufficient land to meet the housing needs of workers in that industrial zone.

- For industrial parks already formed but lacking or insufficient worker housing and having spare commercial land ensuring environmental safety per Article 59 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP, the industrial zone infrastructure business can study and report to the Provincial People's Committee to adjust a part of the commercial land to build worker housing.

What are the regulations for renting worker housing in industrial parks in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 1 Article 60 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP, the regulations for renting worker housing in industrial parks are as follows:

(1) For worker housing in industrial parks invested and constructed by the infrastructure business enterprise, the following rules apply:

- The infrastructure business enterprise or the appointed management unit is responsible for renting to the right targets, i.e., the workers within the industrial zone.

- Workers who need to rent accommodations must submit a form as per Form 02 in Appendix II of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP, with certification from the production enterprise in the industrial zone.

- If the number of registration forms for renting worker housing exceeds the total available accommodations, the selection process will be conducted via a lottery organized by the investor, with participation from the industrial zone management board representative and the trade union's supervision. A record of the lottery results must be made.

- The rental of worker housing must be documented in a lease contract with the management unit.

- Workers renting accommodations must pay the rent in full and are not allowed to sublease or transfer the lease contract. Violations will lead to contract termination or legal penalties.

(2) For worker housing in industrial parks invested and constructed by the production enterprise within the industrial zone, workers needing to rent must submit a form as per Form 02 in Appendix II of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP and comply with points a, b, and d of Clause 1 Article 60 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP.

Additionally, the management and use of worker housing in industrial parks must comply with Article 61 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP as follows:

- The investor organizes the management or hires a competent unit to manage the worker housing.

- worker housing must be rented to the right targets.

- Unauthorized changes in the use purpose are not allowed.

- Building maintenance must comply with construction law.

- The management unit of worker housing must develop and publicly announce the use regulations for workers and related units and individuals to know and follow.

- The management unit is allowed to run other services in the worker housing area not forbidden by law to reduce the management service cost for the accommodations.

- The management operation of worker housing enjoys preferential treatment as public utility services.


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