The 2022 thrift practice strategy against waste will focus on implementing socio-economic development in ethnic minority areas?

Currently, the capital management to realize the investment goals and plans of our country still has limitations. On May 26, 2022, the Ministry of Planning and Investment issued a Decision approving the strategy of saving against waste in 2022. So what does this strategy include?

How is the management and use of recurrent expenditures of the state budget in the program of saving against waste?

Pursuant to subsection 1, section II of the Program promulgated together with Decision 960/QD-BKHDT dated May 26, 2022 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, stipulates as follows:

- To save recurrent expenditures to create a source of salary reform, and to promote the allocation of administrative expenditures. Reduce the frequency and tighten the expenses for organizing conferences, seminars, seminars, meetings, business trips, expenses for receiving guests, public holidays, organizing festivals, celebrations,... striving to save money. compared with the estimate approved by the competent authority. Limiting allocating funds to study and survey abroad; strive to save branches in and out compared to estimates approved by competent authorities; do not arrange delegations out in recurrent expenditures of national target programs. Recurring expenditures are not arranged for renovation, upgrading and expansion tasks as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 6 of the Law on Public Investment and guiding documents.

Implementation of administrative spending contracts and measures to practice thrift and combat waste; the spending and use of the allocated funds must comply with the provisions of law and the agency's internal spending regulations.

- Continue to apply the Treasury and Budget Management Information System (Tabmis) to the state budget management at the Ministry of Planning and Investment (under the Public Finance Reform Project approved by the Prime Minister). approved under Decision No. 432/QD-TTg dated December 21, 2003).

- Continue to publicize the state budget in all units in order to promote democracy and expand publicity and transparency in budget expenditure and use of public assets.

- Implement the assignment of comprehensive autonomy to the public service sector in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 60/2021/ND-CP dated June 21, 2021 of the Government on the financial autonomy mechanism of the units. public career.

Public non-business units partially cover recurrent expenditures by themselves, and public non-business units whose recurrent expenditures are guaranteed by the state budget in 2022 will continue to reduce expenditures for direct support from the state budget according to the plan. Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 of the 6th Conference of the 12th Party Central Committee on continuing to renovate the organization and management system, improving the quality and efficiency of operations. activities of public non-business units.

- Manage and use public property in accordance with the Law on Management and Use of Public Property 2017. All decisions on investment, construction, procurement, use, exploitation and disposal of public property At the ministry's agency, it must ensure efficiency with a sense of thrift, and avoid loss of property and cause waste. Carry out the procurement of assets in accordance with the standards, norms and regulations. The order and procedures for the procurement of state-guaranteed assets comply with the provisions of law; ensure savings in Vietnam and efficiency. Assets after being purchased must be accounted for, reported on, managed and used in accordance with law. Carry out the concentrated procurement of goods and services on the list of goods and services subject to concentrated procurement according to regulations of the competent authority.

Chiến lược thực hành tiết kiệm và chống lãng phí năm 2022 sẽ tập trung vào triển khai phát triển kinh tế - xã hội vùng đồng bào dân tộc thiểu số?

The 2022 thrift practice strategy against waste will focus on implementing socio-economic development in ethnic minority areas?

How is the management and use of public investment capital implemented?

Pursuant to subsection 2, section II of the Program promulgated together with Decision 960/QD-BKHDT dated May 26, 2022 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the following provisions are made:

- Continue to thoroughly understand and strictly implement the provisions of the Law on Public Investment in parallel with the comprehensive review and assessment of regulations on public investment management and capital construction. To arrange public investment capital with focus and focus. Prioritize the full payment of outstanding debts for capital construction, recover at least 50% of the remaining advance capital to be recovered in the medium-term public investment plan for the period 2021 - 2025; allocate enough capital for projects that have been completed, handed over and put into use before 2022.

- Issue documents guiding ministries, branches and localities to develop public investment plans in 2023. Report on the implementation of the 2022 public investment plan and the 2023 public investment plan.

- Prepare the Report and Decision of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Planning and Investment on the assignment of public investment capital plan in 2023. Report to the Prime Minister for promulgation of regulations on public investment planning medium-term for the 2021-2025 period, on that basis, to guide ministries, sectors and localities on the formulation of medium-term public investment plans for the 2021-2025 period.

- Arrange reciprocal capital for ODA projects and foreign concessional loans, state budget capital to participate in PPP projects, investment preparation tasks, planning tasks; transition projects must be completed by 2022; allocating capital according to schedule for important national projects, connecting projects, having inter-regional impacts that are significant for promoting fast and sustainable socio-economic development and considering allocating capital for projects. New construction projects will have enough investment procedures after allocating sufficient capital for the above tasks.

- Submit for promulgation a Circular on the formulation, appraisal, assignment, adjustment and implementation of the medium-term and annual public investment plans on the national public investment information system and database.

Thus, in order to implement the program of thrift and anti-waste, the management and use of public investment capital must be seriously implemented, reviewed and comprehensively evaluated the regulations on public investment management. Must recover at least 50% of the remaining advance capital in the medium-term investment plan for the 2021-2025 period.

Focus on implementing socio-economic development programs for mountainous people?

According to subsection 3, section II of the Program issued together with Decision 960/QD-BKHDT dated May 26, 2022 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, stipulating the management of the national target program in the Program for the implementation of savings in Vietnam , anti-waste as follows:

- Continue to effectively implement the approved national target programs, in which focus is on the socio-economic development program in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the 2021-2030 period. , phase I: 2021-2025 approved for investment by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 1719/QD-TTg dated October 14, 2021.

- Managing and using capital of national target programs according to the right subjects, ensuring progress, savings in Vietnam and efficiency.

- Continue to perform the tasks of summarizing the implementation of the National Target Programs; perform tasks assigned by the Central Steering Committee for National Target Programs for the period 2021-2025.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Planning and Investment plans to focus on implementing the socio-economic development program in ethnic minority areas in the period 2021-2025. Manage and use capital resources to achieve national goals effectively, avoiding waste.

The above are some key tasks in the implementation of the Program on Savings in Vietnam and Combating Fees in 2022 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.


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