07:44 | 23/07/2024

Template of Personal Income Tax Finalization Declaration Form Applicable to Individuals with Income from Salaries and Wages (Form 02/QTT-TNCN)

Hello,Could you please provide me with Form 02 regarding the personal income tax finalization declaration when one has income from salary? Thank you!

Personal Income Tax Finalization Declaration Form for Individuals with Income from Salaries and Wages (Form 02/QTT-TNCN)

According to Appendix II issued together with Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC providing regulations on the personal income tax finalization declaration form for individuals with income from salaries and wages as follows:


Download the form: Here.

Personal Income Tax Finalization Declaration Form for Individuals with Income from Salaries and Wages (Form 02/QTT-TNCN)?

Personal Income Tax Finalization Declaration Form for Individuals with Income from Salaries and Wages (Form 02/QTT-TNCN)

Which individuals are required to finalize personal income tax?

According to Subsection 1 Section I Official Dispatch 636/TCT-DNNCN of 2021 guiding individuals directly finalizing with the tax authority as follows:

+ Resident individuals with income from salaries and wages directly declare personal income tax finalization with the tax authority if they have additional tax payable or have excess tax paid for refund or offset in the next tax period.

+ Individuals present in Vietnam for less than 183 days in the first calendar year, but 183 days or more in the first 12 consecutive months starting from the first day of presence in Vietnam, shall have their first fiscal year finalized as the 12 consecutive months starting from the first day of presence in Vietnam.

+ Foreign individuals ending their working contracts in Vietnam must finalize tax with the tax authority before departure.

+ If the individual has not completed tax finalization procedures with the tax authority, delegate the organization paying income or another organization or individual to finalize tax according to tax finalization regulations applicable to individuals.

+ In cases where the organization paying income or another organization or individual accepts the delegation to finalize tax, they must bear the responsibility for the additional personal income tax payable or refund of excessive tax paid on behalf of the individual.

+ Resident individuals with income from wages and salaries who are subject to tax reduction due to natural disasters, fires, accidents, or critical illness affecting their ability to pay tax must directly declare finalization with the tax authority rather than delegating it to the income-paying organization.

Which organizations paying income are required to finalize tax?

According to Subsection 2 Section I Official Dispatch 636/TCT-DNNCN of 2021 guiding organizations paying income from salaries and wages as follows:

+ Organizations or individuals paying income from salaries and wages are responsible for declaring personal income tax finalization, regardless of whether tax withholding arises and for finalizing personal income tax on behalf of individuals who delegate.

In cases where an individual delegates the personal income tax finalization to the organization and the additional tax payable after finalization is 50,000 VND or less, which is exempted from tax, the organization paying income must still declare the information of the individual paid the income in the personal income tax finalization declaration file of the organization but does not add up the additional tax payable of the individuals with additional tax payable after finalization of 50,000 VND or less.

If the income-paying organization has finalized personal income tax before the effective date of Decree 126/2020/ND-CP, no retrospective adjustments are made.

+ In cases where the individual is transferred from an old organization to a new organization due to the merger, consolidation, separation, or conversion of business types of the old organization and the new organization, or both the old and new organizations are in the same system, the new organization is responsible for finalizing personal income tax on behalf of the individual for the income paid by the old organization and collect the personal income tax deduction documents issued by the old organization to the employee (if any).

Here is the personal income tax finalization declaration form for individuals with income from salaries and wages.


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