07:45 | 23/07/2024

Striving to Achieve 30% by 2025 and 50% by 2030 of Workers in Enterprises Earning the Title "Learning Citizen"

Could you provide information on how the program "Promoting lifelong learning activities among workers at enterprises until 2030" under Decision 1268/QD-TTg 2022 is being implemented? - Question from Mr. Hai from Ca Mau

Strive to Achieve 30% by 2025, 50% by 2030 of Workers in Enterprises Achieving the Title "Lifelong Learning Citizen"?

According to Subsection 2 Section I Article 1 Decision 1268/QD-TTg of 2022, the specific goals to implement the Program as stated by the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam are as follows:

- Political and Legal Affairs: Strive to achieve 70% by 2025, 90% by 2030 of workers in enterprises to be propagated, disseminated, educate, and firmly grasp the guidelines and policies of the Communist Party, the legal policies of the State related to workers, associated with theoretical contents about the functions, tasks of the working class, and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

- Professional Skills: Strive to achieve 50% by 2025, 75% by 2030 of workers in enterprises participating in training, improving their professional skills.

- Life Skills: Strive to achieve 50% by 2025, 75% by 2030 of workers in enterprises participating in learning life skills education.

- Information Technology and Digital Technology Application: Strive to achieve 40% by 2025, 65% by 2030 of workers in enterprises to be disseminated with information technology and digital technology.

- Learning Models: Strive to achieve 30% by 2025, 50% by 2030 of workers in enterprises achieving the title "Lifelong Learning Citizen" by an authorized agency.

Program “Promoting Lifelong Learning Activities among Workers in Enterprises by 2030” according to Decision 1268/QD-TTg of 2022?

Strive to achieve 30% by 2025, 50% by 2030 of workers in enterprises achieving the title "Lifelong Learning Citizen"? (Image from the Internet)

Propagate, Disseminate, and Raise Awareness about Lifelong Learning, Contributing to Building a Learning Society?

According to Subsection 1 Section II Article 1 Decision 1268/QD-TTg of 2022 on the task of disseminating, raising awareness about lifelong learning, contributing to building a learning society. Specifically:

- First: Strengthen propaganda and dissemination to raise awareness and responsibility of different levels, sectors, employers, and workers about lifelong learning, building a learning society in the digital economy and digital society through mass media, social media, grassroots information systems, educational institutions, and other methods.

- Second: Organize the compilation of materials on lifelong learning for workers; train skills in propaganda, mobilize workers and employers to participate in lifelong learning activities for labor union officials, especially grassroots labor union officials.

- Third:

+ Respond to Lifelong Learning Week, Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day annually;

+ Propagate, disseminate, and mobilize workers to strive to achieve the title "Lifelong Learning Citizen," acquire digital skills to independently search for, use, and share information in the digital and internet environment.

- Fourth: Commend, honor, and reward exemplary workers and the studious children of workers; expand good models and effective methods in organizing lifelong learning activities, building lifelong learning models among workers.

Organize Emulation Movements, Campaigns, and Support Activities to Promote Lifelong Learning among Workers?

According to Subsection 4 Section II Article 1 Decision 1268/QD-TTg of 2022 on the task of organizing emulation movements, campaigns, and support activities to promote lifelong learning among workers. Specifically:

- First:

+ Promote campaigns to improve professional knowledge, legal consciousness, and life skills among workers;

+ Foster and maintain the habit of reading books and self-study, awareness of lifelong learning suitable to each individual's specific conditions with the message "Lifelong Learning - Opportunity for Sustainable Employment."

- Second:

+ Launch emulation for learning, improving professional skills associated with emulation for excellent labor and creative labor among workers;

+ Continue to implement the movement of reviewing theory, practicing skills, and organizing skilled worker contests, "Golden Hands."

- Third: Provide favorable conditions for workers to participate in learning by supplementing books, newspapers, brochures, posters, and communication publications on new platforms and technology environments.

- Fourth: Effectively encourage and negotiate with employers to include content on improving education and skills for workers in collective labor agreements, enterprise regulations, and unit rules.

- Fifth: Continue to mobilize the participation and coordination of enterprises to effectively implement campaigns and emulation movements to promote learning and creative labor among workers.

See detailed content at: Decision 1268/QD-TTg of 2022.


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