04:32 | 22/02/2023

Should the Vietnamese gambler have proofs of having current income of at least VND 10 million per month to be allowed to play in a casino?

Should the Vietnamese gambler have proofs of having current income of at least VND 10 million per month to be allowed to play in a casino? - Phuc Thinh (Long An, Vietnam)

Should the Vietnamese gambler have proofs of having current income of at least VND 10 million per month to be allowed to play in a casino?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 12 of Decree 03/2017/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

Pilot permission for Vietnamese citizens to play in casinos
3. A Vietnamese citizen shall be allowed to play in a casino specified in clause 1 of this Article if he/she:
a) Is at least 21 year olds and fully capable of civil acts according to Vietnam’s laws;
b) Is financially capable of playing in the casino. The gambler must have proofs of having current income of at least VND 10 million per month or being subject to at least grade-3 income tax as prescribed in the Law on personal income tax. The Ministry of Finance shall provide guidance on the documents proving the financial capacity of the gamblers;
c) Has bought a casino entrance ticket. The price of such ticket shall be VND 01 million/24 continuous hours/person or VND 25 million/month/person; and
d) Is not a person whose parent, adoptive parent, spouse, natural child who has fully legal capacity or who himself/herself requests the casino-operating enterprise to prevent him/her from playing games at the casino;
dd) A Vietnamese citizen allowed to play in a casino shall use only Vietnam dong for exchange for tokens; remaining or winning tokens may be re-exchanged for Vietnam dong.

Accordingly, at point b, clause 3, Article 12 of Decree 03/2017/ND-CP, it is mentioned that Vietnamese people playing at casinos need to prove a regular income of 10 million VND/month or more.

Should the Vietnamese gambler have proofs of having current income of at least VND 10 million per month to be allowed to play in a casino? (Image from the internet)

How to prove income to be allowed to play in a casino in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Circular 102/2017/TT-BTC, which stipulates document justifying a Vietnamese financially eligible for gambling at casinos

Document justifying a Vietnamese financially eligible for gambling at casinos prescribed in Point b Clause 3 Article 12 of Decree 03/2017/ND-CP is in one of the following forms:

- Documents justifying that the Vietnamese player has taxable income graded at least class 3 as prescribed in the Law on personal income tax: A certified true copy of statement of personal income tax declaration that has been settled by tax authority or a document certifying the discharge of tax liabilities by tax authority justifying that the Vietnamese player has taxable income graded at least class 3 as prescribed in the Law on personal income tax within 1 year before he/she enters the casino site.

- Documents justifying regular income of at least 10 million per month:

+ A certified true copy certifying monthly income, monthly payroll or pay decision issued by the player's employer within last 3 months from the date on which the player gambles at the casino, clarifying the monthly income of at least 10 million;

+ A certified true copy of lease on house or assets held by the player remaining valid as per the law, specifying the total monthly rental of at least 10 million;

+ A certified true copy of banking passbook, statement of bank deposit account of the player that remains valid for at least 1 year and earns monthly interests of at least 10 million;

+ Other documents justifying player's regular income of at least 10 million per month;

+ If any document prescribed in Point a, b, c, and d of this Clause fails to prove that the player earns regular income of at least 10 million, multiple documents may be presented to prove that.

- The player shall take legal responsibility for accuracy and truthfulness of authenticated documents prescribed in Clause 1, Clause 2 of this Article which is presented to the casino operator companies for being allowed to enter the casino.

- The permitted company must keep the documents prescribed in Clause 1, Clause 2 of this Article for at least 5 years from the date of allowance for the purpose of management, supervision, and inspection of regulatory bodies.

When will Vietnamese citizens be banned from playing games at a casino?

Pursuant to Clause 4, Article 12 of Decree 03/2017/ND-CP stipulating cases that Vietnamese citizens shall be banned from playing games at a casino if he/she:

- Was charged with a criminal offence and the case is being under investigation or adjudication by a Vietnamese or foreign proceeding agency;

- Has a previous conviction for the infringement upon national security or other knowingly offences and was given an imprisonment sentence of 03 years or more and the criminal record has not been expunged;

- Is serving a suspended imprisonment sentence;

-Is serving a non-custodial community sentence, mandatory supervision, prohibition from residence, prohibition from holding certain positions or prohibition from conducting business sectors subject to security and order conditions according to decisions of the Court;

- Is incurring the measure of education at communes; incurring the decision on application of administrative handling measures during the time of waiting for implementation of the decision; having drug addiction; being suspended from implementing the decision on forcible sending to a reform school or a rehabilitation center;

- Has incurred administrative penalties which have not been expunged.


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