07:44 | 23/07/2024

One-time Support Levels for Officials and Public Employees, Contract Workers in the Healthcare Sector Under the Management of Hanoi City

Let me inquire about the one-time support for officials and public employees, contract workers in the healthcare sector at public agencies and units under the jurisdiction of Ha Noi city. - Question from Mr. Kha from Vinh Long

Who is eligible for a one-time support payment according to the regulations?

According to Clause 2, Article 1 of Resolution 19/2022/NQ-HDND on applicable subjects as follows:

Scope and applicable subjects


2. Applicable subjects

a) Officials, public employees, and contract workers who are working at the time the Resolution takes effect and have participated in social insurance; officials and public employees, contract workers who have worked and retired to receive social insurance benefits (from January 23, 2020, to the date the Resolution takes effect) at agencies and public service providers under the Hanoi Department of Health, Health Departments belonging to the People’s Committees of districts, towns under the city of Hanoi.

b) Public employees, contract workers with medical expertise who are working in the medical field at the time the Resolution takes effect and have participated in social insurance; public employees, contract workers with medical expertise who have worked in the medical field and retired to receive social insurance benefits (from January 23, 2020, to the date the Resolution takes effect) at the Center for Nurturing and Nursing No. II, the Center for Care and Treatment of Victims Exposed to Agent Orange/Dioxin in the city of Hanoi, social assistance facilities, drug rehabilitation centers under the Hanoi Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs.

Therefore, the above-regulated subjects are eligible for a one-time support payment.

One-time support for officials, public employees, and contract workers in the medical field under the city of Hanoi.

One-time support for officials, public employees, and contract workers in the medical field under the city of Hanoi (Image from the Internet).

What is the one-time support payment for officials, public employees, and contract workers in the medical field under the city of Hanoi?

Based on the provisions at Clause 1, Article 2 of Resolution 19/2022/NQ-HDND regarding one-time support and encouragement as follows:

Support, encouragement levels; support period and funding

1. One-time support, encouragement levels

a) Hospitals; District, town health centers; City Disease Control Center; Emergency Center 115 Hanoi; Drug, pharmaceutical, and food testing centers:

Persons directly involved in medical professions (clinical, sub-clinical, pharmaceuticals, technical, testing): Support level: 10,000,000 VND/person.

Persons not directly involved in medical professions (management, administration): Support level: 7,000,000 VND/person.

b) Medical examination centers, Forensic centers, Family planning counseling centers, Population - Family planning entities, Food safety management entities:

Persons directly involved in medical professions (clinical, sub-clinical, pharmaceuticals, technical, testing): Support level: 7,000,000 VND/person.

Persons not directly involved in medical professions (management, administration): Support level: 5,000,000 VND/person.

c) Office of the Department of Health

Departments: Medical Operations, Planning - Finance, Office of the Department of Health: Support level: 10,000,000 VND/person.

Departments: Pharmaceutical Operations, Personnel Organization, Private Medical and Pharmaceutical Practice Management, Inspectorate: Support level: 7,000,000 VND/person.

d) Health Departments under the People’s Committees of districts, towns: Support level: 7,000,000 VND/person.

e) Public employees, contract workers with medical expertise working at the Center for Nurturing and Nursing No. II, the Center for Care and Treatment of Victims Exposed to Agent Orange/Dioxin in the city of Hanoi, social assistance facilities, drug rehabilitation centers under the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs: Support level: 5,000,000 VND/person.

Thus, the one-time support payment for officials, public employees, and contract workers in the medical field at public agencies and units under the city of Hanoi is stipulated as above.

Simultaneously, at Clause 2, Article 2 of Resolution 19/2022/NQ-HDND on the implementation time for the one-time support as follows:

Support, encouragement levels; support period and funding


2. Implementation period: From the effective date of the Resolution.

Thus, the one-time support payment for officials, public employees, and contract workers in the medical field at public agencies under the city of Hanoi will be effective from September 22, 2022.

Implementation organization of the Resolution according to the regulations?

According to Article 3 of Resolution 19/2022/NQ-UBND on the organization of the implementation of the Resolution:

Organizing the implementation

1. Assign the City People’s Committee:

a) Implement the Resolution; direct extensive communication in the City about the policies specified in the Resolution; propagate, disseminate to inform laborers working in the medical field at public agencies under the city of Hanoi about the support policies, encouragement for officials, public employees, and contract workers in the medical field at public agencies under the city of Hanoi.

b) Direct agencies and units to promptly support and encourage officials, public employees, and contract workers in the medical field at public agencies under the city of Hanoi, ensuring openness, transparency, correct subjects, correct policies, and compliance.

2. Assign the Standing Committee of the People’s Council, Committees of the People’s Council, Delegation groups, and representatives of the City People’s Council to supervise the implementation of the Resolution.

3. Recommend the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the city of Hanoi and other political-social organizations to coordinate in communication and oversight of the implementation of the Resolution.

Thus, according to the regulations, the implementation of Resolution 19/2022/NQ-HDND is assigned to the People’s Committee of the city of Hanoi.


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