07:44 | 23/07/2024

Latest Template of the Authorization Letter for Personal Income Tax Finalization in 2022? Is it possible to authorize the finalization of personal income tax?

Hello Legal Library,I would like to request the latest template of the personal income tax finalization authorization letter. Is it possible to authorize someone for personal income tax finalization?Thank you!

Can an individual authorize an organization or another individual to handle tax finalization on their behalf?

According to Point d, Clause 1, Article 8 of Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC regulated as follows:

"Article 8. Types of taxes declared on a monthly, quarterly, yearly basis, declared for each tax obligation arising, and tax finalization declarations


6. Types of taxes, fees declared annually and finalized at the time of dissolution, bankruptcy, cessation of activity, contract termination, or business reorganization. In cases of conversion of business types (excluding state-owned enterprises converting to joint-stock companies) where the converting enterprise inherits all tax obligations, there is no need for tax finalization declaration at the time of conversion decision; the enterprise finalizes taxes at the end of the year. Specifically:


d) Personal income tax (PIT) for organizations and individuals paying taxable personal income from salaries and wages; individuals with income from salaries and wages authorizing tax finalization to the payer; individuals with income from salaries and wages directly finalizing taxes with the tax authorities. Specifically:

d.1) Organizations and individuals paying income from salaries and wages are responsible for declaring and finalizing taxes on behalf of all individuals who have authorized them, regardless of whether tax withholding occurred. If organizations or individuals do not incur income payments, they are not required to finalize PIT. If an individual is transferred from an old organization to a new organization due to merger, consolidation, division, separation, or change of business type, or if the old and new organizations are in the same system, the new organization is responsible for finalizing taxes on behalf of the individual for both the income paid by the old organization and for collecting the tax withholding certificates issued by the old organization (if any).

d.2) Resident individuals with income from salaries and wages authorize tax finalization to the payer of income. Specifically:

Individuals with income from salaries and wages who have signed labor contracts for 3 months or more at one place and are actually working there at the time the organization or individual payer finalizes taxes, even if they did not work for the full 12 months in the year. If an individual is transferred from an old organization to a new organization as stipulated in point d.1 of this clause, the individual can authorize tax finalization to the new organization.

Individuals with income from salaries and wages who have signed labor contracts for 3 months or more at one place and are actually working there at the time the organization or individual payer finalizes taxes, even if they did not work for the full 12 months in the year; simultaneously have average monthly sporadic income at other places in the year not exceeding 10 million VND and have had 10% PIT deducted if there is no request for tax finalization for this part of income..."

New model of personal income tax finalization authorization form for 2022? In which cases can personal income tax finalization be authorized?

The latest model of the personal income tax finalization authorization form for 2022? Can personal income tax finalization be authorized?

How is the personal income tax finalization authorization form regulated?

The authorization form according to Form 08/UQ-QTT-TNCN issued with Circular 80/2021/TT-BTC regulates the personal income tax finalization authorization form as follows:

Download the form: Here.

How to carry out the personal income tax finalization authorization procedure?

In the case of authorizing personal income tax finalization, the procedure is carried out as follows:

(1) The individual subject to tax downloads and completely fills out the Personal Income Tax Finalization Authorization Form.

- The finalization authorization form is as mentioned above.

(2) After completing all the necessary information, the individual should return the tax finalization authorization form to the organization or individual responsible for paying their income.

Above is the sample Personal Income Tax Finalization Authorization Form as per regulation for your reference.


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