Is there a special consideration for graduating from high school in 2022 for candidates who have a serious illness or an accident before taking the exam?

I am about to enter the high school graduation exam in 2022. Recently, due to too much exam preparation, my health is getting worse and worse. I am very confused because I am afraid that I will not be able to take the exam because of a serious illness. The advisory board asked me if I am seriously ill, can I have special consideration for graduation? Thank you!

Under what circumstances will candidates be given special permission to graduate from high school?

Pursuant to Article 37 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDĐT stipulating the special conditions for graduating from high school as follows:

- Learners who fall into the subjects specified in Article 12 of this Regulation, if eligible to take the exam, will be considered for special consideration for graduating from high school in the event of an accident, illness or special unexpected event no later than 10 days before the exam date. on or on the very first day of the test, unable to take the exam.

+ Conditions: Grade 12 academic performance and conduct for the whole year in grade 12 are from good or higher;

+ Dossiers include: Hospital admission and discharge records issued by hospitals of district level or higher (if there is an accident or illness) or certified by the commune-level People's Committee of the place of residence (if there is a special emergency); Minutes of request for special consideration for high school graduation in Vietnam of the high school where the registrant is registered and documents proving the academic and behavioral classification in grade 12.

- Learners who fall into the subjects specified in Article 12 of this Regulation, if they are eligible to take the exam, will be considered for special consideration for graduating from high school in the event of an accident, illness or a special emergency after taking the exam at least. one test and is unable to continue taking the test or, after an accident, illness, or special emergency, voluntarily takes the remainder of the exam.

+ Conditions: The scores of the exams taken to consider high school graduation in Vietnam are at least 5.0 (five) points; classified in grade 12 with average academic ability or higher, conduct from good or higher;

+ Dossier includes: Application for special consideration of candidates; hospital admission and discharge records of the hospital at the district level or higher (if there is an accident or illness) or the certification of the commune-level People's Committee of the place of residence (if there is a special emergency) and documents proving the classification. type of academic performance and conduct in grade 12.

- The subjects are athletes who are eligible for special consideration for graduating from high school according to the provisions of Article 5 of Decree No. 36/2019/ND-CP dated April 29, 2019 of the Government.

- Procedure:

+ No later than 07 days after the final exam of the exam, the candidate must submit the special application to the Head of the unit where the candidate registered. The head of the unit where the candidate is registered is responsible for receiving and transferring the exceptional dossier to the Department of Education and Training;

+ The Council for the consideration and recognition of high school graduation in Vietnam considers and decides on special privileges for candidates based on the dossiers and provisions in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article.

Thus, students who fall into the subjects specified in Article 12 of this Regulation, if they are eligible to take the exam, will be considered for special consideration for graduating from high school in the event of an accident, illness or special unexpected event after taking the exam. At least one exam and unable to continue to take the exam or after an accident, illness or special unexpected event, voluntarily taking the rest of the exams will be considered for high school graduation in Vietnam.

Bị bệnh nặng hoặc tai nạn trước khi dự thi xét tốt nhiệp Trung học phổ thông thì có được đặc cách tốt nghiệp không?

Is there a special consideration for graduating from high school in 2022 for candidates who have a serious illness or an accident before taking the exam?

In case candidates are exempted from taking foreign language exams in the high school graduation in Vietnam exam?

According to Article 35 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDĐT, stipulating the exemption from foreign language tests in the consideration of high school graduation in Vietnam as follows:

- Eligible subjects:

+ Being a member of the national team participating in the International Olympic Games in Foreign Languages ​​under the Decision of the Minister of Education and Training;

+ Having one of the certificates specified in the guidelines for organizing the annual high school graduation exam in Vietnam of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Candidates who are exempted from the foreign language test are counted 10 points for this test to consider and recognize high school graduation.

- Candidates who do not register to use the right to be exempted from the foreign language test must take the exam and be considered for recognition of high school graduation as candidates who are not exempted from the exam.

Thus, the subjects who are exempted from the foreign language exam when taking the high school graduation exam in Vietnam are members of the team participating in the International Olympic Games in Foreign Languages, possessing one of the certificates specified in the guidelines for organizing the good exam. annual high school diploma of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Is it possible to waive all exams in the high school graduation in Vietnam exam?

According to Article 36 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDĐT stipulating the exemption from all exams of the high school graduation in Vietnam exam as follows:

The person who is summoned to participate in the national team selection exam for the International Olympic Games or the Regional Olympic Games in cultural subjects is exempt from all exams of the high school graduation exam if he/she meets the following conditions:

+ Convened in the second semester of grade 12;

+ Grade all year 12 with good conduct and good academic performance;

+ Being on the list of exempted exams of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Persons on the team participating in international or regional Olympic competitions in science, technology, culture and arts are exempt from all exams of the high school graduation exam in Vietnam if they meet the following conditions:

+ Convened in the second semester of grade 12;

+ Grade all 12th graders with average or above average in conduct and academic performance;

+ Have your name in the written request for exemption from the exam and confirm your participation in training and exams in accordance with the regulations of the selection agency and sent to the Department of Education and Training before the date of the high school graduation exam in Vietnam.

- Persons with extremely severe disabilities and people with severe disabilities as prescribed in Clauses 1 and 2, Article 3 of Decree No. 28/2012/ND-CP dated April 10, 2012 of the Government; resistance activists infected with toxic chemicals have their working capacity reduced by 61% or more; The biological children of resistance activists infected with toxic chemicals, themselves suffering from a working capacity decrease of 61% or more, must satisfy the following conditions:

+ For people with disabilities who follow the general education program: Finish the high school program; fully satisfy the conditions for taking the exam as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 12 of this Regulation; have a certificate of disability issued by a competent authority;

+ For people with disabilities who do not meet the general education program: Receive confirmation from the principal of the high school where they are registered to study the results of the implementation of the individual education plan each year at the high school level; have a certificate of disability issued by a competent authority;

+ For resistance activists and children of resistance activists infected with toxic chemicals: Finish high school; fully satisfy the conditions for taking the exam as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 12 of this Regulation; having a certificate of being contaminated with toxic chemicals and having a working capacity decrease of 61% or more, issued by a competent authority.

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