Guidelines for the implementation of projects and plans on classification, collection, storage and transportation of domestic waste in new rural construction in Vietnam in the 2021-2025 period?

Hi Lawnet, I would like to ask you the following question: The construction of a new countryside must go hand in hand with protecting the environment. So how is the implementation of waste classification, collection and transportation guided?

Must forecast the volume and composition of domestic solid waste generated in the new rural construction in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 2.1, Section 2 of the Appendix issued together with Official Letter 3659/BTNMT-TCMT in 2022, guiding a number of components of the National Target Program on building new rural areas in the 2021-2025 period as follows:

- Develop and approve the Scheme/Plan for solid waste classification, collection and transportation in the district, including the following activities:

+ Investigate, make statistics and evaluate the current situation of generation, the actual situation of the performance of waste collection, transportation, treatment and management in the locality;

+ Forecasting the volume and composition of daily-life solid waste generated and proposing appropriate technical plans to classify, collect, store, transport, recycle, reuse and treat domestic waste ;

+ Develop a plan for the classification, collection and treatment of domestic waste (including activities that need to be allocated funds, work items to be invested in; equipment, chemicals, and human resources). necessary to perform);

+ Determine the implementation roadmap, assign responsibilities; approval for implementation. Focus on defining roles and responsibilities to mobilize the participation of businesses, cooperatives, mass organizations and people in environmental sanitation, classification, collection and treatment of waste. countryside.

Accordingly, the development and approval of schemes and plans on classification, collection and transportation of solid waste in the district are carried out according to the above-mentioned guidelines. In particular, the development of the project must forecast the volume and composition of domestic solid waste generated and propose a plan for classification, collection, transportation, etc.

Guidelines for the implementation of projects and plans on classification, collection, storage and transportation of domestic waste in new rural construction in Vietnam in the 2021-2025 period?

Guidelines for the implementation of projects and plans on classification, collection, storage and transportation of domestic waste in new rural construction in Vietnam in the 2021-2025 period?

Investing in garbage storage facilities in public areas must be aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly?

Pursuant to subsection 2.2, Section 2 of the Appendix issued together with Official Letter 3659/BTNMT-TCMT in 2022, guiding a number of components of the National Target Program on building new rural areas in the 2021-2025 period as follows:

- Implement the scheme/plan on classification, collection and transportation of solid waste in the district:

+ Develop detailed regulations on household and individual waste management; stipulate specific prices for collection, transportation and treatment services; stipulate the form and level of payment for waste collection, transportation and treatment in accordance with the provisions of law and actual local conditions.

+ Invest in work items to carry out the classification, collection and transportation of waste, including infrastructure of appropriate daily-life solid waste collection points and transfer stations; invest in waste storage facilities and equipment in public areas to ensure convenience, environmental friendliness and beauty;

+ Develop regulations, regulations and assign responsibility for organizing a thorough and effective collection network; forming and perfecting collection methods suitable to the characteristics of each locality;

+ Build models and deploy to replicate activities of classification, salvage, recycling and reuse of waste at the source (according to levels from households, residential clusters, communes, districts...);

+ Invest in building models/disposal sites for domestic waste at district or inter-district scale, applying appropriate technology, meeting environmental technical regulations in each province and centrally run city;

+ Apply or develop mechanisms and policies to encourage and mobilize all capital sources of the community and society in solid waste management; implement investment incentives to promote privatization in solid waste management at the stages of collection, transportation and treatment; the community is the subject of solid waste management; enterprises (organizations) involved in solid waste management perform their tasks with a high sense of responsibility towards the community, subject to community supervision and State inspection;

+ Organize and allocate funds for regular maintenance of propaganda and public awareness raising activities in environmental protection by performing the task of classifying domestic solid waste at source; organize community activities to participate in environmental sanitation.

Accordingly, the implementation of projects and plans on classification, collection and transportation of solid waste in the district in the new rural construction in Vietnam period 2021-2025 is carried out according to the above guidance.

Which areas often concentrate many waste sources and cause serious environmental pollution in the construction of new rural areas?

Pursuant to subsection 3.1, Section 3 of the Appendix issued together with Official Letter 3659/BTNMT-TCMT in 2022, guiding a number of components of the National Target Program on building new rural areas in the 2021-2025 period as follows:

- Areas where many waste sources are concentrated include: concentrated production, business and service areas, industrial clusters, craft villages, concentrated livestock and aquaculture areas.

- The surface water environment area is no longer able to bear the load, contaminated surface water needs to be treated, restored and improved in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1, Article 8 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 and Decree No. Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP.

- Areas of land environment pollution are assessed and determined according to the provisions of Article 16 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 and the provisions of Articles 12 and 13 of Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP.

Accordingly, areas such as concentrated production, business and service areas, industrial clusters, craft villages, concentrated livestock and aquaculture areas are places where many waste sources are concentrated when building new rural areas.

What measures are used to control the area of ​​environmental pollution when building a new countryside?

Pursuant to subsection 3.2, Section 3 of the Appendix issued together with Official Letter 3659/BTNMT-TCMT in 2022, guiding a number of components of the National Target Program on building new rural areas in the 2021-2025 period as follows:

- Investigate, evaluate, classify areas of environmental pollution, determine the causes, scope and extent of pollution, treat, improve and restore the environment.

- Implement measures to control polluted areas, including zoning, warning, not allowing or restricting activities to minimize impacts on human health.

- Making and implementing plans for environmental treatment, improvement and restoration; prioritize the treatment of areas with serious pollution, especially serious pollution.

- Organize the monitoring and monitoring of environmental quality after environmental treatment, improvement and restoration.

Accordingly, measures to control environmental pollution areas when building new rural areas are implemented such as zoning, warning, not allowing or restricting activities to minimize impacts on human health.

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